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The Leftovers on HBO

Say Hey Deac

Well-known member
Mar 25, 2011
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HBO released the first full-length trailer for its upcoming new series, The Leftovers, last week. Pretty cool trailer, and the James Blake song is perfect:

Anyway, I read the book a while back and thought it was okay. Basically, there is a Rapture-like event, but there is no rhyme or reason to who disappeared (religious and non-religious people vanished, even Shaq). There's probably stuff there for a good series, but I could also see it not working at all. They have clearly made some changes from the book. Just based on the trailer, they seem to have SERIOUSLY sexed it up quite a bit, HBO-style, which is fine by me. Boobies.

Irony that the guy from Lost is running it. If you read the book, you'll know what I'm talking about.
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Looks like those rad Left Behind movies with Kirk Cameron, only with a bigger budget. Will definitely check this out.
HBO released the first full-length trailer for its upcoming new series, The Leftovers, last week. Pretty cool trailer, and the James Blake song is perfect:

Anyway, I read the book a while back and thought it was okay. Basically, there is a Rapture-like event, but there is no rhyme or reason to who disappeared (religious and non-religious people vanished, even Shaq). There's probably stuff there for a good series, but I could also see it not working at all. They have clearly made some changes from the book. Just based on the trailer, they seem to have SERIOUSLY sexed it up quite a bit, HBO-style, which is fine by me. Boobies.

Irony that the guy from Lost is running it. If you read the book, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Did you just spoil the ending?
Glad to see someone finally made a show about body snatchers, which, for my money, is the biggest threat to humanity of this century. The media wants you to stay focused on wars, or global warming, or panda cubs, or PIV fornicating, but the truth is the body snatchers are coming and we can't do a goddamn thing about it. And no, I'm not talking about the body snatchers you saw in some shitty horror movie. I'm talking about the real life body snatchers who hunt for skin and bone with every ounce of strength in their being, who will suck you out of this world quicker than you can scratch your dick on a sweaty sunday, who see no difference between a cute little baby and a rhino-sized ogre of a woman, flesh is flesh to them. It's a shame that HBO had to step up and take on this issue alone, but hats off to them, I hope the world listens...
You know what? If HBO is gonna do their part, then why in flamingofuck shouldn't I do mine? I owe it to this earth to setup a poll over on the politics board asking my fellow messageboardsmen how they think we should deal with the body snatchers. Ok great, perfect idea by me. But I need to get this list right before I post it. Here's the "ways to fight body snatching" options off the top of my head: A) Jesus will save us, B) Colonize the moon (body snatchers don't own space suits), C) Move 10 miles underground and then nuke the earth and return to the top in 500 years (once the radiation dissipates), D) Everyone pretends they're dead and lives inside graves for 5 years (pack lots of sandwiches) in the hopes that the body snatchers move to heaven thinking that's where we are, E) Worldwide mass suicide, F) Invent a new kind of flame thrower that kills body snatchers. Any other options I'm forgetting, folks?
You know what? If HBO is gonna do their part, then why in flamingofuck shouldn't I do mine? I owe it to this earth to setup a poll over on the politics board asking my fellow messageboardsmen how they think we should deal with the body snatchers. Ok great, perfect idea by me. But I need to get this list right before I post it. Here's the "ways to fight body snatching" options off the top of my head: A) Jesus will save us, B) Colonize the moon (body snatchers don't own space suits), C) Move 10 miles underground and then nuke the earth and return to the top in 500 years (once the radiation dissipates), D) Everyone pretends they're dead and lives inside graves for 5 years (pack lots of sandwiches) in the hopes that the body snatchers move to heaven thinking that's where we are, E) Worldwide mass suicide, F) Invent a new kind of flame thrower that kills body snatchers. Any other options I'm forgetting, folks?

