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F is for Fascism (Ferguson MO)


In Texas, blacks are protesting police violence in a particularly Southwestern way: By invoking their right to open carry. On Wednesday, more than 30 members of the newly-formed Huey P. Newton Gun Club gathered to march through South Dallas with rifles, shotguns, and AR-15s. The group eventually entered a restaurant with their weapons while Dallas police officers were inside eating lunch.

"The recent murders of unarmed black, brown, and whites across the United States of America has eradicated trust in the police," the gun club's website states.
BREAKING NEWS: jhmd doesn't believe that black people still endure racism. I'm sure you'd support Asian Americans protesting the California University system.

Let me be clear. Racism still very much exists in the US and certainly Mississippi. I just don't believe that white cops beating up brown people with no repercussion is a common occurrence. I think it is very much the exception to the rule.
Let me be clear. Racism still very much exists in the US and certainly Mississippi. I just don't believe that white cops beating up brown people with no repercussion is a common occurrence. I think it is very much the exception to the rule.

Because you don't hear about it?
Let me be clear. Racism still very much exists in the US and certainly Mississippi. I just don't believe that white cops beating up brown people with no repercussion is a common occurrence. I think it is very much the exception to the rule.


In Texas, blacks are protesting police violence in a particularly Southwestern way: By invoking their right to open carry. On Wednesday, more than 30 members of the newly-formed Huey P. Newton Gun Club gathered to march through South Dallas with rifles, shotguns, and AR-15s. The group eventually entered a restaurant with their weapons while Dallas police officers were inside eating lunch.

"The recent murders of unarmed black, brown, and whites across the United States of America has eradicated trust in the police," the gun club's website states.

I'll just assume you are advocating these fine folks exercising their 2nd amendment rights, no?
Pops, did you really have 250 rushing yards in the county championship?
Sorry son, it was really 247.
My whole life has been a lie.

HOLY SHIT. Your dad is this guy?!?!

That guy is basically complaining about everything used in a crowd control situation. Not sure what he expects the cops to use in the event that an actual riot breaks out.

Tear gas is an ages old and very effective way to get mobs to disperse. Whether it has been used appropriately in Ferguson or not is something that can be debated, but its use is not a big deal. You won't die from tear gas, but you will GTFO. The stuff is nasty and works quite well.

So you are good with something bad enough to be banned from warfare being used on unarmed civilians? Interesting take.

You know what else doesn't kill people? Water boarding. I don't think that the US government should be water boarding their citizens (or any other human, for that matter) either. It is morally reprehensible.
Irish, is this irony???

While he's looking up that answer, perhaps we can get a ruling on people who graduate from $60,000.00 per year schools scampering off to expensive cities on the West Coast lecturing others about diversity issues. People like, well, you in particular.
While he's looking up that answer, perhaps we can get a ruling on people who graduate from $60,000.00 per year schools scampering off to expensive cities on the West Coast lecturing others about diversity issues. People like, well, you in particular.

Are you suggesting that west coast cities aren't diverse?
Because you don't hear about it?

There were over 12 million arrests last year. How many were white police officers beating up a black guy and blaming it on the victim?

How many times did a white police officer beat up a brown guy and not report it?

You are basing you opinions the exact same way I am. On experience. Yet you have never been unlawfully arrested. I take my experience of living in the same county where Emmett till was killed and working in the same county where his body was found as a better judge of the evils of racism than working at a university in urban Florida.

No offense to you but there are no definitive numbers on this. If there are please share them. Because I have never seen any numbers that display that white cops are beating up black kids and getting away with it. Everyone has a cell phone. If this were a common current occurrence we would know about it. If this were a common occurrence in rural Mississippi (where I think it would be the MOST likely) I would know from my contact with both races.

There is certainly intimidation. There is certainly targeting because of race, and none if that is excusable; but it is simply false to suggest that this type of overt, physical racism is a common enough occurrence to justify an attempt to disarm a policeman if he raises his weapon at you.
the truth is likely in between wrangor's "this is overblown" and ph's "if a black man sees a cop he should assume a beatdown for no reason is imminent."

i am still curious to hear of ph's personal experiences.