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The Official OGBoards Running (and Cycling) Thread: (Insert Season Here)

i'm feeling better and better on my runs (3-4.5 miles) and more and more confident about a marathon happening this fall. i've spent some time reading race reports on the portland marathon, and i just overlayed the hal higdon training program over my personal calendar for the summer... things are looking good :) my only big 'conflict' is 18 miles the day of the DMB/Avett concert in the gorge, so i may need to adjust that week somehow. otherwise, i can see no issue with doing this!
i'm feeling better and better on my runs (3-4.5 miles) and more and more confident about a marathon happening this fall. i've spent some time reading race reports on the portland marathon, and i just overlayed the hal higdon training program over my personal calendar for the summer... things are looking good :) my only big 'conflict' is 18 miles the day of the DMB/Avett concert in the gorge, so i may need to adjust that week somehow. otherwise, i can see no issue with doing this!

As I learned, you can miss a long run or two along the way...it's not a deal breaker.
At what distance/time does one need to start consuming calories during runs? I've been running about 7 miles at a time but want to take it up to about 10. I'm at a 7:45 pace. Should I be taking some gel with me?
At what distance/time does one need to start consuming calories during runs? I've been running about 7 miles at a time but want to take it up to about 10. I'm at a 7:45 pace. Should I be taking some gel with me?

You should be ok without it. I rarely use them on anything shorter than 1:30-45 runs
I don't start taking gels until runs of around 2:30 (15-16 miles for me).

That said, when I'm going to use them in a longer run, I eat each hour.
At what distance/time does one need to start consuming calories during runs? I've been running about 7 miles at a time but want to take it up to about 10. I'm at a 7:45 pace. Should I be taking some gel with me?

you could always just do the first of your 10 milers without any calories, and see whether or not you bonk. bonking isn't the end of the world, just means you'll have to trudge back to your car/house. i would imagine the calorie thing is an individual preference/necessity. personally i don't need anything for a 10 miler, but i'm sure there are people who do. just try going without it. if you bonk, next time plan to take a gu or something with you.
Something else to keep in mind: It takes 30 minutes or more for the calories to actually be effective, so you'd need to take the Gu fairly early (mile 4?) in a 10 mile run for it to really be of much benefit from miles 7-10.
Yeah I missed one of my long runs before the Half and it was no big deal. Also one thing I would do is run by big runs on Friday evenings instead of Satrudays if I had a scheudling conflict. It was no big deal.

And I've never eaten during a run. That being said I think that's gonna change when I start training for the Full. I could see it being beneficial if you run 15 miles+.
Yeah I missed one of my long runs before the Half and it was no big deal. Also one thing I would do is run by big runs on Friday evenings instead of Satrudays if I had a scheudling conflict. It was no big deal.

And I've never eaten during a run. That being said I think that's gonna change when I start training for the Full. I could see it being beneficial if you run 15 miles+.

Yeah. Most don't need it for 13. You will definitely need nutrition for a full (and your longer training runs) to keep burning carbs rather than fat.
KT Tape update.

So upon further self-diagnosis, I think my ankle problem is actual posterior tibial tendonitis. I loaded up KT tape's website and was unhappy to find that they didn't have instructions for this. Thankfully, I decided to check youtube and sure enough, they have an instructional video, it just isn't hosted on their site.

I followed the instructions(no shaving this time) and had myself taped up rather quickly. I immediately felt a difference walking around, although, I have been icing and stretching actively over the past two days so that could partly explain my comfort.

I wanted to take it easy so I went to the local 5 mile loop and did 4 out and back. It is difficult to do much ankle stretching with the tape on, but I guess that is to be expected. I started off my run and the upper portion of the tape (you can see it in the images) began to come loose. Pretty quickly they were flapping in the wind. Everything below the sock line stayed put though. This isn't the tape's fault, it's solely because I didn't shave the area where the tape went. I took a shower last night and the stuff didn't even flinch. It's pretty amazing. Anyway, the run went very well and I had little to no ankle pain. I can still feel it when I rotate my ankle, but as of right now, I think this stuff is pretty magical.

I run 8 again tonight and then 7 tomorrow. I'm going to see how long I can make this stuff last. As of right now, I could realistically see it lasting at least 4-5 days.


At what distance/time does one need to start consuming calories during runs? I've been running about 7 miles at a time but want to take it up to about 10. I'm at a 7:45 pace. Should I be taking some gel with me?

I typically run first thing on the morning - with nothing to drink or eat before I run. Once I get up to 10 miles or so, I try to drink some water before and will take water and one gel for during the run. As I go longer I find I need a gel before the run and every 4-5 miles - with water to wash them down, of course. During a race I will eat gels more often because I am burning calories more quickly - every 4 miles or less.

I know people, however, that will run a half marathon with no water or nourishment at all... I think I remember Lance Armstrong eating one gel during the NY marathon the first time he ran it - I don't see how that is possible...
I typically run first thing on the morning - with nothing to drink or eat before I run. Once I get up to 10 miles or so, I try to drink some water before and will take water and one gel for during the run. As I go longer I find I need a gel before the run and every 4-5 miles - with water to wash them down, of course. During a race I will eat gels more often because I am burning calories more quickly - every 4 miles or less.

I know people, however, that will run a half marathon with no water or nourishment at all... I think I remember Lance Armstrong eating one gel during the NY marathon the first time he ran it - I don't see how that is possible...

I saw something about Deena Kastor only drinking at mile 2 and mile 24-25 in one of her marathons.
i'm really bad about eating or drinking anything while on long runs. i had to force myself to take and get gu chomps while training for my recent marathon and would take me debit card to stop for water along the way. during my first marathon i never ate or drank anything during long runs and only drank water/gatorade at stations during the actual race without eating any gels or what not. this time i took 2 packs of gu chomps with me and only ate one pack as it was so cold it was really hard to chew them and they started to make me gag.
Thanks for all the responses re: calories. I guess I'll go without on Saturday and just see how it goes. The route I'll run will at least have some water along the way.
i know it's not terribly descriptive, but a gu's texture/consistency is kind of exactly what you would expect something called "goo" to be like. tw comes as close as i think it's possible to come when he says thick jelly. but i don't really feel like there's something that's just right for a descriptor.

i have never once had one that i thought actually tasted good. i've tried a lot of different flavors (certainly not all of them though), and think they're all pretty gross. i've been told that they're better if you freeze them, but i've never actually tried it.
I've seen and heard of them, but never eaten (injested?) a gu. What does it taste like?

My favorite is the Clif Shot brand in strawberry. I think they are delicious. there are lots of flavors across the brands: assorted berries, orange, lemon, vanilla, chocolate, coffee, apple cinnamon, etc. I think they make unflavored ones too.