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Report: Kavanaugh won’t commit to recusal from Trump/Mueller related matters

A strong attempt at a smear as these things go. Uncorroborated gobbledygook spit out in psychotherapy becomes a 35 year old claim which is then thoroughly denied by both of the other people named.

But what is bad and,of course,cunningly delicious is Senator Feinsteins “play” in this ruse.

First of all she held onto the letter since July and this tells us that she knew the contents had the ability to maim but not kill the Judge. It goes without saying that it would be “agreed” that the writer would remain anonymous and steadfastly desire to remain so. This maneuver protected her identity from R’s (Grassley). He could enquire but Diane would simply respond “the lady in question is adamant.” Hence Diane could hold the card and play it when it would create the most disruption.

Now then,were there really people clamoring for Feinstein to release the letter earlier and who were really miffed at her timing or was that another part of the ruse? (see the headline of SF Examiner ‘castigating’ Diane to see how the pro’s “feign

So yea..there is something kind of fishy about Diane’s faithful SF rag coming out and “chastising” their “favorite daughter”in the first sentence and by the second they are making the claim that this turn of events is “unfair to Kavenaugh (hahaha) and his accuser” therefore we’re gonna need more time to look into this matter. And to top of the hilarity they will claim that this all must be done to maintain the sanctity of the process.

But really ^ all of this just identifies the smokescreen. When we catch back up and the wind has died down we see that had the charge actually had legs..had it been a knockout, Feinstein would have played it already. As a gang of eight member she has plenty of intelligence sources of her own. So she knew that what she had her hands on was not so much a political hand-grenade but more a partisan stink-bomb.

And she played it to perfection.

do you even read your own posts?

Left wing Arm pit Queen wakes up after 35 years

Republicans — learning not to take a smear laying down and learning to NEVER EVER EVER apologize to an unforgiving cocksucker from the Left - the Sinistral side of the 2 party system
Hillary was totally wrong with her "deplorables" comment. She was way under.
Why not put a rapist on the Supreme Court? After all, he is being put on the bench to protect a sexual assaulter.

People were amazed how a guy as nice Ted Bundy could kill dozens of women, because he was such a nice guy.
Why not put a rapist on the Supreme Court? After all, he is being put on the bench to protect a sexual assaulter.

People were amazed how a guy as nice Ted Bundy could kill dozens of women, because he was such a nice guy.

Rapist? Come on, RJ. I do not know what, if anything, happened between Kavanaugh and his accuser in 1982. Neither do you. Nor are we ever going to find out because there is no evidence other than the word of the participants. People that want Kavanaugh voted down at all costs will undoubtedly believe the accuser. Those that want Kavanaugh on the Court at all costs will undoubtedly believe him. All others will admit the truth: this is terrible if true but the truth has been irreversibly lost to the passage of time.
Kitchin, there was absolutely no irony in post, eh?

There are plenty of reasons to vote against Kavanaugh. Why is his nomination being rushed unlike any in the past? Why won't the GOP allow all the documents about his writings and past be viewed by the Judiciary Committee? Why is he allowed to lie under oath to the Senate and be approved? How any Justice of the Supreme Court believe any POTUS is above the law? There's nore.

This guy has no business on the Supreme Court.
Kitchin, there was absolutely no irony in post, eh?

There are plenty of reasons to vote against Kavanaugh. Why is his nomination being rushed unlike any in the past? Why won't the GOP allow all the documents about his writings and past be viewed by the Judiciary Committee? Why is he allowed to lie under oath to the Senate and be approved? How any Justice of the Supreme Court believe any POTUS is above the law? There's nore.

This guy has no business on the Supreme Court.

I agree that there are plenty of reasons to vote against Kavanaugh. So why are the Dems trotting this one out? The reason for the rush is obvious. The GOP might lose control of the Senate in 6 weeks. Its now or never. I am no longer a member of the Republican party, but you have to admire the gall. They don't care about anything else right now other than securing a 30 year seat on SCOTUS. Eyes on the prize. Short term losses are meaningless. Democrats that are arguing about fairness and process have already lost this one. They should be spending all efforts solely on bringing Collins, Murkowski, Flake or others around to a no. Nothing else will work.
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I think the reason they brought this out now...to slow down the process. It's their only tactic against the GOP's actions.
Kavanaugh Accuser Willing To Testify If Asked

...Ford initially contacted both Feinstein and The Washington Post in July, but at the time, she was not willing to make her allegation publicly.

"Victims of sexual assault have the right to decide whether and when to come forward," Banks said about her client. "It was something that she struggled with mightily. She was weighing her desire and her belief that she had a civic duty to provide this information to those making the decision about Brett Kavanaugh with, frankly, her fear about coming forward, and there was going to be great personal risk to her and her family in doing so."

Ford decided to go public after reporters began contacting her last week. Her attorney said Ford is "not motivated at all by politics."
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