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The #Buzzout #Wellmanout Billboard: Development Thread

Okay, with vt's recent posts in mind, we do have one other choice to consider:

Do we want to do multiple billboards right now (I believe this will maximize the impact of the story), or would it be better to do 1 now and 1 when the season starts?

I am obviously leaning towards the former, but I understand the desire for an in-season message.

My opinion: (emphatically) the latter. 1 now. 1 later.

1 billboard is enough to launch the bomb we want to detonate (calm down, WFPD... I'm speaking metaphorically). While multiple billboards would obviously be ideal, cost is obviously (and always) a consideration. Having more than one at a time might add an 's' to the word 'billboard' in the coverage we're hoping to attract, but the impact of simultaneous signs would (in my mind at least) be a small fraction of the impact we could have if we efficiently distribute these things over time.
Use the kiss principle. You fellows give it your best shot. Your goal is to cause havoc in the hallowed halls of WFU! When the billboard is featured on other websites, TV etc. across the country, then you will know your message has been received. IMO, I would not release the billboard message to this website until the day the message is released to the public via the billboard. Use discretion, since the Wake Gestapo is monitoring your every move...

totally agree. as much as i want to know what it will say and where it will be i want it to be a complete surprise to wellman, bz and pals.
My suggestion, one now, & one when the season begins in Nov. Re-open the wound. Forget? Forget Hell!

One additional note of concern. God forbid, we all wish the best for Grobe. Class act, great person. But if the football season should implode. There will obviously be more options to consider...
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My opinion: (emphatically) the latter. 1 now. 1 later.

1 billboard is enough to launch the bomb we want to detonate (calm down, WFPD... I'm speaking metaphorically). While multiple billboards would obviously be ideal, cost is obviously (and always) a consideration. Having more than one at a time might add an 's' to the word 'billboard' in the coverage we're hoping to attract, but the impact of simultaneous signs would (in my mind at least) be a small fraction of the impact we could have if we efficiently distribute these things over time.

agree with this too. do it now let everyone go to the beach (including bz since i just read they spend summers in their home on the nc coast), let them relax, and drop a bomb for football season.

of course i hope we do something in between so they don't forget us.
RSF, its time to pull the trigger. Time will pass us by if we wait for a consensus. Those of us who contributed to the campaign did so knowing that you would be in charge should the campaign tilt. If your gut says multiple billboards now would give us the greatest chance of getting publicity and we can swing it financially, then lets do it. If it is successful, then we will be able to raise more funds in the fall for an airplane banner or similar project. I have complete trust in vtwhat to come up with content that will deliver a powerful anti-Wellman message. Bottom line, if we don't act now, we won't get the publicity we crave no matter how great the content is.
My suggestion, one now, & one when the season begins in Nov. Re-open the wound. Forget? Forget Hell!

If we go this route, which again... I'll respect whatever RedSox decides, coming up with an agreed upon destination for the funds (that would be floating around for a while) if we're ultimately successful in our goal before the 2nd billboard launches is important and needs to be clearly communicated.

As tbird sold me on earlier in this thread... I think we should say that any cash that isn't eventually used for its clearly stated purpose (which should only be an issue if there are crumbs left over in RedSox's budget or [Redacted] is gone before we launch a final billboard), should go back into OGBoards. This site provides an excellent avenue for all of us to organize & to be heard (in past, current, and future) in times of need.

Will just emphasize again: I have no ties to the financial decisions being made. I haven't and will not have any hand in the money side of advertisements for FireBz/#BuzzOut, so what I'm expressing is solely an opinion & where it goes is for others to decide.
Go after Buzz with the messaging, not Wellman. Ronnie has too many lovers in the upper ranks (BOT included) to make a dent - trust me.
The message is going after Wellman. I don't care how untouchable everyone thinks he is, that arrogant mother fucker is at least going to have to acknowledge the movement against him. I want the rest of his days as our AD to be as uncomfortable and pressure filled as possible.
Go after Buzz with the messaging, not Wellman. Ronnie has too many lovers in the upper ranks (BOT included) to make a dent - trust me.

He does now. And it could very well stay that way for a long while if we don't start trying to tear down that wall.

