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Where does the Republican Party go from here?

"Here's the thing: Trump didn't come out of nowhere now," Obama said Thursday. "For years, Republican politicians and far-right media outlets have been pumping out all kinds of toxic, crazy stuff."

Obama went through a litany of conspiracy theories that have been pervasive throughout his presidency. The movement doubting his birthplace. Fears he wanted to "steal everybody's guns." The idea he wanted to "declare martial law."

"I say all this," the president said, "because Donald Trump didn't start all this. Like he usually does, he just slapped his name on it, took credit for it, and promoted the heck out of it."

That's a hell of a line.

GOP's about to lose the presidential PV for the sixth time in the last seven elections. Only won the WH twice in those seven elections. Have policy, demographics, EC map, media, and candidate problems.

As long as clowns like Trump, Newt, Rudy, Huckabee, Carson, and Cain can run, lose, and still get paid, the BS echo chamber won't shut itself down. Perfectly fine with a gerrymandered House and midterm elections. Can't appoint judges, veto anything, or override vetos.
GOP's about to lose the presidential PV for the sixth time in the last seven elections. Only won the WH twice in those seven elections. Have policy, demographics, EC map, media, and candidate problems.

As long as clowns like Trump, Newt, Rudy, Huckabee, Carson, and Cain can run, lose, and still get paid, the BS echo chamber won't shut itself down. Perfectly fine with a gerrymandered House and midterm elections. Can't appoint judges, veto anything, or override vetos.

Actually, the echo chamber is going to get worse with the prospect of TrumpTV. And if Ryan is no longer Speaker, just passing budgets will be a yuge hassle, and I bet we're looking at more govt shutdowns. I'd like to think Ryan and Clinton could make deals because they are intelligent and at least somewhat practical folks. But if he has no control over the Freedom Caucus or isn't Speaker, the house will be even more of a mess. And you'll have Fox and TrumpTV competing against each other as to which 1 better supports govt shutdowns.
Actually, the echo chamber is going to get worse with the prospect of TrumpTV. And if Ryan is no longer Speaker, just passing budgets will be a yuge hassle, and I bet we're looking at more govt shutdowns. I'd like to think Ryan and Clinton could make deals because they are intelligent and at least somewhat practical folks. But if he has no control over the Freedom Caucus or isn't Speaker, the house will be even more of a mess. And you'll have Fox and TrumpTV competing against each other as to which 1 better supports govt shutdowns.

Trump explicitly congratulated Newt today for trashing Megyn Kelly. Despite alleged rigged voting in inner cities, Trump's losing because of college educated White suburban swing state women. Trump, Rudy, and Newt aren't ideal vehicles to reach those voters. Thought the Clinton campaign found Machado in late Spring, but they found her in January/December. Wouldn't have minded running against Cruz, but clearly they preferred Trump to Kasich, Rubio, and Jeb.

Ryan, not HRC, will be alt-right's first post-election target.
Where do the Trump supporting Republicans go? I'm sure your pal Putin will give you asylum.
who is this "Hiliary" person? It's important because last year I bet DeacsPop $25,000 that our next president would not be named Hiliary Clinton, don't want that sneaking up on me now.
Where do the Trump supporting Republicans go? I'm sure your pal Putin will give you asylum.

As stated by John R. Schindler in a 2016 Observer article, the Panama Papers revealed that “Russia’s biggest bank uses The Podesta Group as its lobbyist in Washington, D.C.” If you don’t believe this claim, just look at the Podesta Group’s Senate Lobbying Registration. As for other foreign ties to John Podesta, Ben Norton of Salon writes “A key gear in the Clinton machine that has sucked in hundreds of thousands of dollars lobbying on behalf of the Saudi absolute monarchy has also worked for Russia’s biggest bank.”
Good nugget from that Kelly-Gingrich slapfest:

Gingrich also seemed to dismiss Fox's own electoral map, which shows Clinton well ahead of the 270 electoral votes she needs to win the presidency.
Kelly cited several such maps, including Fox's, and said "these are nonpartisan outlets that are just trying to call the electoral scoreboard."
"They're not nonpartisan outlets," Gingrich responded. "Every outlet you described is part of the establishment."
"Fox News? Really? Are we? I don't think so," she said.
"Oh c'mon," Gingrich said.

Guess ol' Newt is angling for that big anchor/pundit job on TrumpBartTV.
Fox's polling has tended to be pro-Clinton. Which is why this should cause some concern for the Clintonistas.
6.5% is a YUGE margin of error.
Fox's polling has tended to be pro-Clinton. Which is why this should cause some concern for the Clintonistas.

No it hasn't.

We already heard from Newt that Fox is now just another cog in the liberal mainstream media trying to throw this election to Clinton.

Amazing how quickly this "Fox is in the tank for Clinton" idea has apparently blossomed through the alt-right-osphere and has now been bestowed, via BSF, upon the OGBoards.
We already heard from Newt that Fox is now just another cog in the liberal mainstream media trying to throw this election to Clinton.

Amazing how quickly this "Fox is in the tank for Clinton" idea has apparently blossomed through the alt-right-osphere and has now been bestowed, via BSF, upon the OGBoards.

Megyn Kelly has certainly been anti-Trump. But the network as a whole is not. However, their polling, has tended to be more favorable to Hillary than other polls.
We already heard from Newt that Fox is now just another cog in the liberal mainstream media trying to throw this election to Clinton.

Amazing how quickly this "Fox is in the tank for Clinton" idea has apparently blossomed through the alt-right-osphere and has now been bestowed, via BSF, upon the OGBoards.

It's all that sexual deviant, Megyn Kelly's fault.