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Pissed Off? Rant Here


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2011
Reaction score
I think we need a single thread where we can rant about whatever is pissing us off at the moment. So go ahead, and get it off your chest. You'll feel better afterwards.
I'll start.

Dear Organization X,

You know what? Fuck you. I support you time and again when you need help and or a representative from the company I work for without complaint. Yet when I need something from you, you can't help. Well go find someone else to fill in for you in the future motherfuckers. You can kiss my ass.

- Demonbeck
Fuck my roommate's cat, man. It's a total piece of shit that doesn't hiss at him all day because he feeds the worthless thing. Whenever I get near it I get a wall of fear and loathing.

If it was a dog, it'd have been put down by now for being violent.
Dear Customer,

You're inability to support SSO across the systems you make me, and general lack of ease of use is infuriating and as a major operations / IT company you should be ashamed of yourself for using poor architecture that is not user friendly. Please tell your systems folks to go fuck themselves.


Dear Boss,

You came into work today at 10:45am and took "lunch break" from 12:30pm-2:55pm. Now you have buzzed me three times to join you in your office to work on a project that is due on Thursday morning. You received the project details 2 weeks ago, but were on vacation in Mexico for the past 10 days so you couldn't work on it then either. Do you not know that a massive World Cup match kicks off in 55 minutes? And quit telling me about your kids haircut and his first date. Dont care.

Fuck John from Cincinnati. Dickwad Deadwood killer.
The stretch of I-35 between DFW and Austin can lick my butt on a hot day after a five mile run and lunch at the shadiest Indian food joint in town.
I hate penguins.

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I wouldn't call it pissed so much as bemused, but I like when aging Gen Xers blame the millennials they raised to be lazy, entitled and spoiled for being those things. And millenniald haven't even had the chance to colossally fuck up the global economy or start any major wars yet!
Dear parishioners,

If you're going to get pissed at me for anything, would you at least read the Bible and try to pray daily, you know, your end of the bargain.

I wouldn't call it pissed so much as bemused, but I like when aging Gen Xers blame the millennials they raised to be lazy, entitled and spoiled for being those things. And millenniald haven't even had the chance to colossally fuck up the global economy or start any major wars yet!

we started american craft beer. you started facebook.

go fuck yourselves
I wouldn't call it pissed so much as bemused, but I like when aging Gen Xers blame the millennials they raised to be lazy, entitled and spoiled for being those things. And millenniald haven't even had the chance to colossally fuck up the global economy or start any major wars yet!

I don't think we raised most of you millennial brats. Our kids are more generation z.

Maybe southern Xs have millennials but they get married and have kids in their 20s like fucking idiots.