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The #Buzzout #Wellmanout Billboard: Development Thread

.............Jeff [Redacted] at Wake: 11-42 vs the ACC.................
"Jeff has done everything we ASKED him to do…” Ron Wellman
...Apparently winning is too much to ask…
Fire Ron Wellman! Fire Jeff [Redacted]! [I][B]www.FireBz.com[/B][/I]

Just throwing something at the wall... It's rough. I drew it up in a text box in word and then inserted a smaller text box to the right of the first two lines with a double sized "???!?!?!" Unfortunately I don't have VT's skills and could not transfer my creation to the MB. It seems too wordy for a billboard, but I guess it would depend on the layout. Anyway, it convey's the proper sentiment.
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Good message but that's a lot of words to absorb as you bzzz by on I-40.


He has only recruited 3 Championship coaches to Wake in 20 years.

Should Ron Wellman be fired? .... "Oh Heavens YES!"
Put one of these on I40 coming into Winston. It should get the job done. The FireWellman movement should catch fire now that he's announced Bzz is back for at least another season.
The problem with the #FireWellman/#WellmanOUT campaign is most people hold him in high esteem for matters outside of the [Redacted] hire. People overall think positively of Wake Forest sports without knowing all the details. I think the billboard needs to simply create interest and start a conversation.

What has Ron Wellman ACTUALLY done to deserve his job?
FireWellman.com #FireWellman (or appropriate hashtag)

Vtwhat already owns FireWellman.com and I think the site can then help people reach a conclusion to that question. Combine the work that PH has done and have questions and answers all showing how ineffective has actually been.
Agreed. Plenty of quotes show the PR nightmare this has been.
Is this ever happening? The longer you wait the less anyone cares. Even people that are extremely Buzzout and diehards that post on these boards are beginning to just be apathetic. The tournament is over next weekend and then basketball is in hibernation for months. The longer you wait the more you should just do it next fall, in fact might even be at that point now.
The problem with the #FireWellman/#WellmanOUT campaign is most people hold him in high esteem for matters outside of the [Redacted] hire. People overall think positively of Wake Forest sports without knowing all the details. I think the billboard needs to simply create interest and start a conversation.

What has Ron Wellman ACTUALLY done to deserve his job?
FireWellman.com #FireWellman (or appropriate hashtag)

Vtwhat already owns FireWellman.com and I think the site can then help people reach a conclusion to that question. Combine the work that PH has done and have questions and answers all showing how ineffective has actually been.

This. And let's get the billboard up quick.
'We Believe' in Wake Forest. We're in disbelief about [Redacted]. firebz.com
Winning team to cellar dwellar - the [Redacted] culture! firebz.com
Bad at your job? Looking for long-term security? If so, coach bball at Wake Forest. firebz.com
Make a $1 million per year with no job performance requirements. Contact Wake Forest Athletics for details or visit firebz.com.
Is this ever happening? The longer you wait the less anyone cares. Even people that are extremely Buzzout and diehards that post on these boards are beginning to just be apathetic. The tournament is over next weekend and then basketball is in hibernation for months. The longer you wait the more you should just do it next fall, in fact might even be at that point now.

This is true - can we get an update?

NCAA season is almost over and I'm close to just wanting the whole thing to go away until Fall 2013.
As I posted on Sunday, I gave my general idea to RedSoxFaithful on Thursday.

In terms of sending out 'rough drafts' to anyone; I can't do so until I know about the number of billboards, the dimensions, the timing, etc.
I'm currently waiting on the funds from Crowdtilt.

What we should be doing in the meantime is brainstorming messages (as the last few posts in this thread have).

I also could use some feedback on my date dilemma. If I were to, say, have a big, single billboard near the stadium, but that billboard only becomes available in late May, is that worth it? It'd use about half of our funds.
The key to this billboard is not so much the placement. It's that journalists have a sound bite to add to their articles. ("Wake fans are so desperate to get rid of Buzz that they have resorted to buying billboards calling for Wellman's ouster", etc.)

We will have two cycles to worry about. The first, immediately after the tourney, when hirings and firings will happen en masse, and the second, before next season. We desperately need coverage in both.

That means we need a billboard any billboard now.

Some of these apply to this situation.

Misconceptions abound with billboards, but there are a few basics that can help structure your outdoor advertising strategies:

1. Secondary, not primary
In general, billboards are a secondary medium, not a primary one. This means that they act as a support to other parts of an advertising campaign, and are not the main thrust themselves. There are exceptions, of course. Retail operations like gas stations, hospitality, restaurants and such will use outdoor advertising as a primary vehicle to get people to “exit now.” But if you’re selling an intangible product or service, or if your goal is to develop your brand image, then you need to have a plan that goes beyond billboards.

2. Six Seconds, 6 Words
Billboards are viewed quickly, generally in vehicles going over the speed limit. This means there isn’t much time to read a complex message. The industry rule of thumb is that a billboard is read in less than six seconds, and the billboard should have no more than six words. You can have a few extra words in smaller type or a secondary position to give location information or a call to action, but your primary message should be 6 words or less. Generally, it should stand away from secondary text and presented in an uncluttered manner. Once again, less is better, just as Mark Twain once said, “If I had more time, I would have written less.”

3. Avoid Metaphors
The need for simplicity is an obvious corollary to the speed and brief message space of a billboard. In Web design, Steve Krug has said “Don’t make me think.” The same concept applies to outdoor advertising. Comparisons should be clear, and while they may be clever, they should be immediately obvious. If you see a concept like this one for IBM and say, “I don’t’ get it,” then you can be confident that the metaphor just isn’t working (Original post: Adrants)

4. Mnemonics Only
When I’m driving with someone, I don’t want them taking their hands off the wheel to write down a phone number. Unless one has some great phone number that spells a simple phrase, don’t even think about using one. Likewise, caution should be given to using URLs, and they must be simple, straightforward and memorable.

