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Urinal etiquette


Well-known member
Mar 18, 2011
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So I know we have discussed this before, but here goes again.

For illustration, here is the scenario. There are three urinals in the bathroom. We will call them, from left to right, A, B and C.

I think we all generally agree if you come into the bathroom and no one is in there, that you take urinal A as your own. (Maybe C, but that is a longer walk) Under no circumstances do you take the middle urinal if all three are available.

Ok, so how about this hypothetical. You come into the bathroom and someone is already at urinal A, but B and C are open? I know the easy anser is C, since it puts the required empty urinal between the two of you, but here is where I ask you if it makes any difference.

Let's say urinal C is one of those low boy, half height abominations that no one wants to use. Is it then OK to take up your stance at urinal B, even if another dude is already at A? Also, would you be more likely to say yes to urinal B if each urinal has those little divider panels between them for "privacy."

I want to see what the Pit thinks as this one dude always seems to come into the bathroom when I go in there and almost always takes up residence at the urinal next door.

I have not noticed that he has a "wide stance" or anything, and I actually have no idea who this guy is, but it is pseudo creepy and it has now happened at least 5-6 times.
I want to see what the Pit thinks as this one dude always seems to come into the bathroom when I go in there and almost always takes up residence at the urinal next door.

This is the real issue, not urinal etiquette. Is this guy a former senator from Idaho? You may have an admirer.
A, then C, then B, or C, then A, then B. If you go straight to B, you deserve a kick in the nads.
This is the real issue, not urinal etiquette. Is this guy a former senator from Idaho? You may have an admirer.

I agree this is the real issue. I was just wondering if anyone thought it would be acceptable for him to use B if C was open.

A, then C, then B, or C, then A, then B. If you go straight to B, you deserve a kick in the nads.

Pretty much in line with my thinking as well. Never just go to B, even if you're alone. That just screws up everybody.
I need some more ground rules here:

What sort of divide, if any, is between the urinals? Is is that half-hearted divider that only covers the torso? Are the urinals recessed into the wall so that the divider runs from ceiling to floor? Is it just open air?

Also, what's adjacent to the end urinals? The wall? Does one sit right next to a row of stalls? I will often avoid a urinal next to a stall because strange liquids tend to spill over to where I'm standing.
I always feel awkward when out at the bar, you have to go drunken piss and there are people in A and C. They finish while I'm in mid stream, walk out and then the next guys that come in think I chose B over A and C. I have no idea whether or not to explain to him the situation when he comes up or just avoid and flee.
I need some more ground rules here:

What sort of divide, if any, is between the urinals? Is is that half-hearted divider that only covers the torso? Are the urinals recessed into the wall so that the divider runs from ceiling to floor? Is it just open air?

Also, what's adjacent to the end urinals? The wall? Does one sit right next to a row of stalls? I will often avoid a urinal next to a stall between strange liquid tend to spill over to where I'm standing.

Yes, the dividers are those half hearted things that cover the torso and are bolted to the wall. The urinals are not recessed.

End urinal A is against the wall. Urinal C is next to the fist stall. When you come into the bathroom and turn to the right the urinals are on your immediate left, starting with A.

Don't forget that C is one of those urinals that is half as high as the other two.
If a low urinal AND there are dividers, I could see going to B. Even then I probably go to C, unless C is unflushed.
If a low urinal AND there are dividers, I could see going to B. Even then I probably go to C, unless C is unflushed.

Also forgot to add that they changed all our urinals to waterless, so there is no flushing involved. Does not come into play here.
If I am guy 2, most of the time I would hit up the stall. Lift the seat with my foot, do my business, wash my hands and dip out. The guy trying to cuddle next door is a little weird.
Don't some of the low boy urinals stick further out? Just trying to think of situations where it's OK to pee next to someone when there is an open urinal in the bathroom. The more I think about it, I don't think there is.

We just have 2 urinals at work (with dividers/splash guards), so we don't face this dilemma. We do have 3 sinks though and it pisses me off when someone uses the middle sink, so I'd really hate if someone crowded me while pissing.

On the opposite end, it annoys me in our bathroom when 1 urinal is in use and somebody comes in and pisses in the shitter.
I am going to make a trip in there and see if the "senator" shows up again. I'll report back.
How old is the urinal buddy? Is this one of those things thats generational like at the Gym? Do old men who do naked laps around the locker room also disregard any urinal etiquette?
How old is the urinal buddy? Is this one of those things thats generational like at the Gym? Do old men who do naked laps around the locker room also disregard any urinal etiquette?

Nah, not an old dude. He's younger than me I would guess. Probably in his late twenties.

No sign of him on this trip.
i know i'm a girl, but i think similar etiquette exists in stalls as well. i was recently at a location that had a billion (really) stalls. i picked a back one kind of out of the way. someone comes and sits in the stall RIGHT NEXT TO ME. that is not ok. ever.

similarly, if it's a 3 stall bathroom, you follow the same protocol as urinals. a, c, then b or c, a, then b. this should be taught in classrooms.
Hocking loogies in the urinals for some reason feels so good. Best way to clear out your stuffed up nose.
Hocking loogies in the urinals for some reason feels so good. Best way to clear out your stuffed up nose.

Ha, RDToy and I were at the outlet malls in Mebane on Monday and someone had done this in the urinal where I went. However, they had "missed" the urinal proper and had instead hit the top ledge with the most godawful looking phlegm and tobacco juice concoction ever.

It was stuck to the top edge of the urinal AND hanging down from the edge, swinging slowly and defying gravity like no other.

It was both awful and fantastic.