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SPOILERS: Star Wars: The Last Jedi Discussion Thread SPOILERS

I liked the movie but the first half felt really disjointed and pretty slow; agree the casino scenes were not great; i'm getting pretty tired of the Marvel-quip. It's super jarring in a Star Wars movie to interrupt a tense scene with a dumb "oh, we're doing this now? oh ok, then.." gag. I can't get into Finn, i just don't really give a rip about what he's doing half the time. And I wish General Hux was a little more serious and menacing and not getting tossed around like a punk all the time.

I liked the second half, i liked Luke's resolution, didnt' see that coming. Kind of weird to give the Jedi a power they never demonstrated before but I think it was logical. Salt battle was cool. i liked the push/pull with Rey and Ren.

What's the story on the jedi books in the drawer on the ship?
Ultimately TLJ didn't "borrow" as much from TESB as TFA did from ANH, but there were still several things that were nearly identical that made me think "here we go again" - haven't read this whole thread but perhaps this has been discussed

Movie starts with the rebels escaping from their base as the First Order attacks, our hero is on a distant planet learning from an old Jedi master, the rest of the heroes are being pursued by the First Order (and the whole middle section had the same time inconsistency that TESB has too where the Rey/Luke stuff is taking place over several days at least and the Poe/Finn/Rose stuff is supposed to be "18 hours"), young hero goes to face her enemy unprepared in order to save her friends
i think Johnson tried pretty hard to blow up a lot of the SW tropes. cracked up when luke dismissed rey about: standing up to the first order with a "laser sword"
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Thanks for posting.

Good article, shows how much of the previous movies and Cannon are irrelevant.

Har har, but yeah. That's been my point. This film blew up the status quo yet people actually left thinking nothing has changed.

We should all be kicking ourselves for the Rey's parentage speculation. She was left in the hands of the guy we know buys and sells junk. The actress who played her was 7 or 8 when it was filmed, so old enough to know who her parents are. This film is trying to get us to stop making assumptions based on the prior films. Hilarious that there is a piece trying to do the same for the broom boy. One thing the prequels did right was to move away from heritage, albeit in an awkward way.
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one thing we can safely assume, if a new white guy shows up he's defs gonna do you dirty
I liked the movie but the first half felt really disjointed and pretty slow; agree the casino scenes were not great; i'm getting pretty tired of the Marvel-quip. It's super jarring in a Star Wars movie to interrupt a tense scene with a dumb "oh, we're doing this now? oh ok, then.." gag. I can't get into Finn, i just don't really give a rip about what he's doing half the time. And I wish General Hux was a little more serious and menacing and not getting tossed around like a punk all the time.

I liked the second half, i liked Luke's resolution, didnt' see that coming. Kind of weird to give the Jedi a power they never demonstrated before but I think it was logical. Salt battle was cool. i liked the push/pull with Rey and Ren.

What's the story on the jedi books in the drawer on the ship?

Obviously, Rey stole them

Yoda makes vague references to this after he burns down the tree
Someone make sure to archive all this so that in the next movie in 2 years we learn her parents were someone important etc... we can have hard solid proof of Ph’s defeat only rivaled by NBA Ish.
I don't think we know for sure her parents are nobodies. Kylo claimed that, but Snoke said he put those thoughts in Kylo's head.

We don't really know anything about her parents identity.

I mean, to put it in a way we can all understand...

I don't think we know for sure her parents are nobodies. Kylo claimed that, but Snoke said he put those thoughts in Kylo's head.

We don't really know anything about her parents identity.

yeah lots of boners being boned over this "suck it fan-bois! rey is just a casual"
No. Kylo told her to admit it to herself because she knew it. That was a meta comment to the fans too. Again, we saw a 7 or 8 year old in the hands of the guy who buys and sells things. This film's explanation makes a lot more sense than whatever convoluted ideas we've had over the last two years.

Also Snoke didn't put thoughts there. He facilitated the communication. He even said he allowed Rey to see Kylo's vulnerability because he thought it would convince Rey to try to convert him. That implies Snoke didn't put any thoughts in their heads. We haven't seen any evidence that anybody but Jedis can do Jedi mind tricks anyway.
No. Kylo told her to admit it to herself because she knew it. Snoke didn't put thoughts there. He facilitated the communication. He even said he allowed Rey to see Kylo's vulnerability because he thought it would convince Rey to try to convert him. That implies Snoke didn't put any thoughts in their heads. We haven't seen any evidence that anybody but Jedis can do Jedi mind tricks anyway.

the most powerful ability of a Jedi is to do whatever the plot requires
I assume I'm revisiting things already said, but we just saw it last night...

It seemed pretty obvious from the moment Luke tossed the light saber over his shoulder that this movie was going to be a middle finger to much of the mythos BS. Which I thought generated some of the best parts of the movie (e.g. you don't need to be special to be strong with the Force, half-cocked suicidal plans are stupid, the bad guy from the first movie doesn't have to have a contrived back story, etc).

The visual of the light speed kamikaze jump combined with the lack of sound was stunning. You knew it was coming when Laura Dern started to turn the ship around, but I didn't expect it to be presented that way.

There are Force-related plot holes in all of the movies, but if Kylo Ren is so in touch with the Force, how the hell did he not know that Luke wasn't physically there?

Puppet Yoda is better than CGI Yoda. Got me right in the feels.

I worry that JJ Abrams is going to reopen a bunch of the stuff that Johnson shut down. Or try to open new shit.

I felt the same way about the Kylo/Rey lightsaber melee in the red palace as I did watching Vader at the end of Rogue One, minus the nostalgia factor. Much better than this horseshit:

ITC was getting at this, but I think my biggest disappointment with these new films is that they lack the serious tone of the original series. Yeah, it was a campy fantasy space opera, but there was always the feeling of urgency and crisis and doom and I just couldn't feel that here. Even when ship after ship is being blown out of the sky.
I don't think we know for sure her parents are nobodies. Kylo claimed that, but Snoke said he put those thoughts in Kylo's head.

We don't really know anything about her parents identity.

I mean, to put it in a way we can all understand...

Snoke refers to Skywalker as the last “seed” of the Jedi

But then luke tells Ren that everything he just said was wrong and one of the things he said was by killing Luke he’d snuff out the Jedi

So who the fuck knows
I thought part of the point was that Kylo isn't that in touch with the Force. He is powerful, but raw. Snoke played him into bringing Rey in, depending on your perspective at least. Snoke set up the bridge between the two of them.
ITC was getting at this, but I think my biggest disappointment with these new films is that they lack the serious tone of the original series. Yeah, it was a campy fantasy space opera, but there was always the feeling of urgency and crisis and doom and I just couldn't feel that here. Even when ship after ship is being blown out of the sky.

You're also not a child when you are seeing these films for the first time.