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MTOW, Dan's Latest With Grobe

I have nothing against Collins, but he seems to let his personal feelings for coaches (i.e. love for Grobe/dislike of Bzz) cloud his objectivity in covering Wake athletics.
Not very in-depth, of course it's a blog post not an article, but if the main point is that a coach doesn't have to run around screaming to be effective, I'd say fine. But the best points are at the end. Subtle point here is to critique Grobe for the laundry list of legitimate issues even he'll admit to, not the trivial subjective nonsense like he's not animated enough on the sidelines.

"Grobe is fair game for criticism. He didn't recruit like he needed to off the glory days of 2006. He has season after season identified a weak offensive line as a problem he has yet to solve.

And this season, he spent the spring and August practices installing and and tweaking an offense that had to be shelved by the midpoint of the season because it just wasn't working.

Jim Grobe, like every coach, was hired to win football games, and for five years now he hasn't won enough. That's on him."

People are reading this as a defense of Grobe's coaching? I don't see that.
I have nothing against Collins, but he seems to let his personal feelings for coaches (i.e. love for Grobe/dislike of Bzz) cloud his objectivity in covering Wake athletics.

To act like we want Grobe to act like Dabo or something is missing the point, I think what we'd like to see is for Grobe to look involved, to get up in a players grill once in awhile if they need it, to lay into a ref on questionable call. You never see Grobe in a huddle, you never see Grobe really saying much to the players, you never really see him doing much. How many times have we seemed to get complacent as a team, I think a team gets their lead from the head coach and complacent seems to describe Jim Grobe.
To act like we want Grobe to act like Dabo or something is missing the point, I think what we'd like to see is for Grobe to look involved, to get up in a players grill once in awhile if they need it, to lay into a ref on questionable call. You never see Grobe in a huddle, you never see Grobe really saying much to the players, you never really see him doing much. How many times have we seemed to get complacent as a team, I think a team gets their lead from the head coach and complacent seems to describe Jim Grobe.

This is a great point. Too many times this season it seemed like Grobe was just happy to be along for the ride. Ultimately, it comes back to winning and having a positive impact on the field which Grobe failed to do for almost the entire season. And when your head coach and athletic director combine to make about $5 million per year and the program is consistently losing money, you have a major problem.
I think all this touchy feely stuff is hogwash. You can't microanalyze a failed coaching regime. The facts are in the record, just like Buzz, and bad coaches need to be jettisoned, not kept around and adjusted. Our team, our program, is weak and soft. Period. They weren't going to win this season because of it. This weakness is infused in the team, in the entire athletic department, and won't have a chance to end until heads roll. Cleaning house is the only way up and out.
I see it differently. We saw a coach who had different styles throughout the year. We had BC Jim. A man who saw a disaster in slow motion and did nothing. Stubborn to a fault at the goal line at the end of the first half. Then ULM Jim, who stood and watch a flaccid offense for 58 minutes. The West Point Jim, who did the same but for only 3 quarters and was able to recover a victory in the 4th. After the Clemson nightmare, he woke up and shown us a glimpse of the glory days, bitch slapping NCSU and Md. I, and I suspect many of you, was standing and cheering in my living room after the opening drive in Miami. Then came Mother Hen Jim, who sat on a lead hoping to hatch a victory. The Sleep Walking Jim, up in the dome. He could blame everything on losing Camp. He took his wedgie well vs FSU and on to Duke. Another schizophrenic game were a dynamic defensive play and then a scoring drive put Mother Hen Jim back sitting of the egg of victory that would never hatch. With the NCSU and Maryland games, we kept one step ahead of what ever was thrown at us. Scoring drives were answered and it felt like the good old days. Some of these Jims, I really like. The other Jims should be shown the door.
I see it differently. We saw a coach who had different styles throughout the year. We had BC Jim. A man who saw a disaster in slow motion and did nothing. Stubborn to a fault at the goal line at the end of the first half. Then ULM Jim, who stood and watch a flaccid offense for 58 minutes. The West Point Jim, who did the same but for only 3 quarters and was able to recover a victory in the 4th. After the Clemson nightmare, he woke up and shown us a glimpse of the glory days, bitch slapping NCSU and Md. I, and I suspect many of you, was standing and cheering in my living room after the opening drive in Miami. Then came Mother Hen Jim, who sat on a lead hoping to hatch a victory. The Sleep Walking Jim, up in the dome. He could blame everything on losing Camp. He took his wedgie well vs FSU and on to Duke. Another schizophrenic game were a dynamic defensive play and then a scoring drive put Mother Hen Jim back sitting of the egg of victory that would never hatch. With the NCSU and Maryland games, we kept one step ahead of what ever was thrown at us. Scoring drives were answered and it felt like the good old days. Some of these Jims, I really like. The other Jims should be shown the door.