5. Buy in Gross
Generally, you’ll want a billboard campaign. So be ready to spend some money. A single billboard will not achieve your communication goals unless you can use the best, most well known billboard phrase: “Exit Now.”

Billboards are bought in “shows,” which are comparable to gross rating points. If you buy a 50 show in a particular geographic area, you will be reaching a number of viewers equivalent to 100% of the population in the area every two days. This is based on the amount of traffic known to go past the board (the Annual Average Daily Traffic, or AADT), the number of people age 18+in each vehicle, and the hours of illumination for the display. Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean you’re reaching the population that actually lives in the area – especially if you’re posting on expressways or commuter routes.

6. Placement Review
Not every billboard is a winner. In fact, the smaller your organization or your budget, the more you’ll need to do hand-to-hand combat in selecting billboard locations. In addition to different sizes, placements on the opposite side of the road (called cross reads), tall buildings and trees can significantly impact each of your placements. Nowadays, most companies provide a photo, map and description of each placement; although the photos do not always do justice to individual boards, making an automotive survey something worth considering.

Apply these six basics and you’ll be well on your way to successful outdoor advertising effort. Explain them convincingly to your clients, and you’ll be well on your way to a successful campaign — and marketing career.
What we should be doing in the meantime is brainstorming messages (as the last few posts in this thread have).

I've been battling on how to handle the 'team' (the people I trust to collaborate with me on the final product). I'm convinced I'm going to step on a few toes, regardless... but here's what I've decided is best (for both my sanity & for #BuzzOut):

Everyone continuing the conversation (in this thread) on what the message should be. If you've financially contributed or been a big part of the movement... your say, which you can amplify through this thread and on this message board, has (and will continue to have) more weight. There are a ton of people who have contributed enormously in all of this. Singling out any individual in the group seems a bit off, but I think I'd be remiss in not mentioning the work/impact of what the Strattons, quadrupledeac, thedeacfan, DV7, nony, WFFaithful, and RedSoxFaithful have done so far. I really can't thank these guys enough & they deserve more of the credit for everything that's been accomplished than they've received.

I've given RedSoxFaithful a very tiny peek into what I'm planning since he's in control of the finances. I trust him to keep that between us. The secrecy isn't intended to be prick-ish, its aimed at developing a collaborative/group message while still building anticipation/excitement (within the group) of what is going to be released. As I explained to the Strattons when I was developing the ads, the people on here that I could give inside-information to (on what is going to be published) serve as the air in the balloon that can make it explode when it is released. The more people who know for sure what is coming in advance, the less people we have that will be genuinely surprised/excited when it makes its public debut.

Hopefully I've built some credibility in my marketing acumen & passion for this project. I believe I have a pretty good grip on the group message we're trying to convey, and I will do everything I can to make it shine through in my work.

I've provided some pretty strong hints of what direction this is going (Ron Wellman). Until I submit a final draft, the message is fluid and I will adapt it based on what I read here. As far as the PMs, emails, texts, and voicemails go... I hope you all (especially the individuals I've pointed out) will understand why the most efficient way forward is through this thread.

I hope I make all of you proud with the final product (well, except for RJ... ideally, I'll simultaneously be pissing him off). I'll be running things by somebody, who I've already informed of their role, that the board trusts to make sure I haven't gone off the deep end and driven totally off-course.

I'll be less involved in the conversation from here on out, but I hope others step up and liven up the discussion. I'll be an attentive reader.
MAC- I obviously appreciate the post (and, as a marketing guy, respect the information it contains)... but I'll point out that these billboards will be different (and somewhat unique) beasts.

We need something direct and hard-hitting, but the typical billboard rules don't apply here. Like with the ad in the OG&B, the vast majority of the people who I expect to see our advertisement will not be viewing it in its original form/medium. If things go as planned, the number of people who read the billboard's message on the side of the road will pale in comparison to the number of people who are exposed to it when its rebroadcasted in papers, websites, newscasts, and beyond.

Do we need a simple (yet sharp) focus? Of course. Are we restricted to only that? no. With that in mind, I believe I've concocted a powerful way to hammer home our message.
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Okay, with vt's recent posts in mind, we do have one other choice to consider:

Do we want to do multiple billboards right now (I believe this will maximize the impact of the story), or would it be better to do 1 now and 1 when the season starts?

I am obviously leaning towards the former, but I understand the desire for an in-season message.
RedSox is running the show in terms of placement & logistics involved with the budget.

He'll have to make some decisions on how to move forward & what to disclose. I trust him to do so (and can do nothing but applaud how he's done so far). I'll have the ball back in my court once I know more details on the timing (deadlines and run dates) and the physical features (location & dimensions) we have to work with.
Like with the ad in the OG&B, the vast majority of the people who I expect to see our advertisement will not be viewing it in its original form/medium. If things go as planned, the number of people who read the billboard's message on the side of the road will pale in comparison to the number of people who are exposed to it when its rebroadcasted in papers, websites, newscasts, and beyond.

Do we need a simple (yet sharp) focus? Of course. Are we restricted to only that? no. With that in mind, I believe I've concocted a powerful way to hammer home our message.

Use the kiss principle. You fellows give it your best shot. Your goal is to cause havoc in the hallowed halls of WFU! When the billboard is featured on other websites, TV etc. across the country, then you will know your message has been received. IMO, I would not release the billboard message to this website until the day the message is released to the public via the billboard. Use discretion, since the Wake Gestapo is monitoring your every move...