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well said, Kareem (Donald Sterling discussion thread)

DownEastDeac -

And the powers that be who get to determine who/what is considered racist have done a great job of convincing people that racism is only evidenced thru the behavior of white society.


BTW, why is it always the usual crowd with the commentary....Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson as well as some rap music guys. And honestly, Magic Johnson ? Really ? Weren't we led to believe he was gonna die from AIDS after he regaled us with tales of sleeping with countless women ? And as AIR, his remorseful message to his youthful and devoted fans/admirers was to always use 'protection' when having sex. What a wonderful and credible guy he is !

How come we haven't heard from Ben Carson or other Hollywood icons such as James Earl Jones, Denzel Washington, etcetera ?

And given that this clown's beliefs were publicly know going back at least 10-12 years locally in LA, HOW in the beegeebers did the local NAACP give him an award and were about to award him with another accolade in a matter of days ????
DownEastDeac -


BTW, why is it always the usual crowd with the commentary....Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson as well as some rap music guys. And honestly, Magic Johnson ? Really ? Weren't we led to believe he was gonna die from AIDS after he regaled us with tales of sleeping with countless women ? And as AIR, his remorseful message to his youthful and devoted fans/admirers was to always use 'protection' when having sex. What a wonderful and credible guy he is !

How come we haven't heard from Ben Carson or other Hollywood icons such as James Earl Jones, Denzel Washington, etcetera ?

And given that this clown's beliefs were publicly know going back at least 10-12 years locally in LA, HOW in the beegeebers did the local NAACP give him an award and were about to award him with another accolade in a matter of days ????

Much OWG
There are certain people on this board who really shouldn't post anything related to race. And this thread is like a flame for those moths.
DownEastDeac -


BTW, why is it always the usual crowd with the commentary....Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson as well as some rap music guys. And honestly, Magic Johnson ? Really ? Weren't we led to believe he was gonna die from AIDS after he regaled us with tales of sleeping with countless women ? And as AIR, his remorseful message to his youthful and devoted fans/admirers was to always use 'protection' when having sex. What a wonderful and credible guy he is !

How come we haven't heard from Ben Carson or other Hollywood icons such as James Earl Jones, Denzel Washington, etcetera ?

And given that this clown's beliefs were publicly know going back at least 10-12 years locally in LA, HOW in the beegeebers did the local NAACP give him an award and were about to award him with another accolade in a matter of days ????

Yes, it is so hard to be a white male in America. We are persecuted every day. Poor white men. :(
DownEastDeac -


BTW, why is it always the usual crowd with the commentary....Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson as well as some rap music guys. And honestly, Magic Johnson ? Really ? Weren't we led to believe he was gonna die from AIDS after he regaled us with tales of sleeping with countless women ? And as AIR, his remorseful message to his youthful and devoted fans/admirers was to always use 'protection' when having sex. What a wonderful and credible guy he is !

How come we haven't heard from Ben Carson or other Hollywood icons such as James Earl Jones, Denzel Washington, etcetera ?

And given that this clown's beliefs were publicly know going back at least 10-12 years locally in LA, HOW in the beegeebers did the local NAACP give him an award and were about to award him with another accolade in a matter of days ????

HOF bad post here.


Just tremendous work.
I'd post the picture of Ted Kennedy but then we'd just have to completely shut down this thread
DownEastDeac -


BTW, why is it always the usual crowd with the commentary....Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson as well as some rap music guys. And honestly, Magic Johnson ? Really ? Weren't we led to believe he was gonna die from AIDS after he regaled us with tales of sleeping with countless women ? And as AIR, his remorseful message to his youthful and devoted fans/admirers was to always use 'protection' when having sex. What a wonderful and credible guy he is !

How come we haven't heard from Ben Carson or other Hollywood icons such as James Earl Jones, Denzel Washington, etcetera ?

And given that this clown's beliefs were publicly know going back at least 10-12 years locally in LA, HOW in the beegeebers did the local NAACP give him an award and were about to award him with another accolade in a matter of days ????

There used to be an old male chimp in the troop at the NC Zoo named Hondo. He died in 2011 sadly at the age of 36. I imagine HONDO2 to be somewhere from his lineage just hammering away at a keyboard adding spaces before punctuation and screwing up quote boxes.




There used to be an old male chimp in the troop at the NC Zoo named Hondo. He died in 2011 sadly at the age of 36. I imagine HONDO2 to be somewhere from his lineage just hammering away at a keyboard adding spaces before punctuation and screwing up quote boxes.