Show the higher ups that people aren't just mad at [Redacted] but also mad at Wellman and they might want to try and figure out why.
Wellman has seemed to have worn out his welcome and is doing his best job at tearing down a program that he put on the map. [Very sad but true ]

What was the problem with this one? It's simple, effective, to the point, and would gain ample media attention (if we get it up fast enough). The only thing I would change would be the grey lettering of "Fire Ron Wellman, Fire Jeff [Redacted]." Maybe use gold lettering to more readily grab the readers attention.
What was the problem with this one? It's simple, effective, to the point, and would gain ample media attention (if we get it up fast enough). The only thing I would change would be the grey lettering of "Fire Ron Wellman, Fire Jeff [Redacted]." Maybe use gold lettering to more readily grab the readers attention.

I love the design, but the only thing I would maybe recommend is changing the quote reference... I'm not sure many people outside of ogb and buzz out will understand the Internet reference. Why just just have his away record and say fire Ron Wellman under BuzzOUT? And yes I donated to it.
I'm currently waiting on the funds from Crowdtilt.

What we should be doing in the meantime is brainstorming messages (as the last few posts in this thread have).

I also could use some feedback on my date dilemma. If I were to, say, have a big, single billboard near the stadium, but that billboard only becomes available in late May, is that worth it? It'd use about half of our funds.

We need to move now. We should find a billboard where a lot of people can see it and move. The BOT will be in town April 19th.
Checked in on this thread to see when it would go up. No pressure but get this bad boy up. Story is already fading even in Winston and once bball season is done completely no one will care.

I vote one billboard now and one later. Having two is not going to be a differencemaker between whether this gets picked up or not nationally.
'We Believe' in Wake Forest. We're in disbelief about [Redacted]. firebz.com
Winning team to cellar dwellar - the [Redacted] culture! firebz.com
Bad at your job? Looking for long-term security? If so, coach bball at Wake Forest. firebz.com
Make a $1 million per year with no job performance requirements. Contact Wake Forest Athletics for details or visit firebz.com.

We BELIEVE in Wake Forest. We do NOT believe Ron Wellman. firebz.com

My opinion: (emphatically) the latter. 1 now. 1 later.

1 billboard is enough to launch the bomb we want to detonate (calm down, WFPD... I'm speaking metaphorically). While multiple billboards would obviously be ideal, cost is obviously (and always) a consideration. Having more than one at a time might add an 's' to the word 'billboard' in the coverage we're hoping to attract, but the impact of simultaneous signs would (in my mind at least) be a small fraction of the impact we could have if we efficiently distribute these things over time.

My suggestion, one now, & one when the season begins in Nov. Re-open the wound. Forget? Forget Hell!

One additional note of concern. God forbid, we all wish the best for Grobe. Class act, great person.But if the football season should implode. There will obviously be more options to consider...

I agree with the sentiments expressed above. One now, and QUICKLY. In fact, I think only an electronic billboard can be brought on line quick enough. I say we use the balance of the money to reserve, as in put a deposit down on, THE BEST billboard location for next November/December. Perhaps that location could even be good enough to serve both football and basketball attendees.
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Again, the target has to be Wellman and we don't need to worry about multiple billboards.

We need to show that we aren't satisfied and if Bzz is protected, we are prepared to after whoever protects him.

This is not a campaign to sell a product or a store. This is a media campaign to make a point. We are vastly underfunded, so we need to use the media to make our point for us. Time is of the essence, and it needs to happen now.
Just my two cents, but we really need to keep the focus on Bz's horrible record. It's a completely objective, undeniable argument. Attacking Wellman is more subjective so it's a weaker argument. As we've seen, when the media picks up the story on Bz they analyze the numbers objectively, which begs the question about Wellman's motives, and then they jump all over him, too.

Part of me wonders if Wellman's interviews were a deliberate attempt on his part to distract us by allowing himself to become a target. Let's stay focused on Bz's record and let the media do the rest.
If Strattocaster is correct about the April 19 BOT meeting we have to have it up for that!!!!! Let's get on it.

As long as the billboard will be seen my vote is to get one up now, and save funds for a second for football season.

I am not a fan of the "Bz doesn't read newspaper or internet" bc that doesn't really have anything to do with this. Of course he reads that stuff he just wanted us to think he does not. I vote for a stat of some sort and maybe one of wellman's horrible quotes. Or what about this:

"88% of those polled by the WSJ want BZ fired" Buzzout and Wellmanout

whatever a decision needs to be made and get this going in the next 24 hours. no way we are all going to agree.