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WPT S16: 1. PhDeac- 37, 5. Lectro- 43

Who is worse?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


A Sorry WR Like Crabtree
Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
How They Got Here: Ph- 54, DV7- 34

Lectro- 70, deacphan- 28

Why Ph Should Win: The condescending contrarian serves as the board's self-appointed expert on everything from coaching to counter-terrorism. His posting career has taken a pear-shaped turn lately, as he's frequently gotten snippy when called out for his antics. Never admits he's wrong while constantly saying that he does. ("You never did respond to my PM the last time you made that crack. I guess you're just an instigator. Any time you want to have a discussion about Wake coaches I'm game. Start by telling me what I got wrong and I'll respond.") Second only to TheReff in Skip-bashing.

He also has a weak opponent. Lectro has been relatively inoffensive in 2+ years on OGBoards, and, much like the man he so admires, appears to be cruising on achievements that are now 5 or 6 years old. His football analysis is generally good, and he even made a public "mia" culpa this year when his predictions proved to be so far off. The only real blow up he's had on this board was well-deserved. His voters are living in the past.

Why Lectro should win: Flowery predictions, delusions of grandeur, and a quick-trigger temper, plus whacky political posts. Tradition should count for nothing here, but if you want to reach far into the past, he was arguably the worst poster on the board for a long stretch when he, himself a former Tar Heel, was accusing WF alumni of being inferior fans. Constantly disappears when the season takes a downward turn.

And for all his condescension, Ph does contribute a fair amount to the boards. He's active on all three boards, keeps up with the major sports, and has been a leading BzzOut/WellmanOut poster. The contrarian viewpoint occasionally fosters good discussion, and he's generally thoughtful and intelligent.
So now the committee is trying to influence the contest? :thumbsup:
I am calling for an upset bid on this one. Lectro's post game is too much for PH.
Shit, voted for the wrong one. Oops...
"Lectro has been relatively inoffensive in 2+ years" and "if you want to reach far into the past?"


Where have you been?!?
Jay made the "mia" mistake, yeah. Think OGB was just being clever by using that to describe Lectro's mea culpa/apology thread(s)..
Lets pretend that 1 to 100 with 100 being the worst Lectro is a 100, now lets pretend that on the same scale Ph is a 70. With 3,018 posts lectro's shit posts score is 301,800, now with an astronomical number of shitty posts 24,294 (it takes a lot of posts to argue both sides so you are never wrong) ph's shit post score is 1,700,580 easily defeating Lectro. For Lectro to lose to Ph in shit post score on a scale of 1 to 100 with Lectro checking in still with the worst possible score, Ph would need a score of 12. So think do you want the occasional shitty post thats really bad (Lectro) or the everyday barrage of shitty posts that are just bad (Ph).
I mean, seems like Lectro's been mostly missing from action lately, amirite? I haven't noticed his posts much lately.
some of you must have serious trouble ignoring weirdos like lectro. Ph is unavoidable.
Lectro is clearly so much worse than PH. Lectro is one small step away away from RULZ. He is my sleeper to win this whole thing. Embarrassing that he was a 5 seed.
Lectro is clearly so much worse than PH. Lectro is one small step away away from RULZ. He is my sleeper to win this whole thing. Embarrassing that he was a 5 seed.

If this tourney was held during the time of year we're being lectured about being BMW-driving, daddy's credit card-sporting, never worked a real job, silver spooned, brats then lectro would've been top #1 seed with a first-round bye.
No way I was going to lose to a LoboIN, BuzzIN, ClimateChangeOUT poster. It shouldn't have even been close.

That Lectro has any support is evidence that Wake fans would rather feel good about Wake sports than do what is necessary to be good.
No way I was going to lose to a LoboIN, BuzzIN, ClimateChangeOUT poster. It shouldn't have even been close.

That Lectro has any support is evidence that Wake fans would rather feel good about Wake sports than do what is necessary to be good.

Well, there's a way.
No way I was going to lose to a LoboIN, BuzzIN, ClimateChangeOUT poster. It shouldn't have even been close.

That Lectro has any support is evidence that Wake fans would rather feel good about Wake sports than do what is necessary to be good.

Maybe you should look inward and question why people would think you are worse than someone like Lectro.