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LAST US POW RETURNED from the Taliban

Keeping Bergdahl in a desk job is a way to question him to determine whether to pursue desertion charges against him. They would probably just discharge him if they already knew there wasn't a case for disciplinary action. Allegedly Bergdahl still hasn't spoken to his parents. Seems like there's a lot more going on than what's been reported to date.

This is what I feel. They aren't going to discharge him. He hasn't been charged with any offenses. Therefore, the obvious solution at this point is to stick him in a desk job and figure out what to do. I think (and am somewhat hopeful) that this should be carried out without a whole lot of fanfare. If he was so emotionally scarred that he can't be held responsible for leaving his post, then I doubt any media fanfare is going to do him any good, and if he did desert or go AWOL then he doesn't deserve any publicity for hanging his team out to dry. Either way, quiet is best.
The Army has officially charged Bowe Bergdahl with desertion. So much for having served with "honor and distinction."
No they're blaming him for negotiating to get him back when he deserted.

And they are correct to do so.

That doesn't elevate him anywhere near Bush, Carter or Nixon in terms of being an utter Foreign Policy disaster.
They should fry his ass, but I'm guessing he'll serve a nice stint in Ft. Leavenworth.
No they're blaming him for anything ever.

Says the party who blamed Bush for the weather.

If you don't think the Obama Administration should face scrutiny for the deal to trade five captured terrorists for a deserter, say so here and now.
I don't; I'd rather bring home a deserter than house and feed a bunch of idiots we can drone strike later
I don't; I'd rather bring home a deserter than house and feed a bunch of idiots we can drone strike later

Says the party who blamed Bush for the weather.

If you don't think the Obama Administration should face scrutiny for the deal to trade five captured terrorists for a deserter, say so here and now.

Scrutiny, sure, but don't act like Obama came up with the concept of prisoner exchanges just because you hate him.

"Despite Republican criticism and a planned congressional hearing, President Obama’s decision to trade five Taliban fighters for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was not a departure from history, U.S. law, or his long-delayed promises to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and close the military prison at Guantanamo Bay.

None of the men involved in the swap are members of al-Qaida. What’s more, the five detainees – who spent more than a decade at Guantanamo – were transferred under heavy restrictions that will prevent them from rejoining the battlefield, unlike hundreds of Guantanamo prisoners who were released by former President George W. Bush.

In fact, Bush released dozens of men held in secret CIA prisons. Yet prisoner swaps, even lop-sided ones, are nothing new. “[Exchanges] have long been viewed as a very human way of effectuating the goals of international law, which is to make war as humane as possible,” Steve Vladeck, a constitutional law professor at American University said in an interview.

Prisoner exchanges for individual soldiers are not uncommon among heavily militarized U.S. allies. In 2011, Israel traded 1,027 Palestinian prisoners for a single soldier, Gilad Shalit, who was kept captive in the Gaza Strip for five years."

"The United States has a long history of negotiating prisoner trades in times of war."

"There’s little that’s actually new here," said Mitchell Reiss, who worked in the State Department under President George W. Bush and served as national security adviser to Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney."

"Here’s a few, according to Reiss’ book:

-After the North Koreans captured the U.S.S. Pueblo in 1968, President Lyndon Johnson apologized for spying as part of negotiations to secure the release of 83 American prisoners.

-In 1970, President Richard Nixon pressured Israel, Switzerland, West Germany and Britain to release Palestinian prisoners after two airlines were hijacked by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

-During the Iran hostage crisis of 1979 to 1981, President Jimmy Carter agreed to unfreeze $8 billion in frozen Iranian assets after more than a year of negotiations with the Iranian revolutionaries.

-In perhaps the most famous swap, after seven Americans were captured in Beirut, Lebanon, President Ronald Reagan agreed to send missiles to Iran in what became known as the Iran-Contra scandal.

-President Bill Clinton’s administration sat down with Hamas in attempts to negotiate peace with Israel. His administration also worked directly with the Taliban nearly two decades ago on several occasions to see if the group would hand over Osama bin Laden and other al-Qaida leaders.

Reiss also noted that President George W. Bush engaged in negotiations with Iran and North Korea even after decreeing them part of the "Axis of Evil."

James Jeffrey, a former ambassador to Iraq under Obama and deputy national security adviser for George W. Bush, agreed that "there have been many cases of negotiations with terrorists or rogue regimes for the return of Americans."



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I don't; I'd rather bring home a deserter than house and feed a bunch of idiots we can drone strike later

The problem is that we aren't drone striking them later. Several released terrorists have ended up back on the battle field according to the White House.

Obama screwed up big-time but politically this is water under the bridge. He successfully hid the results past the November elections, and his bad Iran deal will have a bigger negative impact on the Democrats in 2016. There is no way they will escape that one because everyone hates Iran.

I hope they give Bergdahl the death penalty, as well as the remaining terrorists that we have captured.
Says the party who blamed Bush for the weather.

If you don't think the Obama Administration should face scrutiny for the deal to trade five captured terrorists for a deserter, say so here and now.

I 100% make that trade every time. We don't leave men behind. No matter what bullshit they did. We don't leave men behind. Period.

The fuck is wrong with you?
The problem is that we aren't drone striking them later. Several released terrorists have ended up back on the battle field according to the White House.

Obama screwed up big-time but politically this is water under the bridge. He successfully hid the results past the November elections, and his bad Iran deal will have a bigger negative impact on the Democrats in 2016. There is no way they will escape that one because everyone hates Iran.

I hope they give Bergdahl the death penalty, as well as the remaining terrorists that we have captured.

You must not be a Christian. Fair enough if you aren't.