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This is the BBC, the supposedly accurate and unbiased BBC. You can immagine how misleading the other big media are on this story.


It's like there's no precedent in any wave of refugees or migration that the men go first on the most dangerous part and try to get the women and children later once they could afford safer and more secure passage. Never.

From 1880 to 1920, an estimated 4 million Italian immigrants arrived in the United States, the majority from 1900 to 1914.
Often, the father and older sons would go first, leaving the mother and the rest of the family behind until the male members could afford their passage.
Some of them are there to shoot people and blow things up.

It's like there's no precedent in any wave of refugees or migration that the men go first on the most dangerous part and try to get the women and children later once they could afford safer and more secure passage. Never.

That is the case - a predominance of young males - here as well. Many people know this. So, then why deliberately try to mislead your readers and viewers about the composition of this particular migration? Such a statistical disparity does not come about by accident. It is deliberate. The reporting of this story has been about as cynical, one-sided, and misleading by the western media such as CNN and BBC as I can ever recall.
That is the case - a predominance of young males - here as well. Many people know this. So, then why deliberately try to mislead your readers and viewers about the composition of this particular migration? Such a statistical disparity does not come about by accident. It is deliberate. The reporting of this story has been about as cynical, one-sided, and misleading by the western media such as CNN and BBC as I can ever recall.

Find out what "top images" means and get back to me. Breitbart could just be sampling the most viewed images, not the most published. And of course pictures of child refugees would be more viewed than pictures of grown men.
What are the "top" images?

could either be images most often shown, or lead images, you'll have to ask them, the effort to distort is, however, obvious

furthermore, the distortion of the events revealed by the misrepresentation of the demographic composition of the migrants is entirely in keeping with the general distortion of the story: concentrate on one particular aspect of the migrants, hysterisize the story, and either bury all other aspects of the story well down in the report, or most of the time fail to mention them all together
Find out what "top images" means and get back to me. Breitbart could just be sampling the most viewed images, not the most published. And of course pictures of child refugees would be more viewed than pictures of grown men.

The effort to distort the story, however, is obviously deliberate
It's like there's no precedent in any wave of refugees or migration that the men go first on the most dangerous part and try to get the women and children later once they could afford safer and more secure passage. Never.

Except that these males, supposedly mostly from Syria, are leaving their war torn countries and their female family members behind in their war torn countries? Not likely, unless they have some total bitch wives.

The media is misleading everybody on everything here, unquestionably. Why?
same reason that cat and baby videos have millions of views on youtube. Pictures of cute kids sells more papers than pictures of 20 something dudes
same reason that cat and baby videos have millions of views on youtube. Pictures of cute kids sells more papers than pictures of 20 something dudes

I understand the need to perpetuate the poor immigrant narrative that has been at play for years. Just look at the US and how wanting to enforce immigration laws is portrayed as cruel or racist anymore. But why portray them as Syrian refugees if they aren't? I'm guessing they asked the immigrants, believed their stories without checking them out, and now look too stupid about it to correct themselves. Or, also likely, they feel dumb for being hoodwinked but delude themselves into thinking the more important element to the story is not whether these people are war refugees, but that they need homes. You know, kind of like the title of this thread. Humanity and stuff. Oh, and Syrian global warming :thumbsup:
You're not going to find a photojournalist anywhere in the world snapping a bunch of photos of scruffy young men and trying to sell them to major media outlets covering a refugee crisis, because nobody's going to buy them. Sympathetic photos drive magazine sales and page views. Not sure that amounts to intentionally deceptive reporting, it's mostly just capitalism at work. No surprise that the usual right-wing outlets cry "mainstream media whitewash", they do it about everything and people believe it. Read a few of the comments below that article, there's people claiming the drowned Syrian kid was a staged "false flag" deal.

On the issue of "leaving their babies behind on the battlefield" - millions of Syrians are in refugee camps in the immediately surrounding countries. I feel pretty confident guessing that a pretty large percentage of these men got their families (if any) out of immediate bodily danger and into a refugee camp before proceeding alone to Europe.

Another issue is that, while it may seem counterintuitive, in the Syrian conflict young men are more at risk of immediate bodily harm than women and children. All the factions are conscripting every able-bodied man of their own sect that they can find, and executing every able-bodied man of the other sects they come across. Depending on the exact location and battlefield situation, it may be very logical for a given family to determine that the best way to maximize family safety is for the men to try and get to Europe while the women and children hunker down at home.
Except that these males, supposedly mostly from Syria, are leaving their war torn countries and their female family members behind in their war torn countries? Not likely, unless they have some total bitch wives.

