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Steve Forbes credibility watch

I can’t decide if he(?) is rj with better typing skills or Ph who limits his posts to sports topics. Does he watch comic book movies/shows? He’s apparently from NJ - maybe he has some knowledge about ladling cheese into beards?
I had a period of time until a few months ago where life was crazy (personal health stuff, change of jobs, newborn kids etc) where I disconnected from all things internet/social media. Whatever happened to RJ? I feel like he was missing when I came back and re-engaged after my hiatus. Permanently banned? Passed away? Went to Santa Anita Park to do some handicapping and never came home? In any event, definitely have felt some old RJ vibes from NJ Deac.
Clawson: 1 winning record in 8 ACC seasons (let's not count losing record in covid season) - 12.5%
Forbes: 1 winning record in 1 ACC season (again, not counting covid season) - 100%

They are not the same.
You are nuts.
Wtf does having rich white students have to do with anything? It’s not like your average student plays on the team. Notre Dame is pretty good, even whiter and richer, and more academically rigorous. Duke is also rich and rigorous and Clawson somehow has losing record against them in his tenure. Also, describing UNC as one of the biggest college brands in history isn’t even close to accurate. I believe they’re like the 6th biggest football brand in the ACC in a recent study. If you think one winning league record in 9 years is miraculous for Wake Forest, you must think extremely poorly of our athletic department. Thank goodness we have Currie running the show, he does not share this mentality.
Dude, you are really confused. Did you just graduate from WFU? If so, you have been spoiled by Clawson. The great facilities have been built piece by piece over the past 5 years. The locker rooms are under construction. WF has less academic exceptions than other any school in the ACC. Only UVA, GT, BC and Duke are similar in admissions standards for athletes. And once the kids get to WF, the academics are stressful. Thus, there is a small pool of players from which WF can recruit. WF has a tiny alumni base and a tiny stadium. Only since 2000 has WF has any semblance of a winning tradition in football, and only since 2015 has it been consistently sustained. 7 straight bowls at WF is a big freaking deal. Clawson is a great football coach.
Well sure but what if you just ignore those 100 years? I still can’t believe that argument.
Why would the century of suck matter that much in evaluating a vastly different present? Obviously we have limitations in football that we don’t have in basketball (hence being a basketball school), but comparing Wake football now after hundreds of millions of dollars of investment even to what Grobe had to work with is crazy, and that’s my point. After 2006, back when we won the ACC despite having a terrible deficiency in resources, if you asked a Wake fan if they would consider one winning ACC record in the next nine years “miraculous” I think they would be rightly concerned about the state of the program that would lead to such a claim. Before this year I would give Clawson a flat A, but this year’s failure and particularly the really bad in game coaching that plagued us at times would lead me to say he’s done a B+ job and has something to prove with this next group of players.
I can’t decide if he(?) is rj with better typing skills or Ph who limits his posts to sports topics. Does he watch comic book movies/shows? He’s apparently from NJ - maybe he has some knowledge about ladling cheese into beards?

I'm curious if his future career path involves ambulance chasing.
Credibility threads are a staple of the boards.

Bowl appearances not really worth comparing.

My biggest complaint about clawson is not showing up in big games. We are lucky to have both. Was stoked about Forbes from the day his name was floated.
Wait. Dude no shows bowl games? What a lazy a hole.
I’ve always taken the asshole rule to be more “guidelines”

Anyways, where is the Forbes Credibility Thread Credibility Thread? The time is now!
Forbes: Stumbling into Credibility

Accidentally Credible

Soon to be credible

? ?