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The 50 worst posters on OGBoards (2015 edition)


words are futile devices
Mar 16, 2011
Reaction score
With all apologies to OldGoldBeard, who did this thing right one time...

50. Sgt Hulka

Hulka is either an idiot, a troll, or both. I actually love watching his work on the politics board because he is the MASTER of a flyby post, straight copied and pasted from a Glenn Beck listserv, and then he's gone, like a fart in the wind, and the thread just goes bananas. He's like a good-natured keeper, short about 20 IQ points.

49. cville deac

He's not terrible about any one specific thing, except for giving every living person, place, or thing a nickname. It's just the bulk of his work that is so bad.

48. Baconwfu

I genuinely have nothing against this guy. 50 is just a long list, and a guy who lives in Asheville who likes bacon so much should just be better, that's all.

47. CHillDeac

Grumpy dude. Always just plain old grumpy. He just sits at his keyboard and frowns at everything. Legit sad guy. Like I'm an emotional, sensitive person, but I am not that upset about shit.

46. doo doo butter

This lurker joined back in 2012 and has yet to make a post. And his name is doo doo butter. Seems like a huge missed opportunity. Come on doo doo butter.

45. Les Grossman

Only the most scorching takes you will find on these ogboards. One of the boards top 10 posters you can tell they're a lawyer no matter what subject they're posting on. I think I might have him mixed up with Turd Ferguson when I think about posts on the sports board.

44. keeper


43. Milhouse

Use more words. You're not Hemingway, champ, throw in an adjective every now and again.

42. siff

Beautiful family, siff.

41. BillBrasky

An actual friend of mine. I like getting into it with him in person, because he will argue, but not in the way he does on the internet. He'll make reasoned points, funny references, and charm you with cheap beers. But on here, oh man does the #psf inferiority complex come out.

40. Mbadvisor

Doesn't really do the kind of damage he used to do, otherwise, he could be way up there.

39. WakeandBake

Dude really needs to start smoking weed again.

38. Youngbuck95

Sneaky bad poster. Christian rap, #hotsportstake, I'm guessing the '95' comes from the year he was born, which would mitigate some of this stuff.

37. Wrangor

People used to LOVE this guy because he coached some small college bball team and gave us all sorts of #insider looks at the college game. Now he's just a confused Mississippi resident trying to save our souls.

36. TwinAndreBen

Living in Atlanta has just gotten to TAB. Bitter person. Occasionally offers some good insights, but you'd be better served just reading Bret Easton Ellis yourself.

35. Strickland33

One of those people who gets mad when you agree with them.

34. IAppreciateIt

I'm conflicted about putting apetit on here. An exhaustive list of the things he inexplicably LOVES and inexplicably HATES would be fun to see. A mix of bad opinions well-formed and good opinions poorly formed. I like him though.

33. PhillyDeac

I feel like he's probably stalking me now.

32. simosfrostyone

Sneaky bad poster. 90+% of posts made up of awful dad jokes on the basketball recruiting threads.

31. DeaconSlim2.0

Harmless, but asks some of the dumbest questions you will ever read. Very touchy. People tag very mean things about his weight, but you think he'd have a better sense of humor about it since he calls himself Slim.

30. jaybone

For lurking, but not coming back to post. Come re-join the completely hetero circle jerk. The NBA thread needs you now more than ever.

29. RaleighDevil

I'm pretty sure he only posts Washington Times articles on the politics board, and that he holds elected office in Raleigh.

28. Knight

Doesn't post nearly as much anymore since the MY BROTHER IS A FIGHTER PILOT incident. And we're all far better for it. Some life event turned him from a gentle, nice, funny guy to one of those dudes you know has seen the darkest shit on the internet.

27. jamesda3

No explanation needed.

26. Thinkingwithmydeac

Another poster I like on here. Smart kid without question, only posts like once a week and it's a paragraph of text that's really hard to read and comprehend. I typically find myself about 3/4 of the way through one of these paragraphs before saying wait what the fuck is he talking about, and then I start over and I'm with him, but it's one sentence without punctuation with words missing and a lot of over the top snark and there I am, lost again. I'm sure I agree with him, I just can't get there.

25. SkinsNDeacs

Just fiery Taco Bell shit level scalding hot takes. #appstatebutthurt about life.

24. WFcatamount22

Seems like a guy I'd like to go fishing with and grab beers or shoot pool or something, but what an insufferable nonsense ninja on these boards.

23. IrishSlim

Also like this guy, but you can tell he loves the smell of his own farts.

22. RubbinsRacin

Used to be funny, now the schtick is tired. This is an unpopular opinion.

21. Turd Ferguson

I think I might get Turd Ferguson and Les Grossman mixed up. I probably don't even dislike Les Grossman.

20. PhDeac

I like PhDeac, but he is the worst. He has more opinions about more topics than ME FOR FUCKS SAKE. Typical Spurs donk.

19. mebanedeac

Probably some other poster's great grandfather.

