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Mistrial in Baltimore

Just further evidence that early in his career, MLK was probably treated similarly to a lot of #BLM people. I'm not saying that BLM is equivalent to the 60's civil rights movement in magnitude but it certainly is in topic and has similar substance - but the term "race hustler" to describe Deray is not particularly apt.
That's what we're waiting on simos to explain. Hopefully, he can tell us the difference between MLK and a "race hustler."
One thing not to do is elect race hustler DeRay Mckesson as the next mayor. He just announced his candidacy. He couldn't get elected even in Baltimore, could he?

Uses racial slur.

It generally lets you know that the person using the term is racist. And this one isn't thinly veiled or whatever people keep calling "new charges of racism," this is just good old-fashioned overt racism.

You are the master of the personal attack. Do you even know who he is? Might want to read up on him, then you can come back and apologize if you have any class.

Gets offended when called "racist."
You are the master of the personal attack. Do you even know who he is? Might want to read up on him, then you can come back and apologize if you have any class.

I wouldn't begin to presume I have any class. But I am familiar with Mr. McKesson and his role in the BLM movement. I had found him to be about average for an activist on either side of the spectrum these days- part individual with a desire to change society for what he perceives as the better, part social media personality with a desire to monetize his new-found fame.

It never occurred to me that he would be particularly offensive to the far-right nutjobs. I guess it should have occurred to me that almost any black person who doesn't immediately suggest that the only possible way for black folks to do better in America is to "look to their own community" (or whatever other nonsense gets spouted by the far right) would be a target for these people.

To get a better understanding, I went ahead and typed "Deray McKesson Sucks" into the google machine, figuring that would get me some of your reading material. And in fact, it did.

http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2015/07/26/media-begin-catching-on-to-the-paid-activist-deray-mckesson/- The Conservative Treehouse! Long the gold standard for journalism!

- The Blaze! Another fantastic source of unbiased coverage!

The list doesn't stop. PatriotUpdate.com (you know they are telling us the unvarnished truth. THEY ARE FUCKING PATRIOTS!). Twitchy (nobody brings a nuanced perspective like Michelle Malkin!). Patriotupdate even called him a "race baiter" (nice group you chose to associate with, cupcake- they have another great article about how the President removed the American Flag from the White House).

Then I found your fapping material. The National Review. http://www.nationalreview.com/article/420158/meet-first-millenial-race-baiter-deray-mckesson

After reading that article, I still don't feel the need to apologize. Sorry.
Still waiting for a definition from simos.
Sort of a waste of time discussing stuff like this with most people on this board because most would rather spout epithets at anyone disagreeing with them and/or agree with each other how stupid the other side of the argument is. Very little interest in honestly debating an issue. But I have pasted below the Urban Dictionary definition of "race hustler." I would say Sharpton is the quintessential example. I don't see how anyone can disagree that there are people who fall into this category. Whether Deray is one may be argued I suppose, but saying he is doesn't make me a racist.

A term coined to describe those individuals of a particular race who project themselves into the media spotlight as spokespersons whenever there is an alleged racial incident which involves their race. The use of the word "Hustler", included as a part of the term, also implies that these individuals expliot a racial situation to serve their own interests.
Recently, this term has often been used to describe the Reverends Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton as "Race Hustlers".
So was Martin Luther King, Jr. a "race hustler?"
So was Martin Luther King, Jr. a "race hustler?"

Huh? How would it apply to him? He wasn't exploiting racial "situations" to serve his own interests. Unless getting himself murdered fills that requirement.
Right, so according to simos, only black people can be race hustlers and DeRay is a race hustler.
Huh? How would it apply to him? He wasn't exploiting racial "situations" to serve his own interests. Unless getting himself murdered fills that requirement.

Because he projected himself into the media spotlight as a spokeperson whenever there was an alleged racial incident which involved his race.
His interests were altruistic. So you don't think Sharpton is a race hustler? I didn't see you respond to that.
Hindsight is 20/20 with MLK who has been largely lionized historically where his faults and shortcomings (perceived or real) are placed well behind his impact on society and specifically people of color. The types of attacks like "race hustler" are just the evolution in 2016 of the same types of attacks hurled at MLK in the 50's before he rose to national prominence, gave his famous speech, and organized marches throughout the south.
I firmly believe if MLK were around today and hadn't been assassinated his character would be assassinated from the right in 2016 by attacks like "race hustler."

Just my belief and maybe I'm wrong.
In the ongoing witch hunt, the second cop to go to trial was acquitted. Prosecutor now zero for two. Not that anyone is still paying attention.