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Ongoing gun violence/injury thread

and just to be clear i've never bought a gun illegally. i have known people who have though. my previous couple posts could be interpreted as i have delt in the firearm black market.

So the guns weren't locked up and did nothing to deter the criminals or protect the owners anyway? Interesting approach.

Responsible, law abiding gun owners, man.

Every gun used in a crime was bought legally by somebody, since there is no underground gun manufacturing industry in this country. The challenge is keeping the legal guns from getting into the hands of criminals and insane people, not to mention 4 year old kids and legal owners pissed off at their wives. Ultimately, the only way to do that is to reduce the number of guns in circulation, and find a way to make all those responsible law abiding gun owners actually, you know, be responsible with their guns.
and just to be clear i've never bought a gun illegally. i have known people who have though. my previous couple posts could be interpreted as i have delt in the firearm black market.

Come on, we know you have some Glocks in your trunk, a few AKs in your closet and a 50 mm sniper rifle for the right price.
and just to be clear i've never bought a gun illegally. i have known people who have though. my previous couple posts could be interpreted as i have delt in the firearm black market.

Disclaimer - the ATF is watching...
Bullshit! Most guns used in crimes are stolen from law abiding citizens, who by the way went through the background checks, and resold on the street. And we all know street prices are well below retail. Anybody who seriously wants a gun can find one-and in their price range. To think otherwise is pure folly. The difference is the good guys will go through the proper channels, and buy from legitimate sellers.

I have no link to back it up, but I would agree with that. It is frequent for gun owners to be targeted for burglaries because they are gun owners. It happens to police officers a lot.

That said, I fail to see how it infringes on anyone's rights to have more comprehensive background checks. Just because your boat has multiple leaks doesn't mean you shouldn't try to fix any of them.
mike, it would infringe on your rights to sell a gun to your next door neighbor who tells you he isn't a felon when he has convictions for armed robbery and spousal battery.

To elkman, Sc and others you should be able to sell him your guns just on his word.
mike, it would infringe on your rights to sell a gun to your next door neighbor who tells you he isn't a felon when he has convictions for armed robbery and spousal battery.

To elkman, Sc and others you should be able to sell him your guns just on his word.

And I agree with you that such a suggestion is ridiculous. I was just pointing out that guns stolen from apparently law-abiding citizens are a huge problem, and that gun owners are frequent burglary targets. The reason I say "apparently" law-abiding citizens is that many of these stolen guns aren't reported as stolen for whatever reason. I'm sure one could assume that all were straw purchases, but I'm not sure that would be accurate.
And I agree with you that such a suggestion is ridiculous. I was just pointing out that guns stolen from apparently law-abiding citizens are a huge problem, and that gun owners are frequent burglary targets. The reason I say "apparently" law-abiding citizens is that many of these stolen guns aren't reported as stolen for whatever reason. I'm sure one could assume that all were straw purchases, but I'm not sure that would be accurate.

My completely unsupported opinion/anecdotal impression is that a lot of "stolen" guns are taken from family members. Grampa has a piece, he's not using it, gangbanger grandson takes it one day and Grampa either never notices or doesn't report it because he doesn't want grandson to get it trouble. I'm not sure how big a piece of the illicit gun market this is but I think it's a non-trivial piece. Putting something in place to encourage gun owners to secure their weapons and report stolen weapons would be a good reform. Yeah, it would be a burden on "responsible law abiding gun owners". Unfortunately, the fact is many gun owners are not "responsible", and their lack of responsibility is a contributing factor to criminals and little kids being able to access firearms.
So do gun advocates have any suggestions for how to make it more difficult for criminals to get guns or how to keep legal gun owners from committing horrible crimes?
al qeada supports the NRA's position on background chacks:

Gadahn was calling on Muslims living in the United States to carry out terrorist acts similar to the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks in India.

“Let’s take America as an example,” Gadahn said. “America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms. You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?”

Yes, he should have said "semi-automatic" rather than "fully automatic", but the reality is AQ and NRA are on the same side.
Woman accidentally shoots self in hip

A 26-year-old woman accidentally shot herself in the hip while withdrawing her gun from her waistband April 3.

According to the Worthington police report, the woman had to be transported to the Ohio State University Hospital emergency room by Worthington medics to be treated for her gunshot wound. The incident occurred in the first block of Glen Circle.

The woman has a concealed-carry permit, police said.
It's appalling that Senators and Congressmen are so in the pockets of the gun manufacturers that they cannot even do the most basic thing to create a federal sentencing guideline for individauls buying guns in one state and selling them in another.

They are cowards.

Others who refuse to support such a law are not defenders of the 2nd Amendment they are defenders of murderers and other violent criminals.