18. SkydogDeac

Dude really needs to start smoking weed again.

17. Pourdeac

Self-loathing scientist who doesn't believe in science. Awful opinion haver. Douche.

16. zqglass

Not a frequent poster these days either, but packs a punch when he makes visits. Enjoys slurs of all kinds, generally paired with poor grammar and spelling.

15. knowell

Has a really hard time articulating himself, which is probably for the best for the rest of the board. Basically, just copy Atlas Shrugged word for word into completely irrelevant threads on the politics board and you've got him down.

14. EatLeadCommie

I hesitate to even put a guy like EatLeadCommie on a list like this because his contributions are so mixed. I respect many of his opinions on movies and music, and the guy definitely gets down on some funky deviant sexuality with nasty Texas cougars. I want to be above such petty politics, but the guy is the worst kind of political true believer. I'm not sure he even has convictions other than BUILD A WALL, but he certainly says some hateful shit.

13. TheReff

It just doesn't seem like he's trying as hard these days.

12. wfu22fan

I don't think he's a parody, which is kinda scary.

11. LiquidKarma

For a guy who seemingly has a pretty sweet life (from what I can tell he just plays golf, hangs out with his family, and posts on the boards), this dude has a ton of misguided anger.

10. Toogs

The only person who was more annoying than rj while rj still posted.

9. Stan Gable

Much like his eponymous handle, you get the sense that this guy earnestly thinks of himself as on a vendetta against nerds, probably because he just seems dumb.

8. stratt/ericstratton/strattocaster

I'm not even sure what all these guys are even called. They gave us a lot of great board memes, but are failures in spite of themselves.

7. pinochadeac

For a guy with a South Park avatar, there is no sense of humor to be had within a ten mile radius of this guy's post history. One of the single most foul posters the internet may have ever seen. Sincerely and repeatedly wished bodily harm on WFU athletes, coaches, and other posters. Bad speller.

6. 2&2 Slider to Leyritz

Hates women and still hasn't stopped talking about Jeff [name redacted]. Awful takes on sports, politics, and life in general. Has the self-awareness of

5. bobknightfan

The line between boob and bob is nonexistent. He trolls so unbelievably hard that it's impossible to know when he's being sincere. He is crankier than all your grandparents combined. Hates Wake Forest. Introduced me to that dumb Fantrax game.

4. Caturday

Racist. Best thing about him is that he doesn't post much. Worst thing is that he finds the boards sometimes on coke binges and uses the boards to take out his rage. Y'all don't know what it's like/being male, upper class, and white.

3. Every single John Ruskin/Biff Tannen parody.

All of them. They're all the worst. Not a single funny post among the thousands.

2. Junebug

Politics board, sports board, just everywhere. This guy really takes the cake. Awful opinions for what is clearly a learned man. Something devastatingly wrong there.

1. TownieDeac

SERIOUSLY. Waht the fuck is with that guy. So many fucking lists. Thinks he's hot shit when he's clearly nobody. Talks about himself way too much. Hipster, millennial nonsense. Had a hand in driving off BobStackFan4Life, rjkarl, jaybone, and some of the posters who made this place great once. Can't even quit properly. The worst.
A respectable list. CHillDeac and simosfrostyone don't get nearly enough recognition for their terribleness.
I will admit to being worse than at least 5 of those listed
I can't even crack the Top 40 on THIS list?

Man, my life really is in shambles.
One would think on a list of 50 one could crack more than 3 good lines
And where the hell is 89Deac? That guy is the worst.
But what does 2&2 have the self-awareness of?
This is funny, but it lacks the authority of OGB's lists for some reason.
I finally made a list! And even though I was only 14th, I got the 2nd most ink.
With all apologies to OldGoldBeard, who did this thing right one time...
1. TownieDeac

SERIOUSLY. Waht the fuck is with that guy. So many fucking lists. Thinks he's hot shit when he's clearly nobody. Talks about himself way too much. Hipster, millennial nonsense. Had a hand in driving off BobStackFan4Life, rjkarl, jaybone, and some of the posters who made this place great once. Can't even quit properly. The worst.

You left out pretentious.

It cracks me up that you think I'm some angry old white guy.
Was Townie absent for the rise in horrible 8XDeac posters?
46. doo doo butter

This lurker joined back in 2012 and has yet to make a post. And his name is doo doo butter. Seems like a huge missed opportunity. Come on doo doo butter.

^^ This cracked me up. (Though at first I read the last sentence as "Come on doo doo better.")
8. stratt/ericstratton/strattocaster

I'm not even sure what all these guys are even called. They gave us a lot of great board memes, but are failures in spite of themselves.

My favorite part of this is the idea that poor, poor ericstratton is reading this somewhere going "what the shit did I do?"
My favorite part of this is the idea that poor, poor ericstratton is reading this somewhere going "what the shit did I do?"
From the enslaved populace, songs, chants and demands,
while Princes and Lords are held captive in prisons.
These will in the future by headless idiots
be received as divine prayers.