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Your encounters with wildlife

Say Hey Deac

Well-known member
Mar 25, 2011
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I figure this could bring out some good stories.

Previously, I've posted a story about how my buddy and I were screwing around one day in my garage when he started to put on an old baseball helmet that had been sitting in the corner. As he is in the process of putting the helmet on his head, I stopped him because I noticed there was something shiny in the helmet. We flip it over and inside we discover a nest of black widow spiders, including one that was damn near the size of a nickel.

I've also posted about how at my old house, we lived on a wooded lot next door to a small creek. As a result, we had copperheads all over the place. One day I inadvertently took out a family of 6 or 7 baby copperheads that had nested in the rock wall in my front yard. When I stood on the wall to trim some bushes, I crushed a few of them, which then slithered out onto the ground where I noticed them. I took apart the wall and killed the remaining baby snakes. We also killed several big ass adult copperheads later on when we found them on our driveway and sidewalk.

Rubbins has a couple of pretty good raccoon/squirrel encounters.

Hopefully some of you have been mauled by bears or tigers or alligators or ostriches and have some cool stories.
Saw black bears on the AT in SWVA. Absolutely destroyed a young buck on I-77 who jumped out of an uneven median near Charleston, WV.
I thought I saw a huge owl sitting on the fence in my backyard, but it turned out to be a stupid teenager.
just this morning, a friend got attacked by an owl at a popular park here in charlotte (mcalpine). my coworker previously got attacked by the same owl (or i'm assuming it's the same one. the exact same spot in the park). the coworker had little bloody clawmarks all in his hair when he got to work that day.
Used to take my Boxer out back of my house to a wide open field (basically about 300 yards) that backed up to woods.. very well lit field too.. Their were foxes that lived in those woods. One night, about 1am, I let my boxer off her leash as I always did to run around.... When she crossed paths with the Foxes heading back to their woods. They simply crossed paths and were at a stand still. My boxer is TOUGH, and fears nothing...the foxes were probably about 10 lbs lighter, but there were 3 of them.... they stood about 10 feet away from each other, everyone slowly backed away... It looked like it was going to be a massive throw down, at which point I would have no idea what to do....
Grew up living on a lake in Tampa, which means there are alligators everywhere. Usually they aren't bothersome but occasionally that isn't the case, commonly with stories involving dogs. Our neighbor had a small dog that was a yappy little fellow. One time it got into a staredown with a gator, started barking and running near it. Gator eventually had enough and just snatched it and went in the water.

Never saw the dog again but animal control came and removed the gator the next day.

In high school, I lived on the Bay so had a few different experiences with marine animals. Favorite was when we were kayaking in our back yard around some manatees. One manatee disappears for a minute and next thing we know comes up underneath our kayak and just starts flapping in the water. We instantly tip over and have no idea how the manatee would react so just swam away as fast as we could.

Also, go google dolphin rape. Crazy stuff.
My parents have had trouble with raccoons coming into their house through the cat door. Usually they just come in, eat cat food, and leave. But a couple times they have made their way upstairs.

My parents have found them in our kitchen, and usually the raccoons end up finding their way back outside ok. But one time they came home and there was a baby raccoon that had somehow gotten up on top of the curtain rod over the TV in the den. He was really scared so my parents basically closed up the den on one side and made a path out through the foyer and propped the front door open. He eventually found his way back out.

Then there's all of the birds, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, voles, moles, etc that our cats have brought in over the years...some dead...some alive and kickin!
For some reason, all of mine involve marine fowl.

SBTtoy and I were eating the legendary Pontillo's pizza at a picnic table on the Erie Canal when I saw a duck that was stuck in some old fishing line about 15 feet away. I walked over and the duck tried to run away, but it couldn't. Somehow I got it unstuck and it walked over to the rest of its family. I got free ice cream from the frozen custard stand whose picnic tables we were using.

My cousin was fishing with my brothers and I on the dock at my cottage when I was a kid. My cousin caught a duck. My uncle took it off, but that was pretty funny. Er, sad.

