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This must end now.

[Redacted] has to be a placeholder, right?

There is no way that Ron Wellman, the rest of the Athletic Department, the Board of Trustees and major donors are blind to the terrible position we are in. While the boards may not be a fair sample of the Wake Forest population, there is no way the higher ups are naive enough to think we will make progress in our current position.

That being said, I've convinced myself that Wellman, who in the past has proved himself to not be an idiot and make good moves, is using Bz as a placeholder for the program and waiting around for "his guy". When he felt the need to fire Dino, he had a guy that he wanted to bring in, like Skip, who he saw as the future of Wake Forest Basketball for the next 15 to 20 years, but for whatever reason "his guy" either wasn't ready to leave, to be an ACC coach, or the program wasn't ready. So instead, Wellman brought in his buddy who he knew would do whatever he wanted and couldn't screw up the program that badly (although it's the worst it has been, it's not like we don't have some talented players, it's all on the coaching).

Otherwise, Wellman actually thinks [Redacted] is the right man to be the head coach of Wake Forest Basketball. There is no way Ron Wellman actually believes this, he is not that stupid. He has to have a larger plan at work here.
The only thing that doesn't make sense to me is the contract extension...

You are giving Wellman WAY too much credit. He did a remarkable job as AD for much of his tenure, but then he got arrogant. (Accept his arrogance and it will help you understand the contract extension). The Bzzz hire was indefensible and blatant cronyism. Wellman just figured he had enough capital built up to get away with it.
I believe at the time that Wellman felt Bzzz was going to take us to a Final Four. Rusty would leave, get some seasoning, and come back and be the home town coach to take over the wonderful program Bzzz built the right way (Note: this is not just idle spec but rather the piecing together a number of statements from Wellman himself). Anyway, he obviously missed completely is his assessment of Bzzz and Rusty is not developing as a recruiter or as a coach. Wellman was so arrogant that I don't think he ever thought this could happen. Now the situation is so fucked up that Bzzz will go down in infamy, the assistants are damaged goods (Battle probably not as much), and Wellman will forever be remembered as the guy that buried Wake Forest basketball on a hunch.

Interesting theory... Did this come from the same source who told you Bzz was the only head coach candidate Wellman even considered/talked with/interviewed after Dino was canned?
I didn't quite say Bzzz was the ONLY candidate. He was the primary candidate that Wellman thought would take the job and Wellman though Bzzz was an awesome candidate. From annoucing this to the time Bzzz was hired, I don't know what Wellman did. I was told he probably contacted Tubby Smith and he wasn't interested. RJ has info that says he contacted Alford so that probably happened as well.

I know that Rusty asked for the job and Wellman told him it wasn't his time yet but it eventually would be.
Will someone provide insight on that blatant attempt by this AD and his gestapo to sanitize most if not all of the public discussion about this failure of a man, Jeff [Redacted]. The group of fanny pack virgins who continue to go to games, wear their black and gold sweaters, and treat [Redacted] with any sort of respect make me sick. If this coach was employed by any decent program he would have been run out of town after his ridiculous and evasive answers to very reasonable questions last night. I see the anger on these boards but not with any of the Frisbee throwing, virgin pussies that make up a large portion of the student body. As much as many of you hate other big time programs in the ACC, I suspect their fans would make bz flee town with his crusty dick between his legs without any help from Ron '' it looks like I got hit in the face with a brick'' Wellman.
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Well, there's this...

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) -- Skip Prosser looked to the heavens frequently for answers during a lopsided loss to Air Force. The Wake Forest couldn't find any.

"I tried everything," Prosser said. "It didn't make a difference."

Was Prosser channeling his inner Bz?
I'm not going to bother looking at the rest, but he's not specifically blaming the players.
Exactly, Skip is taking the blame there. He tried everything and it didn't work. At no point did he say, "We focus on it in practice, ask them why they don't do it" or "I try and I try and they just don't get it" as Bzz has done multiple times now.
Interesting theory... Did this come from the same source who told you Bzz was the only head coach candidate Wellman even considered/talked with/interviewed after Dino was canned?

Hi, DeaconBrad!

Glad to see you are still being a shill in a condescending tone. I too can be condescending from time to time, wouldn't you agree, my little sugar plum?
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The only way to end it is simply stop donating money to the school, athletic department, and/or attending games. Once the money moves significantly against these jokers, they will lose their jobs.

very well put. hit them where it hurts - the athletic department can not continue to have 400 people at home games regardless of $1 hot dog nights.
I don't really agree that we should take the interim approach. I like Coach Battle and think he'd probably be a good head coach, but we really need to break from the last 12 years or whatever it is. If Battle is made interim coach then we're likely to end up in a situation where it will be very difficult for us not to offer him the position full time. As much as he's been through at Wake, it would look awfully bad if we make him an interim coach and then, after the team undoubtedly improves significantly, don't give him the head coaching job.

In my mind the only way we should go that route is if [Redacted] loses the freshmen before we get at least half way through ACC play. I don't think there's just a whole lot of danger of that (which speaks highly to their character because Bz sucks).
If Wellman extends [Redacted]'s contract, I'll be truly shocked. I mean unless we win an ACC Cha...oh, I can't finish that sentence with a straight face.

