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So if Scott Walker wins tomorrow...

Over one million people signed the petition. ~2.3 million people voted in the election. That's roughly half of Wisconsin's voters.

LK, just to clarify: are you saying that 50% of the voters (the same percentage that elected Walker) represents a relatively small percentage of voters?


Vote Fraud a Myth

"I'm always concerned about voter fraud," said Priebus. "I think it's been documented."

It has not. A year-long, in-depth investigation into the 2008 election in twelve Wisconsin counties by the the state's Republican Attorney General netted just 20 charges -- mostly for former felons who did not know they could vote in the state, and only two for committing the in-person fraud that requiring identification is intended to prevent. Slate's Dave Weigel points out that for Walker to be correct about fraud equaling "one or two points" in recent elections -- where 3 million people cast ballots -- there would need to have been between 30,000 and 60,000 fraudulent ballots.

While "voter fraud" has been shown to have no impact on election outcomes in Wisconsin, requiring identification at the polls can make a statistically significant difference. According to testimony in the recent court decision striking down Wisconsin's voter ID law as unconstitutional, over 220,000 people in the state currently lack the identification required under the legislation. Many of those who lack the specific kind of ID that would be required are people of color, the elderly, and students -- populations that tend to vote for Democrats. Similar provisions to make it harder for Americans to vote have been enacted in another states since the 2008 elections, after the American Legislative Exchange Council approved voter ID restrictions as "model" legislation to push in states across the country. ALEC-inspired voting restrictions have been exposed by the Center for Media and Democracy and challenged by civil rights and good government groups, and even by the U.S. Department of Justice.

With Wisconsin's voter ID law on hold for the recall election (pending an appeal by the Walker administration), these traditional Democratic constituencies will have fewer burdens to participating in their democracy.

Unless True the Vote and Wisconsin Tea Partiers impose new burdens.
"Voter fraud" and "erosion of freedom" are two of the better boogymen Republicans have come up with in recent memory.
A copy and paste from Brietbart:

Here in Madison there are radio reports of 4 busloads of people from Michigan crossing the WI border today (presumably to vote), white vans with IL plates filled with people, and people in Milwaukee filling out index cards from lists and then using them as 'proof' of residence...and getting away with it. We are under attack.
A copy and paste from Brietbart:

Here in Madison there are radio reports of 4 busloads of people from Michigan crossing the WI border today (presumably to vote), white vans with IL plates filled with people, and people in Milwaukee filling out index cards from lists and then using them as 'proof' of residence...and getting away with it. We are under attack.

Well, if you're actually an academic adviser, then you should have no trouble backing up those allegations with proof, right?
Well, if you're actually an academic adviser, then you should have no trouble backing up those allegations with proof, right?

no, just an example how some people are. This goes on all the time. To this day, my two aunts, now dead, said they voted twice for JFK!
no, just an example how some people are. This goes on all the time. To this day, my two aunts, now dead, said they voted twice for JFK!

That was 50 years ago. The problem is that the Republicans have spent a lot of taxpayer money on the spectre of voter fraud, which has not found to be occurring consistently or on a widespread basis to warrant so much money, time, and effort being devoted to uncovering it... Voter fraud is a means of suppressing voters who don't agree with the accuser. Get with the program, adviser.
That was 50 years ago. The problem is that the Republicans have spent a lot of taxpayer money on the spectre of voter fraud, which has not found to be occurring consistently or on a widespread basis to warrant so much money, time, and effort being devoted to uncovering it... Voter fraud is a means of suppressing voters who don't agree with the accuser. Get with the program, adviser.

calm down,33. I am not trying to start anything. I am trying to make a point that all of this goes on in every election. My aunts "Roots" story is just a reminder of some of the BS that gets thrown around. They said that they were paid $10 to drive to another precinct to cast another vote for Kennedy. I have no idea if it is true, but makes a good "Roots" story on a Sunday afternoon.
If any election is gonna be full of voter fraud its gonna be this one. I have absolutely no doubt that Big Labor is gonna be shipping in people from neigboring states.
OK---Real simple question. Is it not almost impossible to have voter fraud? I mean, there are so many voters registered per precinct and therefore, if there is any question, they would have the totals. Correct?
If any election is gonna be full of voter fraud its gonna be this one. I have absolutely no doubt that Big Labor is gonna be shipping in people from neigboring states.

You may have no doubt, but you also have no evidence.

OK---Real simple question. Is it not almost impossible to have voter fraud? I mean, there are so many voters registered per precinct and therefore, if there is any question, they would have the totals. Correct?

Can you please restate the question? The way it's phrased is giving me a headache.
If any election is gonna be full of voter fraud its gonna be this one. I have absolutely no doubt that Big Labor is gonna be shipping in people from neigboring states.

Pretty crappy fraud then. It would be better fraud if they just had a few people spend the whole day casting votes as John Smith. No need for the gas money.
OK---Real simple question. Is it not almost impossible to have voter fraud? I mean, there are so many voters registered per precinct and therefore, if there is any question, they would have the totals. Correct?

It would take an extremely healthy turnout for that to be possible. Much more than is likely possible, unless you are in a Chris Farley movie. 2.8 million people will vote out of the 5 million adults making it pretty hard to have precincts over 100% voter turnout.
Can you please restate the question? The way it's phrased is giving me a headache.

there is a book at the polling place. It has all of the registered voters on it. If someone comes into vote and his name is not on the list, how can he vote? Thus, there is a 'given' amount of registered voters and if that vote count goes above that number, then there is obviously a problem. Sorry about the headache
there is a book at the polling place. It has all of the registered voters on it. If someone comes into vote and his name is not on the list, how can he vote? Thus, there is a 'given' amount of registered voters and if that vote count goes above that number, then there is obviously a problem. Sorry about the headache

That's the idea, yes. That's why I'm so confused as to why this is an issue.
Former WI Cong. David Obey said he spent about $1100 to run for State Legislature. This time the GOP candidate is spending over $500,000.
That's the idea, yes. That's why I'm so confused as to why this is an issue.

Probably because Wisconsin law allows you to register on election day at your polling place with the following information:

3. AT THE POLLING PLACE ON ELECTION DAY: If you wish to register to vote at your polling place, you must bring proof that you reside at your present location. For purposes of voter registration, acceptable forms of proof of residence must include:

A current and complete name, including both the given and family name; and
A current and complete residential address, including a numbered street address, if any, and the name of a municipality.
NOTE: Proof of residency is required for voter registration and must be current and valid. The purpose of the proof of residency document is to establish the voter’s current address, not to prove that the voter complies with the 28 consecutive day residency requirement. The voter’s sworn statement on the registration form that they meet the 28-day requirement shall be presumed to be true unless the inspector or a challenger has first-hand knowledge sufficient to question the certification.

No other form of ID is required. So it's not too hard to vote and it's pretty easy to see how these laws can be taken advantage of by either side. Just get a list of voting records for the last 10 years and figure out who never votes. That becomes your list of "voters" who register the day of the election.
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Exit polls are showing a 5-7 point Walker win...but we all know that exit polls are not an exact science.