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Steve Jobs dead


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2011
Reaction score


Steve Jobs Died

Per Yahoo and other media outlets.

ETA: Damn, beaten by 1 min. Mods, feel free to delete.
hmm that pic cut off the dates from the one on the Apple frontpage
They said it well; lost a good person and visionary for the company. RIP steve.
Very sad. The guy was a real visionary and made Apple what it is today.

The IT world just lost a great man.
Steve Jobs is an irreplaceable visionary. Every time you pick up a computer, or a smartphone, or a tablet, you're picking up his legacy. He, quite literally, changed the world we live in. It's tragic that he had to die so soon.

What an amazing impact he had in (too) short period of time. Truly a great America. RIP.
Was the idea of the iPhone or iPad Jobs' original idea? I don't really follow the tech industry. Can somebody spell out his impact. Seems like he was a little more hands-on than most CEOs.
I think his impact on the personal computer was even more important... basically designed computers as we know them along with Gates.
I'm a computer engineer (well, in a somewhat non-traditional sense) ... and I learned to program and the basics of computing largely on Apple II's and Mac Classics. While I'm not an Apple fanboy or hater, today is a pretty sad day for the entire industry.
Was the idea of the iPhone or iPad Jobs' original idea? I don't really follow the tech industry. Can somebody spell out his impact. Seems like he was a little more hands-on than most CEOs.

The idea of the personal computer was shaped by Jobs along with Steve Wozniak. The iPhone and iPad were really just the icing on the cake.
He was an amazing leader and visionary. A true American hero. It's a shame that he passed before his time. His commencement speech for Stanford's class of 2005 clearly exhibits his great character and humility along with his incredible success. You will be missed dearly Steve.