i was. and that's what sad. glimpses of what once was, and what could be now, but even after that drive I didn't believe in the final victory over Miami - knew we'd lose--and that itself is a problem. maybe the problem. people no longer believe.
I don't feel like reading any more articles about the utter disaster that we call WF football.

It matters not one wit to me whether the coach is animated on the side-line or resembles a statue, so long as he recruits talented players and develops them into better players and schemes every game so as to maximize our strengths and compensate for our weaknesses and then motivates the players to play up to their potential. These are the things that make for winning football, not demeanor on the side-line. And these are the areas in which this staff has failed: recruiting, developing, scheming, motivating. There is no reason to think that any of this will improve apart from some huge upgrades on the staff. I don't think anything more needs to be said. Something radical needs to be done.
I don't feel like reading any more articles about the utter disaster that we call WF football.

It matters not one wit to me whether the coach is animated on the side-line or resembles a statue, so long as he recruits talented players and develops them into better players and schemes every game so as to maximize our strengths and compensate for our weaknesses and then motivates the players to play up to their potential. These are the things that make for winning football, not demeanor on the side-line. And these are the areas in which this staff has failed: recruiting, developing, scheming, motivating. There is no reason to think that any of this will improve apart from some huge upgrades on the staff. I don't think anything more needs to be said. Something radical needs to be done.

I think dismissing Wellman is the only realistic way Grobe loses his job this year or next. His domino is the first that needs to fall. Blind loyalty and financial miscues permeates the entire program right now.
Is there any possibility of a conflict between Wellman and Grobe: as in Wellman urges Grobe to retire and Grobe refuses and Wellman resists paying the buy-out?
I don't think there's any tangible pressure from the major donors right now, but those individuals are starting to become uneasy about the state of the program. There will be significant pressure a year from now especially if the football team is as bad as we think it could be next fall. I don't think there's much conflict between Grobe and Wellman right now, but you never know.
Our only way out for the near future is if Wellman steps down after April and we don't hire from within and instead hire someone who isn't bound to the "Wake Forest Way" and the tolerance for failure that comes with it.
I don't think there's any tangible pressure from the major donors right now, but those individuals are starting to become uneasy about the state of the program. There will be significant pressure a year from now especially if the football team is as bad as we think it could be next fall. I don't think there's much conflict between Grobe and Wellman right now, but you never know.

I also wonder how the progress of "Wake Will" will impact changes in the Athletic Department. According to that alumni poll from a few months back, athletics was the runaway biggest concern among alums--I imagine this will translate to giving.
3.7 ypc in college is atrocious. Not so terrible in the NFL, but when you get a few games against teams like Army, Presbyterian, and ULM, and your running back has a 3.7 ypc? Woof.
i was. and that's what sad. glimpses of what once was, and what could be now, but even after that drive I didn't believe in the final victory over Miami - knew we'd lose--and that itself is a problem. maybe the problem. people no longer believe.
I felt the same throughout the game until Gibson scored from 44 yds out. That's why that loss hurts the most.
Dan says that Grobe acknowledged recruiting was a problem but I don't see it. I see player blaming and "whatever the reason" but not "we did a poor job recruiting."

He can't really say that without completely throwing the kids on the team under the bus.

On the other hand, his quote as is pretty much sucks as well.
Grobe has never had a problem blaming his players.