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Celebrity Encounters

Funny timing...my wife texted me from work in New Orleans this morning, said harrison ford was in line behind her at Starbucks. She saw Will Ferrell down there a couple months ago, too.

My wife met Alton Brown in New Orleans while he was taping the 2nd season of Feasting on Asphalt. He invited her and her colleagues to eat with him on the street but she didn't think he was serious and didn't take him up on it. Made it on the show though.
I once was skiing in CO and got run over by this large man. Turns out he was a bodyguard for Will Smith and was clearing a trail for Smith and his family while they were skiing.

I then got to see Will and Jada while I was sprawled on the snow
Presidential encounters:

When I was a kid, my girl scout troop went to DC and we were walking around town when the motorcade drove past, Pres. Bush rolled down the window of his limo and told us to be sure we used our umbrellas when the storms came in.

My brother's dad owns a carpet cleaning business and I used to work for him for extra cash when I was about 13-15. He got a job cleaning the vice presidential mansion when Gore was VP. The secret service guys were really nice and by the end of the day were showing us stuff like "here's the spot in the pool house where the oldest daughter hides her alcohol" and Tipper's shoe collection

I was in Quito on my way to Galapagos to do research in 2002 and Bill Clinton was in town, saw him out walking around, shook his hand and grabbed a very up close pic (this was back in my film camera days). It was crazy how low the security was
My wife met Alton Brown in New Orleans while he was taping the 2nd season of Feasting on Asphalt. He invited her and her colleagues to eat with him on the street but she didn't think he was serious and didn't take him up on it. Made it on the show though.

I have met him a few times in the A. He gets his hairs cut at the same place as me (not anymore). He rode a BMW bike and must have had a standing 8:00 am Saturday bc I saw him there several times that year.
I was walking by the White House and one of the motorcades came out of nowhere and almost flattened me.
I've met a number of celebrities and know a few personally but my favorite experience was a few years ago at Rutgers. They were having Rutgers Fest which had a much of bands and general chaos. Afterwards, we went back to my buddys frat and they were having a big Rutgers Fest party. Vanilla Ice, who was a performer, tried to get into the party and they denied him. The brothers then called every other frat and told them not to let Vanilla Ice in. So Vanilla Ice and one roadie wandered the streets of New Brunswick and eventually got jumped.

Hilarious. I'm mixing a few home-recorded songs in a little studio in Winston right now with a guitarist buddy of mine. The first day I noticed a framed platinum record on the wall, and upon closer inspection realized it was for "Ice Ice Baby." I thought it was a joke, but the engineer told us he used to engineer for Vanilla Ice.
How about this one...

I just bought golf clubs off craigslist from Chris Evans
Was his friend who works for the golf channel... evans happened to be hanging out and has been using these clubs from the show big break
Lived behind Jane Curtain (sp) from SNL on 12th street in the early 90’s, and even saw her topless a few times.

As a kid my grandmother saw Stephen Spielberg when he was filming Jaws. She go my and my sister down on the docks, met the actors, and got me to the beach where I could have played in the water in the scene with the boy on the raft. I can not explain how cold that water is in June, and how Scared SH*TLESS we both were after seeing that crappy mechanical shark. We both chickened out.
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As a kid, I lived about 1/4 mile from from Richard Nixon's vacation home. We saw their family at the beach a lot. We also lived down the street from Bob Griese's residence and saw various Dolphin players at his house. Because we saw them as just normal folks, I guess I have never been impressed by fame and celebrity. Stars fade quickly, you know.
The dog in my avatar nipped at Sebastian Bach's sweatpants while he was running in a park in the town we both lived in. He was cool about it.
Joe DiMaggio was hitting some balls on the range at a celebrity golf tournament in Marco Island back in the 70s. I'm about eight years old and staring at him holding my notepad for autographs. He turns around and motions for me to come through the ropes and up to him for an autograph. He signs it, asks me my name and then sends me back behind the ropes. I don't even remember if I was able to spit out my name to him.

Of course I lost the fucking autograph over the years
This may only count for SayHey... but I'm friends with a dude that was on Road Rules and one (maybe two?) seasons of the Gauntlet.
Was his friend who works for the golf channel... evans happened to be hanging out and has been using these clubs from the show big break

That's hilarious and almost certainly a violation of his contract. I assume they're Callaway?
My neighbor is a relatively famous chick lit author. I just started reading her first book. She once very politely asked me not to let my dog go on her lawn because she has young kids (they now have a no pooping sign out front- and fwiw, I always pick up after him but have made sure he didn't even sniff their lawn since). Our kids have played together and we have talked at a block party and a few short conversations while the kids played.
One of my best HS friends went to School of the Arts when I went to Wake. I would go over and visit him on random weekends. One night he introduced me to the girl who lived across the hall in his dorm -- Mary Louise Parker. We sat around and drank Blue Nun for hours. School of the Arts was a tremendous place to hang out.