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They take the phone into the stall, while talking. Not sure what happens once in there, I just clear the hell out.

I am oddly comforted that I am not the only one who's experienced this.
to me, talking on the phone in the bathroom is way worse than talking to somebody else that's standing in the bathroom too. i don't particularly like option #2, but option #1 is just straight up disgusting. i cannot think of a single situation where you would need to go to the bathroom SO bad that you couldn't just say "i'm sorry, can i call you back in 3 minutes?"
I thought maybe it was people that went into the restroom to use it for privacy and just stood outside of the stalls talking. That's still a little weird for the other party to hear flushing and stuff but not quite as weird as just hanging out doing your business while on the phone. My office only has a single stall so no issues with that here!
to me, talking on the phone in the bathroom is way worse than talking to somebody else that's standing in the bathroom too. i don't particularly like option #2, but option #1 is just straight up disgusting. i cannot think of a single situation where you would need to go to the bathroom SO bad that you couldn't just say "i'm sorry, can i call you back in 3 minutes?"

When I would hear someone in a stall talking on the phone, I made it a point to do several flushes so hopefully it would be heard by the party on the call. :willynilly:
on a new note, i bought a blazer at nordstroms this weekend. i kind of love it and want to wear it every day. i wish this were acceptable.
ahhh one of my wfu friends who came to visit this weekend had a blazer from zara and i am obsessssssssssssed with it. for the 2098-07598th time i wish we had a zara in nc!
zara is good stuff.
my problem (well, problem for my $) is that i love this blazer.... and it's offered in other colors.
I have a sweet black corduroy Ralph Lauren blazer which is great because it works for both casual and dressier (though not formal obviously) occasions. Fall is definitely a great time of year to break it out.
truth. fall is the best clothes weather.
ya i love layering. and jackets. i think we've discussed my unnatural affinity for jackets before here though. and that jacket is cute lbe! and would probs be uber flattering... i think the "cream cloud" looks super chice (espec. with the way they styled it in the pic)
when i won monies in vegas back in may (my friend gave me $100 to gamble with and i tripled it) i immediately went to the zara across the street and rewarded myself with the black version of this quilted leather jacket and have been dying to wear it ever since
when i won monies in vegas back in may (my friend gave me $100 to gamble with and i tripled it) i immediately went to the zara across the street and rewarded myself with the black version of this quilted leather jacket and have been dying to wear it ever since

I've never heard of Zara. Looks like high fashion stuff.

That jacket is not my style whatsoever but it looks nice! Hope you can wear it soon.

:couch: I will say... those ginormous crotch pants also pictured in the link... I find them hideous. Hope none of you gals are wearing pants like that.
oh whatsup beautiful [jacket] [and dash].

yeah, fall is the best because you get to layer but still have the summer glow in your skin, unlike spring when you're pastytown.
i'm finally going to actually drop some real money on revamping my wardrobe (or at least that's the plan. of course, i'll probably choke at the prices like always and live with the same crappy clothes for another season). a friend of mine who actually has a sense of style (i do not) is taking me to concord mills this weekend. what stores are best for me to spend most of my time at? mostly i'm trying to fix my work wardrobe, since it has bigger implications than my personal wardrobe.

oh, and i want to finally learn to accessorize. i currently have no idea how. i quite seriously have 1 necklace and 1 pair of earrings. suggestions on affordable places to get some fun jewelry?
RTQ- check out hte blazer i got. it's a perfect blend of casual/fancy that you can wear it w/out looking 'interview pretentious' to work...
I sat outside a Zara in Strasbourg while TW girlfriend went shopping. That is all.