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PC proliferation on college campuses (formerly UNC students...)

Ph, there have been some issues with inconsistent policing of parties on campus. Especially with regards to "off campus guests". There are also some concerns similar to "stop and frisk" profiling with the same roots. The school has been making an effort to at least engage in communication about this problem.


Then that's what the demands should say. Hell, we had the same problem with "Gym Jams" back in the day.
With respect to the motto, I've always looked at is who we want to be more than who we are. I think great efforts have been made by folks affiliated with Wake Forest in this pursuit, and we should expect to be held accountable to it as a creed. Getting rid of it because we fall short of it is not a productive endeavor. Otherwise, I agree with your analysis.
Then that's what the demands should say. Hell, we had the same problem with "Gym Jams" back in the day.

I agree. It seems like the movement around this issue last year was pretty well organized, disciplined, and somewhat effective (at least in bringing folks to the table).
This is from a HS friend and UNC alum about the UNC group demands.

I've been hearing the same sentiment from a lot of black UNC alumni. I actually think some of the demands are reasonable, but get overshadowed by the "lofty" ones. When we marched in the 90's, we had staff and faculty advising us. I wonder who the grown folks were in the room when they put this list together.
We want a new space for black organizing efforts and the choice for minority students to live with other minorities during their first year

Great! Here is your new housing! BTW you guys have your own special water fountains and bathrooms now too!!

Is this real?

Thus we present to you the newly formed Students for Liberation, our Ministry, our demands, and our rules:

The Students for Liberation 10-Point Program

= We want the freedom to determine the destiny of the black community - vague at best, not relevant to WFU
= We want full employment for the black community of Winston-Salem - impossible for WFU to accomplish; should go for improved minority staff hiring at WFU instead
= We want Wake Forest University to end its business relationship with Aramark - the best one
= We want Wake Forest University to put an end to the TPU (Tuition Payer Unit) system in favor of the needs-blind system - not familiar with it
= We want a new space for black organizing efforts and the choice for minority students to live with other minorities during their first year - really bad and segregationist
= We want the creation of Black Studies at Wake Forest - WFU is probably too small to warrant having an AfAm Studies department. They should ask for an interdisciplinary certificate program build from coursework across departments.
= We want an end to police brutality, racial profiling, and a reversal of the new camera system on campus - Has there been a police brutality incident on campus recently? Not familiar with the camera system.
= We want to establish a black judiciary committee and a minority political caucus - wholly unnecessary. Just work for better representation in existing bodies if it is a problem.
= We want the end of the Wake Forest motto “Pro Humanitate” unless this University can truly live up to this ideal - Can't disagree with that. Just change the motto to "Pro $$$$."
= We want to establish coalitional measures with other social activism groups on campus and Winston-Salem. This includes building health, food, and educational programs for black youth. - Vague but probably a good thing to do. Build partnerships with community groups, maybe student groups at WSSU then go to WFU for help with funding.

Read as aspirational statements (which is really what they are) instead of "demands", these seem a lot less crazy.
Also for those worried about the "ambiguity" (you meant vagueness) of the demands, the groups Facebook page offers more specifics:

The following are our demands on the administration of Wake Forest:

Campaign Demands
-Denounce the civility campaign as a counter-productive framing grounded in a history of oppression. Future publications of emails and any other public relations material should refrain from discourses associated with civility.

Accountability/Transparency Demands
-Creation of a Student Oversight Board that has an active role in producing and collaborating on policy reforms and programming concerning power, privilege, and oppression. The board should include a faculty advisor whose scholarship is primarily focused on issues of power, privilege, and oppression.
-Minutes taken on committee and task force meetings concerning policy reform related to issues of power, privilege, and oppression. (For example, minutes publicly released on the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force that was created earlier this semester)
-The Bias Incident Report System should be reformed to include a Student Oversight Board responsible for arriving at an appropriate resolution for administrators or other relevant parties to act on.
-The Bias Incident Report System should be made transparent with complaints of bias featured anonymously on the Bias Incident Report System homepage.

Faculty Demands
-Creation of protocol for selection committees made up of department staff and a professor whose scholarship focuses on the politics of identity and social justice. These committees must undergo training that focuses on power, privilege, and implicit bias in employment discrimination.
-Creating the position of a Diversity Search Advisor/ Committee who specializes in recruiting and retaining diverse faculty. This occupation would mandate pro-active recruiting including but not limited to reaching out to the latest PhD programs in order to network and begin a pipeline of diverse faculty,
-Studies will be conducted every 2 years in order to gauge both faculty and student acclimation to reforms.
-Creation of a Faculty Mentor program for diverse staff support.

