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Report: Kavanaugh won’t commit to recusal from Trump/Mueller related matters

jhmd warned us of these lessons

even though you have lectro literally defending rape, gotta own those libs!

You are so full of shit slime ball.

You are defending the unaccountable attempt at destroying a man - so I’m to to tell you that the shaft is going up into some soft-on left wing ass
Fuck that granola-eating straw hugging left wing TRAMP
The stinking shit hole that is the D party is upset and wetting their pants over “slut shaming”

Bill Clinton’s 13 accusers hi.

& Keith Ellison is a rapist
Left wing Arm pit Queen wakes up after 35 years

Republicans — learning not to take a smear laying down and learning to NEVER EVER EVER apologize to an unforgiving cocksucker from the Left - the Sinistral side of the 2 party system

so no?
Delay the Vote — for Kavanaugh, for His Accuser and for the Court

In many ways, Judge Brett Kavanaugh is the perfect Supreme Court nominee. For a dozen years, he has served with distinction on the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, the nation’s second most-powerful court. Before that, he held top legal jobs in the federal government, including the White House Counsel’s Office, and was a partner at a leading law firm.

He’s almost universally praised by his former clerks, who are Republicans, Democrats and independents. He’s a devoted husband and father of two daughters who is celebrated as a leader in the federal judiciary when it comes to hiring and mentoring women.

During and after his confirmation hearings, many unfair and unfounded charges were made against him. Democratic senators accused Judge Kavanaugh of committing perjury at his two prior confirmation hearings — charges that do not withstand scrutiny. Abortion rights activists attacked him for referring to certain forms of contraception as “abortion-inducing drugs” — but when he uttered those words, he was simply describing the litigation position of a religious group, not stating his own views.

But now Mr. Kavanaugh faces new allegations, brought by a woman named Christine Blasey Ford. Her disturbing claims deserve further investigation by the Senate Judiciary Committee, even if it means delaying his confirmation vote. A delay wouldn’t just be for her sake, but for the sake of Judge Kavanaugh and the Supreme Court itself.

The story began last week, when Senator Dianne Feinstein forwarded to the F.B.I. a letter in which a woman claimed that Mr. Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her when they were both in high school. Initially it seemed that nothing would happen, since the accuser was unwilling to come forward. The F.B.I. declined to open an investigation and the information was simply added to Kavanaugh’s background file for senators to consider or ignore as they saw fit.

But on Sunday, Ms. Ford, who wrote the letter, broke her silence. In an interview with The Washington Post, the 51-year-old research psychologist claimed that at a summer party in the early 1980s, when she was around 15 and he was around 17, a drunken Mr. Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed, groped her and attempted to remove her clothes. When she tried to scream, she says he put his hand over her mouth. “I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” she told The Post.

According to Ms. Ford, at some point Mark Judge, a friend of Mr. Kavanaugh’s who was also drunk, jumped on top of them — causing them all to fall to the floor, and allowing her to escape.

Mr. Kavanaugh, now 53, has strongly denied her claims: “I categorically and unequivocally deny this allegation. I did not do this back in high school or at any time.” Mr. Judge has also denied the claims.

Based on these denials, many supporters of Mr. Kavanaugh view Ms. Ford’s claims, raised after the conclusion of his confirmation hearings and just days before the Senate Judiciary Committee vote, as eleventh-hour character assassination. They argue that his confirmation should move forward, full speed ahead.

I respectfully disagree. The confirmation should be delayed until there is a full investigation, followed by Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, into Ms. Ford’s accusations.

She passed a polygraph test administered by a former F.B.I. agent, and her therapist provided The Washington Post with notes reflecting that Ms. Ford described the alleged incident in 2012. But her case is far from ironclad.

For example, she can’t remember or remains uncertain about many key details (including the year of the alleged incident); she told nobody contemporaneously (unlike many other alleged victims of sexual assault); and both Mr. Kavanaugh and his friend deny it. There is, as far as we know, no physical evidence. It’s a true “she said, he said” — or, rather, “they said,” since two people deny this incident ever happened.

But Ms. Ford should at least be heard, and not just because the #MeToo movement has made the importance of hearing out victims of alleged sexual misconduct even more obvious than it already was. The alleged perpetrator and witness should be heard from as well, and everyone involved should be placed under oath and subjected to aggressive questioning. (At least three Republican senators — Jeff Flake of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Bob Corker of Tennessee — have expressed interest in hearing more about Ms. Ford's account, but there's no consensus yet on the preferred process.)

