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What is most important to you in a head basketball coach

No. DCDeac values winning. Wellman does not.

Yeah, I know the nutjobs want to paint anyone who says even the slightest positive thing about [Redacted] into a corner of BzzIn otherwise there's nobody to fight with.

I'm a pro firing Dino, anti hiring [Redacted] guy who reasonably believes our last two years of hell had multiple causes. There are great arguments to be had in the intersection of those causes, but if you really believe [Redacted] is a complete moron and that's the entire story then you're pretty much a simple minded fool better suited for ultra-partisan politics than fair discussion.
skip prosser reincarnate.. well maybe with more concentration on defense. but he must be a ginger with striking vocabulary skills, a vast knowledge of literature, and an interesting accent.
Yeah, I know the nutjobs want to paint anyone who says even the slightest positive thing about [Redacted] into a corner of BzzIn otherwise there's nobody to fight with.

I'm a pro firing Dino, anti hiring [Redacted] guy who reasonably believes our last two years of hell had multiple causes. There are great arguments to be had in the intersection of those causes, but if you really believe [Redacted] is a complete moron and that's the entire story then you're pretty much a simple minded fool better suited for ultra-partisan politics than fair discussion.

You have a way of speaking in absolutes that I really don't think is the case. There are maybe four posters on here that are #BuzzCrucifiction and that's all. It's a very small population who are fairly outspoken to the point that they are being unreasonable.

Do I believe Buzz is a complete moron? Yes.

Do I believe he knows more than I do about basketball? Yes.

Do I have trouble seeing that a lot of the time in games? Yes.

Has his performance provided us with ample reasons to question his actual coaching ability? Yes.

Did I feel very similarly about Dino and, to a far lesser extent, GDO and Skip? Yes.

What I like about Buzz this year is that the players, the freshmen at least, seem to have bought in. I think that we've actually crafted game strategies against Duke and Miami and that we generally come to play at home. I like that Buzz has dialed down many of his repugnant personality traits (even if these improvements are spelled out for him by the AD, as has been suggested by those in the know), for the sake of the team, and looks like he is running a more collaborative bench this year than in the past. He has also recruited better than in year's past, turning in a better 2014 class than anybody thought he was capable of recruiting, that can only get better.

What I don't like is that our upperclassmen haven't really shown a lot of improvement from 2011-2012 to 2012-2013. Our teams adjust incredibly badly and the late game meltdowns are inexcusable. We still can't win a game on the road and our OOC performance was, once again, miserable (both wins and losses look much worse than they did at the time). We don't really play to our strengths, either, seemingly executing Buzz's plays regardless of the personnel's ability to execute them (i.e. late game in-bounds plays, Moto for three, etc.).

The reality is that [Redacted] has, even in his improvements this year, performed at a very low level relative to expectations of a year three coach. There are undeniably improvements, but even so, our ceiling is below average relative to where we should be and have been until very recently. Even in a vacuum, [Redacted]'s performance wouldn't cut it at any self-respecting basketball school with a recent tradition like we've developed. I think that's the ultimate point, straw men aside.
"Do I believe Buzz is a complete moron? Yes."

I mean, right away you have no credibility with a statement like that. Not to mention you think only 4 posters are in the BzCrucifixion camp.

I love how you accuse me of speaking in absolutes then declare [Redacted] is a moron.
"Do I believe Buzz is a complete moron? Yes."

I mean, right away you have no credibility with a statement like that. Not to mention you think only 4 posters are in the BzCrucifixion camp.

I love how you accuse me of speaking in absolutes then declare [Redacted] is a moron.

To conduct yourself the way that Buzz has, as a representative of this university, is moronic, from the fan confrontation to the press conferences (official and in interviews with Dan Collins), from the way he's dealt with current players (i.e. the CMM will start comment to Tony) to his alleged issues on the recruiting trail (the rumors are, more or less true, in my understanding).

Simply put, there is a very basic professional standard for how an individual is expected to conduct himself and Jeff [Redacted] has failed to meet even this low expectation (even before you consider just how bad he is at his job - Ws and Ls). He has gotten better in some ways, for sure, but that a 60 year old man couldn't figure it out in years one and two, and given his reputation elsewhere, I feel pretty comfortable calling him a moron. Given his consistent inability to perform at an adequate level in his job, I think the above is a fair characterization.

I'm not sure what your issue is with that characterization and you didn't acknowledge anything else in my post.
I like a coach who can win national championships without ever breaking any NCAA rules, while graduating 97% of his players.....and don't tell me that's impossible.

While not being a jerk!
Charismatic personality and this of course as well:

I'll admit that I was spoiled by Skip. Having someone that articulate - with the media, his players, and the students/fans - was a blessing. That he gave the impression that he was interested in being a teacher first and a coach second was a bonus.
My fiancé graduated from Vandy and when I think a perfect hire for what our basketball team needs, I think a James Franklin. Vandy football was in the same dead end cycle we were in and they hired a young, charismatic, engergetic coach who can relate to players and believes he can beat the best. There are plenty of those coaches out there, an AD just needs help finding them instead of going it alone.
Very Important
3. Winning history
4. Recruiting
5. PR

Moderately Important
1. Age
2. Experience (the first two are not mutually exclusive)
6. Education (or emphasis on it)
7. Cost

Not Really Important
8. Regional ties
9. University ties
10. Staff (keep some of ours, entire new staff, etc...)
11. Previous employer (mid major HC vs. high major assistant vs. etc...)
LOL. I never cease to be amazed at the manipulative power of the media. That happened one time.....28 years ago Saturday. I remember because it was on my son's 16th birthday....February 23rd, 1985. One time....28 years ago....and the media has tied it to Knight like it was peas & carrots. It's really comical how easily they can control what people think.

ETA: As much as people talk about that chair incident, you would think it was something that Coach Knight did 3 or 4 times every year when he was coaching.....and not just one time over more than 35 years of coaching. Just like the technical fouls. Few people would ever know it, but Knight was usually among the bottom of the list of technical fouls called on Big Ten coaches. The media can create any impression they wish in weak-minded fans. A lot of media & print people made a lot of money creating Bob Knight's "terrible personna". It was good business for them, accuracy be damned.

You're right, the media made the guy seem like a childish prick. Everyone was duped! :rulz:
The no tie look...


And a coach that isn't afraid to throw a chair or choke a player if it works.

1. Results
I like a coach who can win national championships without ever breaking any NCAA rules, while graduating 97% of his players.....and don't tell me that's impossible.

For his last 10-12 years of coaching, Knight was irrelevant.
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