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Marvel's The Avengers (reviews/discussion)

I guess he would just scissor his Ken doll nubbins into her.

This post has me curious what kind of wang Ultron commanded Cho to give him.
thought about the movie over the weekend and after reading a few reviews i thought it was a good movie. some issues here and there but an impressive balancing act that was pretty successful.

i thought that the characters that have had solo movies were "held back" a little because their characters have been fleshed out over multiple appearances and i thought it worked. it allowed bruce banner and black widow to explore some of their shared background of... sadness?? allowing their characters to connect over their lack of connection to other people (other than hawkeye and widow which shared some events in the past saving each other etc). i have seen some reviews that thought it was a bad plot point but i'll stereotype those reviewers for their complaint. nice to see hawkeye get something to do as well. a nice treat (maybe a little long in favor of something else but hard to fault it).

thought the twins had some nice moments to develop their characters and both worked for me. disappointed in quicksilver's death but i also like it when there are real weight to the consequences. i was not expecting it but i was spoiled about it on accident in a comment section by an asshole prior to the movie coming out in the us. i thought they sort of glossed over the twins origin story with a small lack of depth. a previous teaser showed them being experiments and it was mentioned. but i think they did not go deeper into that because "mutants." it felt a little like "don't sue us they were an experiment. they are definitely not -wink wink- mutants." might be reading a little into it but it did not hamper their character or the movies and i think on some level marvel was ok allowing most people to "suspend disbelief" about the NOT being mutants. not that it really matters.

read one review where a guy said it was dumb that vision and ultron were made from the same mind crystal and they were very different. seems he completely missed the part that their "life" was given by the crystal but their "operating system - mind - programing" came from two separate entities. jarvis and tony stark's darker side. thought it worked but a "pro reviewer" missed that?

over all it was very good. i would say that in comparison to the first one it was not "new and exciting" but that is to be expected. looking forward to how this affects AoS and the coming movies.
Overall good movie, although they sort of suffered from trying to stuff 10lbs of shit in a 5lb bag.

Biggest gripes were:

(i) the whole Thor in the fountain side story, it didn't really make sense, especially when they tried to tie him back to the vision. They never explained what that fountain was, or where it was, or why or whatever.

(ii) The Vision was a little silly. Like he comes out red, and then he's like Im naked, I'll put some green on, and then he sprouts a cape for no reason. Corny. Also, I sort of wish that he was just Jarvis. They didn't really do a great job of explaining that he was the mind gem, or that he was really aware that he was the mind gem.

One of the things that I really liked about it, especially in the post DC movie world, is that the Avengers were really all about saving people. They go out of their way to show them saving people first and fighting the battle second, or trying to get the people out of the way before they fight the baddie. This is what Superman completely missed. Dude is an alien that people dont understand, and he seemingly doesnt GAF about all the skyscrapers crashing down around him while he carries out his private alien beef. That is totally antithetical to Superman, and I am sure we are in for more when Supe and Batty destroy another whole city bc of some private grudge. Anyway, glad that Marvel at least pays attention to the hero part of super hero. Like they are here to save people. (nevermind in this movie they are saving people from their own creations).
Completely agree with the last paragraph. I don't think the Man of Steel folks understand that criticism. It's not just about snapping Zod's neck or that Metropolis was destroyed. We'll see how they respond in BvS.
Overall good movie, although they sort of suffered from trying to stuff 10lbs of shit in a 5lb bag.

Biggest gripes were:

(i) the whole Thor in the fountain side story, it didn't really make sense, especially when they tried to tie him back to the vision. They never explained what that fountain was, or where it was, or why or whatever.

(ii) The Vision was a little silly. Like he comes out red, and then he's like Im naked, I'll put some green on, and then he sprouts a cape for no reason. Corny. Also, I sort of wish that he was just Jarvis. They didn't really do a great job of explaining that he was the mind gem, or that he was really aware that he was the mind gem.

One of the things that I really liked about it, especially in the post DC movie world, is that the Avengers were really all about saving people. They go out of their way to show them saving people first and fighting the battle second, or trying to get the people out of the way before they fight the baddie. This is what Superman completely missed. Dude is an alien that people dont understand, and he seemingly doesnt GAF about all the skyscrapers crashing down around him while he carries out his private alien beef. That is totally antithetical to Superman, and I am sure we are in for more when Supe and Batty destroy another whole city bc of some private grudge. Anyway, glad that Marvel at least pays attention to the hero part of super hero. Like they are here to save people. (nevermind in this movie they are saving people from their own creations).

This guy does a good break down, I think. Helped me understand some more things since I haven't seen all the movies and do not/have not read the comics.

TAB is right about the magic cave pool scene, it was completely superfluous.
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