The media is misleading everybody on everything here, unquestionably. Why?[/QUOTE]

This is hardly an exhaustive list but here are some answers (in no particular order):

1. Long term political interest: the migrants, and their immediate descendants, in Europe tend to vote for the leftist parties. The big media in Europe often leans left-liberal. This is overwhelmingly true of the German media, often true of the British, and even the BBC - which is supposed to be neutral, and CNN in Europe. The performance of CNN has been beneath all criticism and downright entirely misleading in covering this story.

2. Long term economic interest: the big media are a part of the club of big international corporations in Europe. They - as big corporations often do - see the migrants as a source cheap labor. The total cost to the various European countries is a different matter. Nevertheless, from their own perspective and for their own needs, big corporations often see the immigrants as advantageous. These corporations have enormous influence in Brussels and on the media. Brussels, for anyone looking closely, has become center for failed politicians from all over Europe, many with leftist sympathies, and big multinational corporations and their lobbyists. There is not much left of the old European left. They have retained the appeal of leftist idealism (especially for those not looking too closely, or deliberately looking away), while being in bed day and night with the corporate world, from which they are claiming to be trying to protect the ordinary citizen. Brussels is a kind of poster child for this development. And the media serves as the public relations branch: complete with bought and paid for articles and stories to advance certain interests.

3. Hysteria sells. More people respond to emotional stimuli in the media than to rational arguments or to accurate information. Hence, the doling out of the story in such a way - and only in that way - to appeal almost entirely to the emotions of people, who actually know little and understand less of the serious and complex problems and issues involved, people who can be very easily manipulated by images evoking strong emotional responses. The result: focus on families with children and on "Syrians", who definitely are from a war torn country and ignoring the apparently significant numbers from Bangladesh, Turkey, and Pakistan, who are not. And ignoring, or burying deep down, the reporting of most other aspects of the story.

4. Genuine humanitarian impulse. Some of these people truly are from Syria and are escaping from a war-torn country. They definitely deserve asylum and support. It's right for the media to call attention to tham. Unfortunately, the true refugees and the true political asylum seekers are - for the moment - hopelessly entangled with an unknown number of others who are not. These others are probably some combination of economic migrants and potentially dangerous people linked to terrorist organizations. The media is downplaying this because it would interfere with the selling of the events simply as a feel good humanitarian story. Unfortunately, the liberal-left media's one-sided hystericization of the issues obstructs the ability of people to think clearly and develop effective answers to serious long term problems. Very soon, we will have elections in some of the most affected countries - IIRC Austria, Croatia and Romania - and we will see how voters actually respond.
i'm confused as to the point sailor is making here

is it that this isn't a refugee crisis?

it is a refugee crisis, and international economic migration crisis, and most likely a terrorist crisis - all mixed inextricably - for the moment - together, and the media reporting is distorting it into an overwhelmingly refugee crisis
I mean, #anecdotes, but here is CNN's lead story today on the situation. The headline calls them "migrants", not refugees, and the lead photo is a bunch of young men sitting on grass. It says "some" of the migrants are Syrian, and acknowledges that they are fleeing war and poverty (i.e. refugees and economic migrants). I don't watch CNN on TV (or anything else on TV, really) so maybe that's what sailor is so exercised about but I do read the website regularly and I don't think they're covering up these issues at all. They regularly report the concerns of various public figures that terrorists might be mixed in with the migrants, for example.

Perhaps sailor expects CNN to seek out the opinions of the Hungarian government and give in-depth analysis of the Hungarian perspective? Does he really think CNN's audience outside Hungary is interested in that?

ETA: I just watched the video, lots of footage of young men, no babies, provides some coverage of the Hungarian perspective and concerns over national identity, etc. This is the CNN coverage that is so very misleading and beneath contempt? Really?
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Was listening to Morning Edition (NPR!) and their version of an obmudsmnen argued that these people should mostly be called migrants, not refugees. And then they did a piece about how a lot of them prefered being called migrants.

Heard the same. It was enlightening although the tone was a little defensive. It seemed like the migrants interviewed wanted to assert their agency but it was unclear if they knew about some of the advantages of the refugee designation.
Sailor, that's a bit more involved and conspiratorial than I'd put it, but I think it's something like this. The migrants are hitching their wagons to the Syrians to get a more sympathetic ear from those who were previously apathetic. The media is happy to accommodate.
Noted left wing paper The Wall Street Journal has a big picture of a woman and a baby wrapped in blankets to illustrate its European migration crisis story today.