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What would make you abort your unborn child? v2

What would make you abort your child?

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Same, I'm not ready for a kid and would be a terrible father at this point in my life. Talk about setting yourself up but I'd be less likely with a son.

Not going to lie though, the other abortion thread I started being fairly heavily pro-choice. I think the pro-lifers made better arguments and has me thinking a bit.

That's the spirit :) In all honesty this is a difficult topic to discuss because the belief system that backs up each of our opinions is rooted deep. It isn't easy for either side to really evaluate the information. Pro-lifers deep down want to call pro-choicers baby killers, and pro-choicers deep down want to dismiss pro-life people as ignorant fools. It takes a lot of humility and will power to be able to discuss the issue without getting heated. I admire anyone who can discuss it viably and give their points sans emotion, because this is certainly an emotional topic. A lot of good discussion on this thread, and especially the other thread that you started.
That's the spirit :) In all honesty this is a difficult topic to discuss because the belief system that backs up each of our opinions is rooted deep. It isn't easy for either side to really evaluate the information. Pro-lifers deep down want to call pro-choicers baby killers, and pro-choicers deep down want to dismiss pro-life people as ignorant fools. It takes a lot of humility and will power to be able to discuss the issue without getting heated. I admire anyone who can discuss it viably and give their points sans emotion, because this is certainly an emotional topic. A lot of good discussion on this thread, and especially the other thread that you started.

Another reason it is so hard to discuss it is that our "leaders" have used it as an issue to rally their base to get money / power. Abortion is exhibit A to how F'ed up the two party system is.
That's the spirit :) In all honesty this is a difficult topic to discuss because the belief system that backs up each of our opinions is rooted deep. It isn't easy for either side to really evaluate the information. Pro-lifers deep down want to call pro-choicers baby killers, and pro-choicers deep down want to dismiss pro-life people as ignorant fools. It takes a lot of humility and will power to be able to discuss the issue without getting heated. I admire anyone who can discuss it viably and give their points sans emotion, because this is certainly an emotional topic. A lot of good discussion on this thread, and especially the other thread that you started.

Well I more was hoping for more discussion on the whole "whether it was a federal issue" and only started the thread because Paul said something I hadn't really heard or considered, whereas most of the arguments back and forth about whether it's right or not I have heard. Unfortunately the thread didn't really go in that direction, although I suppose that is to be expected.
I would advocate to abort if the test for Downs were positive.

Call me a terrible person I guess.

Sheesh. I work with kids of all backgrounds/capacities and the kids with DS are some of the most loving/affectionate kids in my program.

Can I ask why you'd advocate to abort in this scenario?
I know nothing about that situation but that was a terrible decision. I can't support a God that would agree with that sort of decision making.

All decisions that end in death are terrible in hindsight. She had complications (gestational diabetes, high blood pressure among others) early on. I'm not certain what happened but the child was a stillbirth and she passed either during delivery or very shortly thereafter. I was still in high school when it happened so I don't recall a lot of the details and he's never shared much.

For what it's worth, neither of them believed in a deity so it was definitely not religious based.
All decisions that end in death are terrible in hindsight. She had complications (gestational diabetes, high blood pressure among others) early on. I'm not certain what happened but the child was a stillbirth and she passed either during delivery or very shortly thereafter. I was still in high school when it happened so I don't recall a lot of the details and he's never shared much.

For what it's worth, neither of them believed in a deity so it was definitely not religious based.

I hate prying and if you don't want to answer that is fine. However, if they did not believe in god what in the world convinced them to make that choice?
I have no clue to be honest. I know that about a year later, he and my dad went out for drinks and he said something along the lines of "we discussed it at length and thought that proceeding with the birth was the best choice." I would assume that had they known that it would be a stillbirth, their choice would have been different. That solidified my decision should I (God forbid) ever be placed in his shoes... as callous as it sounds, I can always make another child or adopt.
I don't think it is all that terrible. Thankfully I have never had to make that decision but I know a couple who has and they made the very painful choice to abort. I would bet if they were asked that question hypothetically years earlier they would have said they would keep it. None of us really know what we would do unless faced with the real life choice.

abort because the parent decides he/she is too weak to handle raising a child with downs syndrome?

of course it's terrible. what other word would you use?
Fortunately I'm at a point where I'm fairly certain that I could comfortably support a reasonably healthy child (from a financial standpoint) on my own and I could be a reasonably good father (definitely would've had some doubts about that a few years ago though) so that being said it would probably have to be health reasons (for baby or mother).