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WPT E8: 1. bobknightfan- 54, 3. Knight- 25

Who is worse?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


A Sorry WR Like Crabtree
Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
How They Got Here: bkf- 66, Leyritz- 24
bkf- 43, Shoo- 27

Knight- 51, BBD- 41
Knight-37, palma- 30

If This Were the WWE: Knight is out for blood and shows it, bating the older bkf like a UNC sweatshirt-wearing bear, dancing around the ring and peppering him with blows. "Damn professional wrestling," bkf croaks as he takes yet another kidney punch. "It's ruined everything that was good about the college game."

Knight doesn't care, tossing the older man into the ropes and wailing on him until the referee intervenes. Barely has bkf had time to recover when Knight again has him against the ropes, where he binds him with a bewildering array of knots. "I was an Eagle Scout, bitch," Knight roars, standing on the second rope as he rains blows on BKF's head. "Heteros for life!"

One more haymaker, and bkf goes toppling over the ropes and out of the ring. But lo and behold, not three feet from where he fell lies a folded metal chair. The camera zooms in on his widened eyes as he views his salvation, grasping the iron chair firmly with one hand. Meanwhile, Knight is dancing around the ring, reveling in the adulation of his fans. "Hey, Knight!" bkf yells from outside the ring. "Catch this!" Knight turns in time to catch the metal chair directly on the chin, the impact shattering his jaw and rendering him unconscious. BKF goes in for the uncontested pin.

But wait! The referee rules that during bkf's backswing, the chair touched the scorer's table, instantly disqualifying bkf. From his stretcher, Knight's arm is raised, declaring him the champion. BKF is so disappointed by the result that he walks 13 miles home in the show.
God damn, some people legit hate BKF.

What the hell does that guy do to engender such a burning passion? Teach me, wise one.

I suspect the fact he wore UNC gear to a Wake-UNC game gets compounded by his constant curmudgeony posts about how bball should be (while not watching bball so he has no idea how it actually is right now) and then that all swirls together with his constant need to point out that anybody who has more money than they need (well except for himself who made a living off of telling other people how to manage the money they didn't deserve to earn) results in a lot of hate. Don't look at me, I voted for you and it had nothing to do with the neg rep campaign you went on.
is it knight that used to carry around Tiffany jewelry to give to women in an attempt to get laid occasionally?
I should start doing this. My wife might actually go for it.

I can't believe I'm being slayed by BKF. Oh well, I gave it a hell of a run. I got some great responses to my neg-rep trolling. When I'm able to give out rep again, I'll be sure to posrep the people who took it well. Those of you who didn't take it well - some of your responses gave me true joy.

Man, I only voted for you because you said you win this hands down.
BKF is every bit as bad at posting as RJKarl. The difference that puts RJ above him is that BKF hasn't said anything that reveals how shitty his character is.
BKF is every bit as bad at posting as RJKarl. The difference that puts RJ above him is that BKF hasn't said anything that reveals how shitty his character is.

bkf has said some pretty racist stuff. i don't recall the thread though.
Or calling a black congressman an Uncle Tom for being a republican.
The only thing "black" about this guy is the color of his skin.....and that's the least important thing. The guy is an Uncle Tom hack for the Tea Party. An anti-black black.....like Clarence Thomas or Thomas Sowell.

Take my "whoopin"? I don't know what in the hell you are talking about. I could care less who disagrees with me. You should know that by now. What I said is the truth. Some may not like the way I said it....but it's still the truth, and if you or others don't like it, tough shit. Tim Scott doesn't represent black people in South Carolina....or anywhere else in this country. As RJ & PH have both said in so many words....and anytime those two are in agreement on anything, it's powerful....the policies that Tim Scott supports are opposed by more than 90% of blacks in this country. He is simply a hack for the Tea Party radicals in South Carolina.....much like Allen West in Florida.

Yeah these were some solid posts from BKF.
as someone who has actually spent time with tim scott (and helped get him into the position he is in by voting for him when he ran for congress), i can say that bkf went full retard on those posts