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The crazy thing is that I am VERY conservative socially, and moderately conservative fiscally (I have a bleeding heart at times and can't help it), but I don't like the way our party has headed either. There is no way I ever become a Democrat because of the social issues (specifically abortion) but I get frustrated to no end with Republicans. There is room for a party to encompass the frustrated Republicans, however the only real result of that party would be to decimate the Republican party and give Democrats victory after victory. This is why it has never happened. Those of us on the right side of the spectrum won't ever go over to a new party because we realize the consequences...thus the Republican party has no real accountability to its more moderate members.

The crazy thing is that my views are not really all that moderate, however I just choose to try to apply them with some modicum of common sense, which seems to be lacking in the current Republican party (Tea Party) leadership.

Why would encompassing the "frustrated" Republicans lead to election defeat? I suppose we see the Republican party in different ways. I see it as one already doomed to election defeat because it has been taken over by uneducated, racist, fundamentalist Christians whose sole desire in governing is to be small government in name (more tax cuts), maintain an unhealthy level of belligerence to the rest of the world in general (bomb everyone), and legislate on nonsense (social issues). I aspire to one day see the Republican party taken away from these people leaving them to be the "frustrated" segment.
I don't know if he specifically has said anything, but I don't think anyone on this thread has said they were voting for the amendment. Well, except keeper, who I'm not totally convinced isn't a figment of our collective imagination.
my pastor briefly touched on it a few weeks back and quasi-endorsed the amendment. I wasn't there to listen to exactly what he said.

Not having heard what he said, I don't feel comfortable "challenging" him about it. I'm super non-confrontation so wouldn't have walked out or anything, but I definitely would have gotten in contact with him later.
I'm glad that I don't feel like I have to apologize for the core beliefs of my political party.


Maybe the only thing I'm uneasy with is abortion, only because I don't have a uterus so I don't feel like that's my call to make.
Just cast my vote against. Woman at the poll handed me a vote for pamphlet and told me to "vote for marriage". What a bunch of manipulative dickhole language. I was almost taken aback.
Just cast my vote against. Woman at the poll handed me a vote for pamphlet and told me to "vote for marriage". What a bunch of manipulative dickhole language. I was almost taken aback.

You should have just told her that you intend to do just that - by voting no.
You should have just told her that you intend to do just that - by voting no.

I had some vote no folks offer me literature. I was not offended as they have the right to their opinion by using manipulative language. It is their right as an American.
Just cast my vote against. Woman at the poll handed me a vote for pamphlet and told me to "vote for marriage". What a bunch of manipulative dickhole language. I was almost taken aback.

I'm going to be pretty confrontational if that happens when I go vote. It pisses me off when stupid hateful shit is done under the guise of Christianity. This is America, people are free to be hateful bigots and they don't need to hide behind the Bible like a coward.
I had some vote no folks offer me literature. I was not offended as they have the right to their opinion by using manipulative language. It is their right as an American.

Why would anyone be offended by being offered literature of a political nature?