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Official Hoops Coaching Search Thread - Welcome Danny Manning!!!

This tight pussy lipped mentality by the Ad can only mean they are sucking it up and delaying a horrible press conference and the embarrassing repercussions that an already rabbit fan base will have as a result. Every minute we wait just fuels Wellman's sputtering ego with power over his enemies that are wake fans. He is loving this and knows his honeymoon is almost over.
Official Hoops Coaching Search Thread - Embrace The Suck

I just re-read the ESPN Manning piece. I think we are getting up in arms way too soon about this (myself included). "It's unclear if manning sits on Welmans wish list" but "one person" says he has a "shot"????? That sounds like some real flimsy shit right there.
Loved Manning as a player and believe that he could be a great HC in the future. That aside, he won't be here unless Shelly whiffed on a lot of guys. Outside of the HR hires, I really think this focuses on one ability: rebuilding. If you can do it, you're in the conversation. Manning really hasn't proven he can, but neither have Miller or other guys that we discuss here outside of Howland. There doesn't seem to be a lot of program-builders out there, but it's not my job to find them so I don't really know. Nonetheless, If he is trying to "win the press-conference" with Manning, I think he could for many. For us, no.

Somewhere I swear I read (or saw at the PC) that he said hunches and gut-feelings were out of consideration for the next hire. If Manning is the guy, it's a pretty big hunch/gut-feeling. As a result, there's very little chance Manning is the guy in my mind.
Ollie was a 8th player off the bench journey man....Billy D in his prime vs Ollie in his prime!?!? so your reasoning would make Kwame Brown a better player?!? GTFO

Every NBA coach thought Ollie was better than Donovan. I know college and NBA aren't the same thing, but if you're saying who's better, you gotta go with the guy who stuck in the league rather than the guy who sat at the end of the bench for two years.
Just to add to this Odom was a last second hire. Williams was a swing and a miss. Then the team was informed that Gene Bartow had accepted the position.at that time he was a name. Then when the team gathered to meet their new coach, Dave Odom was introduced. The team was never informed that Bartow backed out, and Odom just appeared. I heard this straight a former players mouth.

Gary Williams was not on our list when we hired Odom. He was a "swing and a miss" before we hired Staak; stayed at BC one more year, then to Ohio St for 3 and was hired at Maryland the same year Odom came to Wake.
I just re-read the ESPN Manning piece. I think we are getting up in arms way too soon about this (myself included). "It's unclear if manning sits on Welmans wish list" but "one person" says he has a "shot"????? That sounds like some real flimsy shit right there.

No you must freak out about it. It is written.
Are you suggesting him as the next Wake coach or as a great player who coached in the Final Four? Because none of those three things make any sense.

I was thinking he had a final four appearance but to save face., I will pretend I meant NIT fianl four appearances counted.
You have to wonder if Wellman can get an honest reference on Manning out of Bill Self. If Self says that Manning was basically running the team for three years, from recruiting to game prep to running practice, before he left and things have gone to shit since, you might have your man. If Self's being honest.
I truly don't understand what Ron has been doing for the last 10 days. Even if we were "waiting on Shaka", outside of Miller everybody has been out of the tournament for plenty of time. Hell, USF has essentially hired 3 different people in a week. These deals can't be that complicated--its not like we are negotiating terms with Iran over nuclear reactors. Someone is either interested or not and they then weigh that offer against their current gig. We must be marching methodically lower and lower on our list....

If it turns out to be Manning - this is what happened. Manning would have accepted the day Buzz was let go.
"Wake Forest has significant interest in Danny Manning" is scrolling the ESPN ticker
Well,USF did hire someone they had to fire in less than 2 hours. So perhaps there is something to all this diligence and interviewing stuff. Has Marquette hired anyone yet? Weren't they rejected by Shaka Smart on Tuesday?

USF could have waited 24 hours to announce the deal, but at least they got the deal done quick and moved on--its not like their reputation took a hit. Marquette had their coach plucked out from them with no president and AD, whereas we knew weeks ago we would be looking for a coach--not really comparable.

At the end of the day, nobody will remember how slick your coaching search went, just whether you ended up with a great hire--so, certainly the game isn't over, but all we have to go on is that Amaker turned us down and we are looking at Manning. Perhaps this has been over for a long time and we are simply waiting for a specific date given buyouts etc, but I'm losing faith.
If you are going to hire someone that is way down on your list for public relation reasons you should let big name hires that you tried to get leak and let your fan base know that they rejected you not for any fault in at least trying. Let Shaka, Marshall, Howland, and anyone else considered a great hire publicly say no. If that doesn't happen we just speculate that you never made a serious effort at any of them and we are left assuming that a Manning or Turner really was a plan B, hell plan A for all we know with bike incident ron running the ship.
"Wake Forest has significant interest in Danny Manning" is scrolling the ESPN ticker

ESPN doesn't just throw up stupid LOWF news unless they have a somewhat reliable source and it has a chance. The Shaka offer wasn't even on their radar and we all thought it was 60/40
ESPN doesn't just throw up stupid LOWF news unless they have a somewhat reliable source and it has a chance. The Shaka offer wasn't even on their radar and we all thought it was 60/40

They're just parroting their own report from earlier today. They didn't put the Mack story on the crawl because he's not as big of a name.