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Women! At! Work!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
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Rowr! Jeezus, put as few as 3 dames in an office, and it's guaranteed the fur will fly. And God forbid you make friends with one or more of them - they WILL involve you in their battles, no matter how much you duck 'n weave. What's with them? My first job - a stockbroker - we had an office full of all guys save the receptionist, and we never had a damn problem. I'm not saying we were all best friends, but I don't remember any bitchfests. Yes, as you can surmise, ol' Boo has stupidly gotten himself involved in an interoffice hissyfit, and Lord knows I wish it would just all go away. Think I may just shut the door to my office with a sign taped to the door - "Women Not Welcome."

Anyways, do any of you have any storied like this to share? I welcome sharing at the current time. Thanks in advance.
Whatever you say, Don.

I used to work at a really small company. It was maybe 6 sales guys, an admin, a office manager and me, the femle IT person. None of the men we worked with were both attractive or available.
One Valentine's Day both the admin and the business manager got big boquets of flowers from "secret admirers". A few months later they had both been fired and I was cleaning out their email accounts and I read that they had sent them to each other to appear desireable. Why waste your money to appear desireable to men who are married or not hot?
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I've never been in a work environment where a woman didn't cause 99% of the problems.

ETA: That doesn't mean all women cause problems..just that select women tend to cause nearly all of the problems
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i'm surrounded by women who i thankfully do not have to work with.

THEY. ARE. CRAZYPANTS. and woefully uneducated. but it's entertaining.
I work in an office that's about 70/30 in favor of women, but its a non-profit association, so its not like there's anything to fight about. Of all the stupid ass people in my office who wouldn't know a pivot table from a playlist, its probably evenly split among genders.
I've never been in a work environment where a woman didn't cause 99% of the problems.

ETA: That doesn't mean all women cause problems..just that select women tend to cause nearly all of the problems

I have to agree with this. The only time that I can say this wasn't the case was when I was working for a very small business. There were 3 employees and 3 owners and only 1 was male. We all honestly got along like a happy family.
i think i'm going to start calling women dames from now on
Just to pile on a bit here.
Yes, women are definitely drama central. Our customer service manager (a woman) always says...."I'd rather manage 100 men than 3 women", because the 3 women that she does manage (are supposedly friends) always bitch and moan about each other and cause drama. If two go to lunch, the other is upset because she didn't get to go. If one gets to leave early because her kid is sick or something then the other two will remember that and bring it up when they want to leave early for some BS. Lots of crying to HR and they make it to where you don't want to talk to them for more than a few minutes at a time because eventually the conversation will devolve into them telling you their problems.
They are all good at what they do, but why they have to bitch moan and cry I'll never understand....to make it worse, they're all pretty fat.
My wife and I work in very different environments. I work around engineers and scientists, so it's very male dominated. When the men I work with have a problem with one another, they get it out immediately...and then it's over. They'll have beers together after work and laugh about it. My wife is a teacher in a very female dominated subject matter. Those women intentionally piss each other off and then hold grudges about it, yet never, ever bring it up or talk about it. This drives me nuts...I don't understand it at all. If you're being an asshole, I can say "Hey, stop being an asshole, asshole." Yet if she were to do the same thing, she says these women will just use it as ammunition against her, make themselves the victims and run off to HR. I'd never last in a place where I didn't feel like I could stand up for myself.
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I work for a small company and the women are TERRIBLE. Constantly worrying about what other people are doing rather than actually working.
I work for a small company and the women are TERRIBLE. Constantly worrying about what other people look like, are wearing, where they got those shoes, what they have for lunch, rather than actually working.

None of them were rich. This was not a legit company, we sent spam to insurance agents.

Well then... all we're left with is: how did these two ladies look? 5'1" and 240# may be the reason they're sending themselves roses.