Police Demands
-An immediate release of the raw data collected by Developmental Associates to be tabulated by students and faculty.
-Fully funding unconscious bias training for the Wake Forest University Police Department. The process of choosing and/ or creating an unconscious bias training should have student veto.
-Mandating Wake Forest University Police Department body cameras be recording during all officer-student interactions by January 13th, 2016.
-Students, Staff, Faculty, Administrators, and Community Members who are recorded by Wake Forest University Police Department body cameras should have the right to access copies of any recordings taken during any interactions recorded by WFUPD body cameras.
-The creation of a third-party police monitor for accountability, transparency, and oversight of the Wake Forest University Police Department. Students should have an active role in hiring the third-party police monitor, including but not limited to veto power over decisions made by administrators during the hiring process. The police monitor should have an extensive background scholarly or otherwise that deals with questions of power, privilege, and oppression especially as they deal with policing and racial justice in the United States.
-The third-party monitor should be tasked with creating a University Police Oversight Board comprised of students and faculty with a background in racial, gender, and class based discrimination in law enforcement.
-The oversight board should conduct random audits and reviews of police tape recorded by Wake Forest University Police Department Body Cameras.
-The University Police Oversight Board should be granted authority to issue demands on the Wake Forest Police Department to make changes to personnel, training, or programming.

Student demands
-Instate affirmative action for minority students from low socioeconomic statuses instead of TPUs
-Maximum of 50% of student body being TPUs by 2025
-Maximum of 30% of student body being TPUs by 2035
-Creation of an NPHC lounge space for more equity amongst Greek Life.
-Financial support for NPHC organizations including but not limited to the subsidization of events, dues, and other necessary costs that make NPHC organization financially inaccessible, also for more equity.
-Hire a new associate director of student engagement that has experience with NPHC, and preferably is a member of the NPHC
I think these movements are suffering from the same problems that plagued Occupy Wall Street. While most things on the demand lists have good intentions they begin to water down any ability to get changes to occur. You have one person who thinks we should eliminate Aramark because of its continued ties with the industrial prison complex, we have another that thinks that we need to give more space on campus to black organizations, another wants more accountability to police. Some of these ideas can be grouped together like Aramark, police brutality, campus party profiling, etc... They then get all muddled and jumbled about because you add in other ideas that don't fit that theme or are just way too extreme. Like both the UNC list and Wake list include outright racist things themselves, that black people are the only ones that get to pick their roommates so they can be with other blacks (not sure how that fosters an inclusive environment) and that only minorities can be in charge of minority teaching departments. Even if the ideas aren't crazy, they just dilute into a stream of conscience pile of garbage. Start with a problem, bring attention to the problem, work to fix said problem, move on to the next problem. Instead its start with 100 problems, yell and scream about all the problems, nothing gets done and nothing is solved.
Ph, there have been some issues with inconsistent policing of parties on campus. Especially with regards to "off campus guests". There are also some concerns similar to "stop and frisk" profiling with the same roots. The school has been making an effort to at least engage in communication about this problem.


If you consider the manner in which the parties you attend are "policed" a social injustice, somebody's responsible for showing you a village full of children in India drinking out of an open sewer next to a bathing yak, right?

It's a cold world out there kids. Stay on campus as long as you can.
I think these movements are suffering from the same problems that plagued Occupy Wall Street. While most things on the demand lists have good intentions they begin to water down any ability to get changes to occur. You have one person who thinks we should eliminate Aramark because of its continued ties with the industrial prison complex, we have another that thinks that we need to give more space on campus to black organizations, another wants more accountability to police. Some of these ideas can be grouped together like Aramark, police brutality, campus party profiling, etc... They then get all muddled and jumbled about because you add in other ideas that don't fit that theme or are just way too extreme. Like both the UNC list and Wake list include outright racist things themselves, that black people are the only ones that get to pick their roommates so they can be with other blacks (not sure how that fosters an inclusive environment) and that only minorities can be in charge of minority teaching departments. Even if the ideas aren't crazy, they just dilute into a stream of conscience pile of garbage. Start with a problem, bring attention to the problem, work to fix said problem, move on to the next problem. Instead its start with 100 problems, yell and scream about all the problems, nothing gets done and nothing is solved.

If there's one thing UNC is overdue for, it's a little more slack in the oversight of its minority teaching departments.
Explain the black judiciary committee demand a little because on the face of it that sounds pro-segregation in the same vein as their housing demand to me.
The other thing that can't happen is there needs to be a change in the system before there can be a change in the racial makeup of professors. Ph probably has more data but I am under the impression that PhD degrees awarded to African Americans are extremely low, and those that are awarded are something like 60% in education. Using those numbers then is there really a bias against minority faculty when there aren't enough minority faculty to go around to meet these demands. Like take the mathematics department, in the one study I saw in one year a total of 16 African Americans earned doctorates in mathematics. Now assuming 100% of those graduates go into teaching, there are approximately 2,500 four year universities and colleges in the US, leaving 156 years until each one of those mathematics departments finally gets an African American professor.
If you consider the manner in which the parties you attend are "policed" a social injustice, somebody's responsible for showing you a village full of children in India drinking out of an open sewer next to a bathing yak, right?

It's a cold world out there kids. Stay on campus as long as you can.

If you are more likely to be prosecuted for the same things that white students are doing at parties, that does have an impact on your future. You have no interest in discussion though, so carry on.