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Facebook Gold from Crazies

I love that the guy's mom gets on board to explain it.

Oklahoma Federation of Republican Women
I have a friend that posted about Cecil the lion and other trophy hunting, and incorporated her experiences from travelling in Africa. The first response was a guy saying basically "I understand why you are upset, but I don't understand why you haven't posted about the selling of babies' body parts." I think that would be an instant un-friending for me.
I have a friend that posted about Cecil the lion and other trophy hunting, and incorporated her experiences from travelling in Africa. The first response was a guy saying basically "I understand why you are upset, but I don't understand why you haven't posted about the selling of babies' body parts." I think that would be an instant un-friending for me.

Probably the wrong thread for this, but this blog has led to some good discussions with friends: Are We All Selectively Pro-Life?
I was actually going to post that the comments seem mostly reasonable, compared to most comment sections. The writer's response to the last guy was pretty great.
I was actually going to post that the comments seem mostly reasonable, compared to most comment sections. The writer's response to the last guy was pretty great.

Not reasonable: "But I’d point out it isn’t the kid who is the abomination- it’s the gay. Because if I was to add two things to that bumper sticker, they’d be No Contraception and No Homosexuality.

Because I see contraception and homosexuality as part of the culture of death- and the real victim of homosexuality is the homosexual, who is stuck in a “Once Gay, Always Gay, No Way Out, No Conversion Possible” culture, forced to have their only sexual relationships always be contraceptive relationships.

To me there’s no difference between the kid raped and bullied into being gay at age 12, and the kid paid by Planned Parenthood to get sterilized at age 15. Both have been forced into sexual lifestyles that NOBODY would want to be in, had they been able to make an adult, rational choice about it.

“Born that way” is part of the bullying tactic used to recruit new homosexuals. Spreading that lie is a sin against the very people you’re claiming to love."
Not reasonable: "John, some of your arguments are way off base. The connection you make between an unborn child and a gay teenager are not paralleled at all. One needs protection, the other needs direction. Both need something different to give them the life God wants them to have. Please learn that difference."