The only thing DownEast has come up with to justify his perspectives on white persecution by minorities is one isolated story about his white son going into a minority neighborhood and getting beat up. And even that story has no context.

HONDO, there are plenty of people of all races talking about this issue and race in general. If you choose to focus on Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, that's your choice.
NBA players also have short term contracts. Owners do not. If they were leasing the franchise, I could see a comparison.

Not sure what that has to do with anything. The NBA either disapproves of certain behavior and is willing to punish the offender for that behavior within its power, or it doesn't. I think choosing to punish behavior that, while abhorable, is nonetheless an opinion while not punishing or (relatively speaking) minimally punishing actual violent crimes sets them up for future image problems. If the position is that he is being punished for the criminal housing discrimination then okay, but neither the law nor most people would put housing discrimination on par with assault or gun charges, so the punishment is way out of whack when looking at the crimes. Again I'm not saying that Sterling's punishment was harsh, I'm saying that this forces the NBA to rachet up punishment for violent crimes or else have a continuing image problem on their hands that, literally, the inmates run the asylum.
I agree with Hondo2 on one thing and one thing only.

Condoms suck.
Not sure what that has to do with anything. The NBA either disapproves of certain behavior and is willing to punish the offender for that behavior within its power, or it doesn't. I think choosing to punish behavior that, while abhorable, is nonetheless an opinion while not punishing or (relatively speaking) minimally punishing actual violent crimes sets them up for future image problems. If the position is that he is being punished for the criminal housing discrimination then okay, but neither the law nor most people would put housing discrimination on par with assault or gun charges, so the punishment is way out of whack when looking at the crimes. Again I'm not saying that Sterling's punishment was harsh, I'm saying that this forces the NBA to rachet up punishment for violent crimes or else have a continuing image problem on their hands.

The market can act with respect to that specific player while minimizing impact on other franchises. If an owner is toxic, collective action is threatened by players and fans, and sponsors pull their money it impacts the entire league. This wasn't even as much about punishment as it was about making a change.
Not sure what that has to do with anything. The NBA either disapproves of certain behavior and is willing to punish the offender for that behavior within its power, or it doesn't. I think choosing to punish behavior that, while abhorable, is nonetheless an opinion while not punishing or (relatively speaking) minimally punishing actual violent crimes sets them up for future image problems. If the position is that he is being punished for the criminal housing discrimination then okay, but neither the law nor most people would put housing discrimination on par with assault or gun charges, so the punishment is way out of whack when looking at the crimes. Again I'm not saying that Sterling's punishment was harsh, I'm saying that this forces the NBA to rachet up punishment for violent crimes or else have a continuing image problem on their hands that, literally, the inmates run the asylum.

The market can act with respect to that specific player while minimizing impact on other franchises. If an owner is toxic, collective action is threatened by players and fans, and sponsors pull their money it impacts the entire league. This wasn't even as much about punishment as it was about making a change.

But the market did previously react. NBA ratings and popularity tanked at the height of the Iverson "thug" era, to the point that Stern was openly talking about the solvency of some teams and having to contract. Following that, he and the players did a great job remarketing the league to corporate America, starting with something as small as the dress code. I think what this does is set up the league to fall off that cliff again if/when new criminal player stories break and the NBA doesn't really react sternly (no pun intended). I think you'll have corporate America start snickering again with comments about how Sterling got banned for being an asshole, but the league doesn't care about employing violent criminals.
But the market did previously react. NBA ratings and popularity tanked at the height of the Iverson "thug" era, to the point that Stern was openly talking about the solvency of some teams and having to contract. Following that, he and the players did a great job remarketing the league to corporate America, starting with something as small as the dress code. I think what this does is set up the league to fall off that cliff again if/when new criminal player stories break and the NBA doesn't really react sternly (no pun intended). I think you'll have corporate America start snickering again with comments about how Sterling got banned for being an asshole, but the league doesn't care about employing violent criminals.

This is hilarious. Ratings and popularity tanked because the players weren't as good. It had nothing to do with image. You seriously think it was an image issue that ratings dove after Michael Jordan left the game?




OK, bmoneydeac, DeaconSig, DV7, Townie & DeacFreak07.....