When I was like four, I was attacked by a flock of geese as my grandpa and I rode our bikes by some pond.
We used to have flying squirrels and bats in our attic (still have bats, at least). One day, my dad was putting on his shoe in the kitchen (two levels below the attic) and a flying squirrel jumped out, ran up his leg, and into the house somewhere.

At King's Canyon National Park, my mom and I spotted a brown bear and we followed it around a meadow for about 30 minutes. We were probably about 10 yards behind the thing most of the time. Probably dumb in retrospect, but it felt completely safe at the time.
My parents have had trouble with raccoons coming into their house through the cat door. Usually they just come in, eat cat food, and leave. But a couple times they have made their way upstairs.

My parents have found them in our kitchen, and usually the raccoons end up finding their way back outside ok. But one time they came home and there was a baby raccoon that had somehow gotten up on top of the curtain rod over the TV in the den. He was really scared so my parents basically closed up the den on one side and made a path out through the foyer and propped the front door open. He eventually found his way back out.

Then there's all of the birds, rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, voles, moles, etc that our cats have brought in over the years...some dead...some alive and kickin!

one raccoon I could deal with but after that I think I would do something about the cat door.
we had a possum come in through our cat door once. NASTY, hissing, pissed off. We chased it out the sliding door with a broom but it was seriously disturbing.

once when I was a kid at my friends house there was a copperhead in her foyer. Her dad called animal control who had him call poison control who had him call animal control again. Animal control wanted him to "put a glass over the snake's head and describe it" before they would send someone out. I don't think I had ever to that point heard an adult curse more than he did about how stupid that entire idea was and that they had better send someone out to take care of it ASAP. Also, it was the only way out of their apartment and my mom didn't believe me when I called to say I couldn't come home on time.
I lived on Wake Drive the summer after graduation for a bit and we had a copperhead infestation in the backyard. One climbed into our vent system and was chilling in our kitchen one morning. By the time my roommate woke me up/tried to get a phone/shovel, it disappeared behind the oven and back into the vents. We were worried as hell for the next few days since we had pretty large vent ducts in all our rooms.

Next week I saw the same little fucker (says my roommate) in our backyard and I picked up a shovel and decapitated it in one swing. Felt pretty good to destroy the snake that terrorized us for a week.
When my dad and grandparents were living in Venezula, a mountain lion decided to have her cubs in their garage. She apparently decided to stay there and raise them and no one in town would remove them/her. My grandmother used to complain about not being able to use her garage/get anything stored in there for months
a fox once ran out on to the fairway, picked up my golf ball and ran back into the woods. true story.
I was on a work trip in Brazil with an environmental studies professor, Dr. Bob, who we used to contract with for some stuff. We are staying in a research outpost staffed by some Duke Phd students basically in the middle of the jungle. One night everyone is sitting around the open-air living/dining area getting drunk while Dr. Bob is wading in a swamp about 100 yards away with a head lamp on, looking for god knows what. Of course, we are all watching this and giving him shit, expecting him to be eaten alive by something at any moment. There is a small commotion and he yells "ah-haa! gotcha!!!!" and walks back proudly holding up a big ass snake. Our eyes are huge and jaws on the ground. He's dangling this thing by it's head, telling us what it is and shit like that. Someone half-jokingly asks if it's a girl or boy. He says it's a male and points to it's "parts" and says there is one way to tell for sure it is a male. Well, shortly thereafter this snake explodes a big wad of snake jizz that goes all over this poor female Dook Phd student. She screams and runs off to her room in hysterics. We are in complete shock that turns into ROTFL hilarity. One of the craziest things I've ever seen. Dr. Bob had jerked off the snake as a joke, but he said he didn't mean to hit anyone. That girl didn't speak much at breakfast the next day. She was not amused. Good times.
Unrelated. Your Avatar makes it hard for me to read/post on the boards at work.

I have had to just remove all avatars in general. It also helps b/c it makes it look less like a forum and more like maybe I'm researching or something.