I'm more and more thinking that the logic for not firing him before now is twofold. First off, no buyout. Secondly, I've always thought that [Redacted] was a fail-safe (ironic word choice, I know) hire, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Wellman is making darn sure he's got a quality successor lined up before pulling the trigger. Still, I go to the games myself, not for the coaches, but for the players. That's just me.

If we have another awful season and the contract is extended, well...come back to me.
You have much more confidence in Wellman than I do.

I am with you on the games. Missed maybe one or two [Redacted]'s first two seasons, but then I moved 1000+ miles away. I was thinking I might try to get to one anyway, but that's when I thought we might be competitive in most ACC games. Now, hardly seems worth the effort...
You have much more confidence in Wellman than I do.

I am with you on the games. Missed maybe one or two [Redacted]'s first two seasons, but then I moved 1000+ miles away. I was thinking I might try to get to one anyway, but that's when I thought we might be competitive in most ACC games. Now, hardly seems worth the effort...

I don't blame ANYBODY for being skeptical about Wellman right now, trust me. Guess I just try to be optimistic as a general rule. I also understand people being "broken" with regards to the games and stuff. Hasn't been easy for me either; I don't watch hoops to get upset, but those guys deserve support if nothing else. I do hope this team earns some decent crowds though, at least for big games. They're playing their hearts out for the most part.

The Legend of Bz must End now!
Secondly, I've always thought that [Redacted] was a fail-safe (ironic word choice, I know) hire, and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if Wellman is making darn sure he's got a quality successor lined up before pulling the trigger.

Great thought if not for the fact that just a couple years ago he fired Dino, a very successful coach, without having anyone better than Bzz lined up.
Great thought if not for the fact that just a couple years ago he fired Dino, a very successful coach, without having anyone better than Bzz lined up.

I kind of think he fired Dino because he knew the Teague/Clark allegations were coming and wanted to be able to say it was in the past or what have you. That said, allow me to go patch up my tinfoil hat.
I kind of think he fired Dino because he knew the Teague/Clark allegations were coming and wanted to be able to say it was in the past or what have you. That said, allow me to go patch up my tinfoil hat.

You are giving Wellman WAY too much credit. He did a remarkable job as AD for much of his tenure, but then he got arrogant. (Accept his arrogance and it will help you understand the contract extension). The Bzzz hire was indefensible and blatant cronyism. Wellman just figured he had enough capital built up to get away with it.

You're right, I am giving him a lot of credit, but part of it is my optimism and at this point we're all really grasping at straws here. If it really is just pure cronyism, that's ridiculous and Wellman is way out of line. It's one thing to put someone in that job who shouldn't really be there but could coast along. It's another to put someone there who is so obviously completely incompetent.

I still don't think Wellman, even with his built up capital, would risk his job on Buzz and I have faith in Wellman enough to think he can see what we can, that this guy wasn't qualified and is a despicable head of the basketball program.

As for firing Dino, I just don't think they got along and I don't think Wellman respected Dino. After Skip's death, I think Wellman knew the smoothest transition after an event that was really tough for the entire Wake Forest community would be to promote Dino or Battle, and IIRC Battle didn't want it and was going through his wife's illness (correct me if this is wrong). This kept all the stuff Skip stood for going with his staff instead of just casting it all away to bring in another coach, but the problem was the Dino just really couldn't live up to who Skip was and what he meant to the program. I think Wellman saw this, didn't respect Dino as a head coach, and fired him once he got the chance which apparently was more important to him than having a successor lined up.

With Buzz, it's completely different because Wellman brought him in and it is by all means his guy. So unless it's just the right time and Wellman has a successor lined up, I don't know that Buzz will be fired until the fans anger and disappointment with Buzz or the complete downfall and degrading of the program becomes more important to Wellman than having a successor lined up or sticking to his guns. In that case, it's Wellman's job to find someone who can actually do this job to follow Buzz and if he can't then that means he can't do his job. If he can't do his job or if he sticks with Buzz and actually thought this was a solution, we have much bigger problems than our basketball program. If Wellman is fired, I'm going to be very worried about our athletics in general. There will have to be a lot of demand for our athletics to be successful from big donors to the school and the Board of Trustees, because Nathan Hatch doesn't give a shit about the athletics department and probably wouldn't hesitate to just let it go over the cliff.

With Buzz, it's completely different because Wellman brought him in and it is by all means his guy. So unless it's just the right time and Wellman has a successor lined up, I don't know that Buzz will be fired until the fans anger and disappointment with Buzz or the complete downfall and degrading of the program becomes more important to Wellman than having a successor lined up or sticking to his guns. In that case, it's Wellman's job to find someone who can actually do this job to follow Buzz and if he can't then that means he can't do his job. If he can't do his job or if he sticks with Buzz and actually thought this was a solution, we have much bigger problems than our basketball program. If Wellman is fired, I'm going to be very worried about our athletics in general. There will have to be a lot of demand for our athletics to be successful from big donors to the school and the Board of Trustees, because Nathan Hatch doesn't give a shit about the athletics department and probably wouldn't hesitate to just let it go over the cliff.

Most of us are already "worried about our athletics in general" under Ron Wellman's leadership. Perhaps you should wake up and take a look around...