Perhaps an accord can be reached with the bodysnatchers? Like we give them a day every year to snatch as many bodies as they can fit in their wheelbarrows or whatever they use to collect snatched bodies, like that movie the Purge that I never saw? Or what if it turned out they were just hungry, and if would just feed them some other stuff, they would be cool? Like maybe the snatchers can get their protein through soybeans instead of human flesh? We will need to nominate a spokesperson to spearhead negotiations. I nominate Connie Chung.
Perhaps an accord can be reached with the bodysnatchers? Like we give them a day every year to snatch as many bodies as they can fit in their wheelbarrows or whatever they use to collect snatched bodies, like that movie the Purge that I never saw? Or what if it turned out they were just hungry, and if would just feed them some other stuff, they would be cool? Like maybe the snatchers can get their protein through soybeans instead of human flesh? We will need to nominate a spokesperson to spearhead negotiations. I nominate Connie Chung.

That is a noble idea and it shows a refreshing optimism that I don't see enough of in these trying times. The problem, of course, is that the last people to negotiate with body snatchers were the dinosaurs, and we all know how that turned out. I mean, Stegosaurus was one of the wisest and most influential men of his time. When he opened an ingenious small business that paid Pterodactyl big money to get the leaves off the high branches so he could turn around and sell them to Brontosaurus, he certainly didn't think he had just the blink of an eye left before he was spending the rest of eternity in oblivion while his fucking bones were being displayed at museums as a ghoulish puzzle put together by crafty, glasses-wearing primates. But unfortunately for him, the body snatchers didn't believe in peace.

I appreciate your bravery and there's no one on this earth that I respect more than Connie Chung, but let's not make the same mistake as Stegosaurus. Let's not assume that the body snatchers have hearts, other than the ones they yank from the chests of helpless vagrants before sucking them down their gullets whole.
Anyone else just watch the premier? Damon Lindelof's fingerprint from LOST is definitely evident.

Lot of questions created with just the first episode. And in watching the previews for the season, fire seems to be a huge theme.

Curious what Say Hey and anyone else that read the book thought.
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Wife and I watched tonight and we both dug it. I was surprised how much I liked it
That is a noble idea and it shows a refreshing optimism that I don't see enough of in these trying times. The problem, of course, is that the last people to negotiate with body snatchers were the dinosaurs, and we all know how that turned out. I mean, Stegosaurus was one of the wisest and most influential men of his time. When he opened an ingenious small business that paid Pterodactyl big money to get the leaves off the high branches so he could turn around and sell them to Brontosaurus, he certainly didn't think he had just the blink of an eye left before he was spending the rest of eternity in oblivion while his fucking bones were being displayed at museums as a ghoulish puzzle put together by crafty, glasses-wearing primates. But unfortunately for him, the body snatchers didn't believe in peace.

I appreciate your bravery and there's no one on this earth that I respect more than Connie Chung, but let's not make the same mistake as Stegosaurus. Let's not assume that the body snatchers have hearts, other than the ones they yank from the chests of helpless vagrants before sucking them down their gullets whole.

I'm so glad I read this thread.

My boy Sepinwall loves this show. Heard other good things about it. Dropped hbo though.
Maybe I'll give it a shot. The trailers did nothing for me.
I saw about 30 seconds and it was a fair amount of naked people, but it was about 30 minutes and I didn't want to start watching at that point. Waiting to hear if it gets good buzz or what.
Maybe I'll give it a shot. The trailers did nothing for me.

Same. The Damon Lindelofness of it doesn't draw me in like it may have once upon a time. I'll be a bandwagoner and if, after a full season, folks I trust (like most of you!) say it's good I'll check it out.
I plan to watch this tonight (10 pm air times too late for old man). I was trying to be elusive in my opening post, but subsequently I've read like 15 articles talking about how in the book there is no explanation for the disappearance, the book just kind of ends without offering an answer, so I guess it's safe to say now that was the reason I found it funny that Lindelof is running this show considering the popular complaint about Lost.