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Officially Unofficial Syracuse Game Thread

4th straight below average coach.

FIFTH straight below average coach!


Tacy, Odom AND Prosser were all clearly above average coaches.

It was not until Dino that we could consider our coach to be average to below average (the Ish/Teague/JJ/Aminu/Woods/Weaver/LD team just needed someone not named Chas at center - bad decision making).

Manning - the jury is obviously still out. I saw some things earlier this year that give me hope, no question.

Alzheimer's has a way of altering the memory. People seem to have forgotten the Joel had become a morgue prior to Prosser taking over. Odom's 4 year run after Duncan graduated, culminated by the "Butler debacle before anyone had heard of Butler" was well below average. Remember, Butler was far worse than Syracuse earlier today - the "world" was watching.

I believe with the Aminu/Ish/JJ/Teague crew, Prosser would have had us squarely in the top 15 and likely beats Cleveland State or whomever. Can't argue his lack of postseason success, but clearly not a below average coach, especially when you see how competitive his teams were at Xavier (not great, but certainly above "average").

In reality, Tacy may very well have been the best of the bunch, especially when you consider the lack of a facility etc.
Cleveland State remains the worst loss in program history, with the 2001 Butler debacle a distant second. That CSU team was not good, had double digit losses that year, was not well coached, and was massively overmatched against us on paper. Of course, we found a way to get our asses kicked as only a WF team can.

I like Manning and really want him to do well, but even if today was a total aberration I think we're at a point where we can reasonably evaluate his ability to return Wake to contention for ACC titles, and the results aren't promising. As someone on TOB aptly put it, the canary in the coal mine went toes up today.
What a sniveling bunch of gutless crybabies.

Yes, we lost a basketball game this afternoon. We were handed an old-fashioned beat down by a hall-of-fame coach and a top-level program that regularly competes for – and has won – the national championship.

A week ago, most of you whiny little bitches were full of praise for our coaches and our team. Now, after a couple of tough losses, you’re all crying your eyes out and wailing that the season is over.

Quit if you want to. Quit on our team, and quit on our coaches. Quit on the University we hold dear and quit on the alumni and fans who have been steadfast through darker days than these.

Our team and our coaches don’t have the option of quitting. They’ll be at practice on Monday working hard to improve and preparing for the remainder of the season. On Wednesday night, they’ll put on the Old Gold and Black and try their best to make us proud. And I’ll be there to support them.

And when we beat Carolina on Wednesday night -- that’s right, when we win --don’t come crawling back here looking to join in our victory celebration. Please just stay away.

Go to Hell Carolina! Go to Hell!
Carl Tacy wasn't fired. That misstatement has been corrected on these boards at least 7 or 8 times. And I thought you've followed WF basketball for a long time. You should already know that.

And it's 30+ years now. Carl resigned on July 15, 1985. But that has nothing to do with being contented. Actually, not giving a shit about WF basketball can only improve the contentment in one's life. You should try it sometime. I didn't feel any stress at all after that shit-show this afternoon. As a matter of fact, it was rather comical, because I knew that the usual suspects on the boards were going to go ballistic again. The only difference in this game was that they got beat so badly that no remotely sane person could whine & bitch about the officials (though numbers made a feeble effort to do so once or twice).....and that is an extreme rarity with WF fans on this board.

Carl Tacy resigned sort of like Richard Nixon decided he was bored with being President. A Deacon Club officer was even circulating a fire Tacy petition at the ACC tournament. Not one of Wake's finer moments.
Carl Tacy resigned sort of like Richard Nixon decided he was bored with being President. A Deacon Club officer was even circulating a fire Tacy petition at the ACC tournament. Not one of Wake's finer moments.


I asked Carl why he resigned.....face to face. This is all he would say: "When the battles you are fighting on the inside become bigger than the battles you are fighting on the outside, it's time to move on."

I took that to mean that he did not feel that he was getting the support or respect from the University that he felt he had earned and deserved.
What a sniveling bunch of gutless crybabies.

Yes, we lost a basketball game this afternoon. We were handed an old-fashioned beat down by a hall-of-fame coach and a top-level program that regularly competes for – and has won – the national championship.

A week ago, most of you whiny little bitches were full of praise for our coaches and our team. Now, after a couple of tough losses, you’re all crying your eyes out and wailing that the season is over.

Quit if you want to. Quit on our team, and quit on our coaches. Quit on the University we hold dear and quit on the alumni and fans who have been steadfast through darker days than these.

Our team and our coaches don’t have the option of quitting. They’ll be at practice on Monday working hard to improve and preparing for the remainder of the season. On Wednesday night, they’ll put on the Old Gold and Black and try their best to make us proud. And I’ll be there to support them.

And when we beat Carolina on Wednesday night -- that’s right, when we win --don’t come crawling back here looking to join in our victory celebration. Please just stay away.

Go to Hell Carolina! Go to Hell!

Ha I love this post. This game made no sense, so we might as well beat Carolina. I did think it was funny that as we were getting destroyed by Syracuse, Dicky V was going on a rant about Wake and Danny Manning and the return of Wake Forest in whatever game he was covering (UNC I think).

It'd be nice to catch an ACC team on a shitty night for them at least.... At some point....
Moore postgame quote:

“We just attacked the basket every single time we got the basketball. I think that’s why we lost today, because it was only us. The guards needed to attack the basket too. We kind of shot ourselves out of the game.”
Wake is like a top 15 team in their own minds that just beats themselves sometimes when they actually have to play the games.
Moore postgame quote:

“We just attacked the basket every single time we got the basketball. I think that’s why we lost today, because it was only us. The guards needed to attack the basket too. We kind of shot ourselves out of the game.”
yeah, something about defense too, homie
yeah, something about defense too, homie

Yes it is funny how that defense thing gets in the way with winning games. With the way Devin guards the post and all I am surprised everybody we play does not come right down and get dunk after dunk after dunk against us. At least somebody step in there and take a charge or knock the crap out of somebody instead of letting them dunk the ball on you!
Sad thing is Manning is probably the best coach we could get at the time with how our fans treated our previous coach.

Lol. Yeah blame the fans rather than that retard Buzz or the AD that hired that retard Buzz. As others stated, Buzz would've been lynched at other schools and certainly fired sooner. Oh but we awful fans pitched in some $ for billboards and some newspaper ads. What awful fans we are.
Also, pretty interesting that they contested every shot at the rim. Block or foul, they did not care, they were going to take their chances with us on the line. There is a reason we got so many free throws. They also were very aggressive on the offensive glass because the reward was greater than the penalty. I do think this one the coaches game planned poorly. I think we underestimated Cooney. He is one of those guys you can never leave and you have to make him beat you making difficult 2s. We started with Mitch on him. It may be a good match based on athleticism but Mitch is our least capable guard from a defensive point of view. Mitch is programmed to avoid getting beat on the drive and to avoid the foul. Sticking with a shooter is not his strength. Cooney already has 9 or 11 points before we switched and even after the switch we were still not denying him the ball. I think we thought we could guard him straight up and not give him any special attention. Turned out not to be the case. Kind of like the decision to let Leday have the 3 pt shot in the VPI game.
Hard to believe that we laid such an egg at home- with Syr going to dook tonight thought we had them in a trap game.

Not so much.... :mad:
On a side note Virginia Tech is now 4-1 in the ACC two years after hiring a new coach. Wake is crashing to a 1-8 start-why is that?

because buzz williams is a better coach than danny manning. that was obvious when both were hired.

were you serious with that question?