The object lesson here is the 1991 confirmation for Justice Clarence Thomas. After a former colleague, Anita Hill, raised allegations of multiple instances of sexual harassment against Mr. Thomas, the senators heard from both key parties before the confirmation vote.

The hearings had their flaws. Most notably, several witnesses on Ms. Hill’s side never got to testify. But the core claims were placed before the Senate before the vote.

This ultimately redounded to Justice Thomas’s benefit. Now, whenever Ms. Hill’s sexual harassment allegations are raised, he or his defenders can at least say they were explored by the senators and ultimately found insufficient to deny Mr. Thomas a seat on the Supreme Court.

If Mr. Kavanaugh is confirmed without further investigation of Ms. Ford’s charges, he and his defenders will not even be able to claim what Mr. Thomas’s defenders can. Judge Kavanaugh will be dogged by these accusations throughout his entire, likely decades-long service on the court. And that will lead some to question the legitimacy not just of his appointment but of the court as an institution — especially when it decides knotty social and political issues by a 5-4 vote.

Considering the small number of witnesses involved — perhaps Ms. Ford, Mr. Kavanaugh, Mr. Judge, Ms. Ford’s husband and her therapist — an F.B.I. investigation followed by hearings wouldn’t take very long. The process might not be complete before the start of the Supreme Court’s new term on Oct. 1, but it should easily be able to be done before the midterm elections, if that’s the concern of Senate Republicans.

The way in which Ms. Ford’s allegations came to light was, to put it charitably, deeply unfortunate. These claims should have been thoroughly and discreetly investigated weeks ago, by nonpartisan F.B.I. agents and bipartisan Senate investigators, in a way that protected Christine Ford’s privacy and Brett Kavanaugh’s good name. But here we are.

It is quite possible — or even likely — that hearings won’t prevent Brett Kavanaugh from being confirmed given the equivocal evidence against him and, perhaps even more important, the number of Republicans and red-state Democrats in the Senate. But due process, which ought to matter when it comes to filling the critical seat on the highest court in the land, calls for nothing less.
Kavanaugh lies under oath as easily Trump does on Twitter. Why should anyone believe anything Kavanaugh says?
Nope. Not happening. You low life fatherfuckers want to bring the circus to town.

No legs.

Kavanaugh: Huff My BallBag Biotches


nothing more lowlife than McConnell refusing to do his sworn duty re: the Garland nomination.

to quote noted Trump supporter and asshole Bill Belichick, "do your job."
No slut shaming here. Just calling this worthless left wing whore what she is— A verifiable piece of Shit and so she fits nicely in the D party.

Boy, she is really upsetting your Ranch dressing and Budweiser-filled gut.

For that alone, I like her.
Fox News, predictably, has as one of their headlines about this story on their website front page: "Democrat professor comes forward to tell her story about alleged Kavanaugh incident." And their main headline? "Out of the Shadows." No bias in those two headlines at all.
So what is the Pub story? It didn’t happen or it didn’t matter?

Kavanaugh proposed graphic questions for Bill Clinton during Starr probe

It's still insane that they decided to nominate someone involved with the Clinton investigation, btw. And who worked in the Bush WH. From his wiki:

President George W. Bush first nominated Kavanaugh to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on July 25, 2003, to a vacancy created by Judge Laurence Silberman, who took senior status in November 2000. Kavanaugh's nomination was stalled in the Senate for nearly three years. Democratic Senators accused him of being too partisan, with Senator Dick Durbin calling him the "Forrest Gump of Republican politics".
Fox News, predictably, has as one of their headlines about this story on their website front page: "Democrat professor comes forward to tell her story about alleged Kavanaugh incident." And their main headline? "Out of the Shadows." No bias in those two headlines at all.

Is anyone arguing that Fox News isn't biased?

You also, I am assuming intentionally, left out the main headline of the first article on their website....

"Prof accusing Kavanaugh of '80s sex attack first told therapist, reportedly passed polygraph"
Here are two interesting questions:

Grassley and Republicans are saying they got blind-sided by this. If this is true, how did they virtually instantaneously get 65 women who claimed to have known Kavanuagh in HS to sign a letter supporting him?

Kavanaugh went to an all boys HS. How did they come up with 65 women who said they knew him in HS?
Those questions aren’t even remotely fucking interesting.

On with the Vote and prepare to suck balls