Now that each of you has given yourself a pat on the back for being politically correct, why don't you try answering the guy's question? Sterling has a rap sheet a mile long as a racist and disgusting person. Why did the NAACP give him these awards? Did they accept money from him? If so, that sounds quite hypocritical to me. And the same goes for Chris Paul. He signed a 5-year contract to play for the guy just last year. Paul didn't have to do that. There would have been teams everywhere with "decent" owners who would have been jumping at the bit to sign Chris Paul. Are you saying that Paul had no idea what kind of a person Donald Sterling was just last year when he signed that 5-year contract to play for him? Basically, then, you have to place Paul in one of two camps: Either he is dumb as hell....which he would have to be not to have known what kind of a person Sterling is....or he is a total hypocrite who would sell out his beliefs for enough money. And you know as well as I which camp Chris Paul is in. He is not stupid. He knew perfectly well what kind of a person Donald Sterling was when he signed that contract.

Look, I think it's nice that everyone is trying to play this feel-good, politically correct game....but the problem is that everyone in the NBA....owners & players alike....are just in this for the money. They can talk about all these other issues, but when push comes to shove....when the Come To Jesus moment arrives...their love for the money is going to trump all of that other stuff. That's why Chris Paul signed a $107 million contract to play for a man he knew was a totally despicable person. How many of these players who profess to be so hurt by Sterling's racist words....and others like him....have ever been willing to sacrifice any of their lucrative contracts as a testament to back up those feelings? It's easy to say all this stuff when it doesn't cost you anythng.

The problem with too many people on this board is that they want to have things both ways. Just like with WF's academics & athletics. They want to stick their noses in the air and bragg about what a superior academic institution that WF is...while at the same time not giving a damn if there were no academic requirements at all for athletes, so they can bragg about how good their athletic teams are as well. Indeed, they are even openly campaigning for lowering academic standards. It's actually quite a specticle to watch people openly & freely stating their desire to turn WF into a whore for athletics. Double standards abound around here these days.

you do know that CP3 was in fact traded to the Clippers and didn't sign as a free agent, right? this is after he was supposed to be traded to the Lakers, but Stern nullified the deal, sending him to the Clips instead.
It's weird to me how many posters won't just google Donald Sterling NAACP to find out the connection.

And obviously bkf is way off on Chris Paul.
OK, bmoneydeac, DeaconSig, DV7, Townie & DeacFreak07.....

Now that each of you has given yourself a pat on the back for being politically correct, why don't you try answering the guy's question? Sterling has a rap sheet a mile long as a racist and disgusting person. Why did the NAACP give him these awards? Did they accept money from him? If so, that sounds quite hypocritical to me. And the same goes for Chris Paul. He signed a 5-year contract to play for the guy just last year. Paul didn't have to do that. There would have been teams everywhere with "decent" owners who would have been jumping at the bit to sign Chris Paul. Are you saying that Paul had no idea what kind of a person Donald Sterling was just last year when he signed that 5-year contract to play for him? Basically, then, you have to place Paul in one of two camps: Either he is dumb as hell....which he would have to be not to have known what kind of a person Sterling is....or he is a total hypocrite who would sell out his beliefs for enough money. And you know as well as I which camp Chris Paul is in. He is not stupid. He knew perfectly well what kind of a person Donald Sterling was when he signed that contract.

Look, I think it's nice that everyone is trying to play this feel-good, politically correct game....but the problem is that everyone in the NBA....owners & players alike....are just in this for the money. They can talk about all these other issues, but when push comes to shove....when the Come To Jesus moment arrives...their love for the money is going to trump all of that other stuff. That's why Chris Paul signed a $107 million contract to play for a man he knew was a totally despicable person. How many of these players who profess to be so hurt by Sterling's racist words....and others like him....have ever been willing to sacrifice any of their lucrative contracts as a testament to back up those feelings? It's easy to say all this stuff when it doesn't cost you anythng.

The problem with too many people on this board is that they want to have things both ways. Just like with WF's academics & athletics. They want to stick their noses in the air and bragg about what a superior academic institution that WF is...while at the same time not giving a damn if there were no academic requirements at all for athletes, so they can bragg about how good their athletic teams are as well. Indeed, they are even openly campaigning for lowering academic standards. It's actually quite a specticle to watch people openly & freely stating their desire to turn WF into a whore for athletics. Double standards abound around here these days.

bkf, can you point out to me where I said any of this was not about money? I'm pretty sure my posts have been consistent with saying this was a financial move for the benefit of the league.
I wouldn't go as far as 2&2 did but the NBA absolutely rebranded itself as more corporate America and family friendly. The press conference/sideline dress code is a part of that.