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Republicans for POTUS, 2016 Edition

Even if the abortion is what brings people to PP where other services are then provided, it still doesn't change the fact that if you defund PP those people have to find another place to get the other services regardless of why they were coming to PP in the first place. Doesn't change anything about the consequences of defunding PP at all.
So why are prolife groups claiming this 3% number is misleading? Because we have an agenda. There bias model is bias in the fact that the "services" they say don't count were actually performed, just because they were at the same time doesn't mean they just disappeared.

Well yeah, if you leave out ALL the women's health services, sure most of what they do is an abortion. What everybody else is saying is you have to include the women's health services.
Wrangor, what if Planned Parenthood split off into two organizations. "Planned Parenthood Health Services" only handled women's health. "Planned Parenthood Pre-Natal Services" only dealt with pregnant women. Would you be in favor of federal funding for Planned Parenthood Health Services?
See here's why I brought it up again in the first place.

A GOP candidate could win big with me if they were asked about defunding Planned Parenthood and they actually started by talking about all the non-abortion services that PP provides that are of vital importance to women's health. You say, here's what they do that is very important and noble and good and deserves federal funding, whether the organization providing it is Planned Parenthood or otherwise. Defunding PP is cutting off your nose to spite your face. And as no federal funding goes towards abortions, defunding Planned Parenthood is a net negative. But we on the right should be aligning ourselves with Planned Parenthood in the larger national discussion about family planning. We should prioritize family planning in our schools and our communities, we should make access to health care for women equal and strong. And we should restrict abortions to xyz.

That GOP candidate would get my vote.

Instead, we got a whole bunch of candidates who will cater to the Wrangors of the country, who think all Planned Parenthood does is run a black market for baby organs.
So I can't believe I'm doing this but if you want to use the "entree model" to explain this, if people still need access to the fries, drinks, and cookies which they traditionally got from PP in addition to the cheeseburger, removing all the money so PP can't make any food doesn't make any sense. There aren't a lot of viable options selling fries, drinks, and cookies in the marketplace so defunding McDonalds and preventing them from cooking anything because you're against the cheeseburgers they sell (regardless of what percentage of cheeseburgers makes up of total revenue) seems particularly short-sighted Particularly true in states where there hasn't been a Medicaid expansion.
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All of this shit is infuriating because American's are dumb as shit. You can use gotcha videos, shitty math, anything that is flashy enough and people will be like oh yeah that's definitely correct. To hell with having a conversation and real debate we will just manipulate things to fit our preconceived agenda. The best posts about abortion have been the calls for reform in which abortion numbers are curbed, safety is enforced, and abortions remain legal in the hopes of using other services to prevent the need for abortions in the first place. The best solution possible would be planned parenthood stops doing abortions with the condition that their funding is increased something like 10 fold to provide free sex services to everyone and anyone.
I am not defunding health care to millions of women. Spend the money.

Funny, no Republicans seem to be talking about providing this funding to another organization that primarily serves low-income women and provides the same types of health services in hundreds/thousands of locations across the nation that are conveniently located for low-income women. Do you have one in mind you could share with them, and us?
so does skirting the issue

I am skirting the issue? How so? I am defending an all on liberal attack right now. Skirting the issue would have not been responding to your drivel.

PP doesn't even do many of the 'services' they perform. They outsource them. How hard would it be for another women's health organization to rise up and outsource the same services? The defense of PP is atrocious. Their practices are obviously disgusting for someone who is pro-life, but should even make the most ardent pro-abortions person a little uncomfortable. There is no reason we need to be supported an organization like PP with federal money. Give all of that money to other organizations that have a clean record. Let PP do their abortions on their own dime which is what they are supposed to be doing anyway.
Serious question:

With healthcare reform, contraception being covered under the ACA, and presumably affordable healthcare available (which is another discussion), Is greater access to healthcare a mitigating factor to the necessity of PP for other health services?

I fully understand that the majority of those pushing to defund PP are also those who are trying to defund the ACA, but political vilification aside, is a stronger national healthcare system making any sort of difference in the need for PP and the services it provides?
"American's are dumb as shit."

(sorry man, but that is hilarious)
See here's why I brought it up again in the first place.

A GOP candidate could win big with me if they were asked about defunding Planned Parenthood and they actually started by talking about all the non-abortion services that PP provides that are of vital importance to women's health. You say, here's what they do that is very important and noble and good and deserves federal funding, whether the organization providing it is Planned Parenthood or otherwise. Defunding PP is cutting off your nose to spite your face. And as no federal funding goes towards abortions, defunding Planned Parenthood is a net negative. But we on the right should be aligning ourselves with Planned Parenthood in the larger national discussion about family planning. We should prioritize family planning in our schools and our communities, we should make access to health care for women equal and strong. And we should restrict abortions to xyz.

That GOP candidate would get my vote.

Instead, we got a whole bunch of candidates who will cater to the Wrangors of the country, who think all Planned Parenthood does is run a black market for baby organs.

If I were a candidate that is exactly how I would start my comments on PP. I Would start with the good. Then I would run through the bad. And then you sum it up by saying that we NEED and must have the good practices of PP, but we can't rely upon PP to provide them due to their track record of the bad stuff. Therefore I would propose that use that same money and give it organizations with a proper track record in which we don't have to worry about federal funds being used as a base income to perform acts that are hideous to human nature.

There you go...I get your vote. ..... probably not.

PP does a lot of good things. Their bad should disqualify them from free money from the government. There are plenty of great organizations that would thrive and grow and provide just as good if not better women's health services with that money.
Yes I think greater access to healthcare is likely a mitigating factor to the necessity of PP. PP wouldn't have to fill such as large a void if the Medicaid expansion went through in every state IMO. I think there is still a benefit to PP type groups just from an informational vantage point and providing meaningful access to objective material, but I do think as health care becomes more readily available to everyone PP's influence may wane a bit and maybe that can be a good thing.
Also a better way to do the video would be line item cost for an abortion, multiplied by the number of abortions in comparison to the costs of other services, I am sure you would get above 3% then and that would be a real number, but AMERICAN CHEESEBURGERS!!!!
If someone is part of the 20% of voters who believe abortion should be illegal in all cases, I can understand defunding Planned Parenthood or even a government shutdown. The timing just seems insane to me. GOP approval rating is slightly less than 30%. Approval rating for Planned Patenthood is slightly less than 50%. Why remind everyone of the government shutdown which failed to repeal Obamacare (or 40+ pointless votes) a year before an election?!? Neither base is going to decide the election, so why alienate the middle again?