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Bernie Would Have Won

I'm not trying to win over jh. ChrisL and cville who I am dumb to attack have all but admitted they'd vote for him vs Trump. Genuinely curious what's missing? The specter of socialism, presumably. Boohoo. He still acknowledged problems Hillary never did. He energized young people and parts of the country neither Hil nor Kaine did.


Can't wait for the Dems to run Romney/Lieberman in 2020 and lose by 100 electoral votes

Hillary was crowned as the candidate before the primaries even began. No establishment figures dared run against her. Then once the primaries got going, let's hold debates when no one's watching to silence any opposition, let's close primaries as much as possible, let's have superdelegates to "save" us in case things go haywire.

This showed and shows itself in HRC and her cronies bitter reaction to Bernie for offering any sort of opposition. It was her time, just like it was McCain's in 2008 and Romney's in 2012. Whoops

This is all utter nonsense.
You don't think that a race featuring two old, white men shouting at predominantly white audiences would have impacted turnout for some?

Certainly could have. Bernie probably wouldn't have pretended he carried hot sauce in his bag like Hillary. He likely would have engaged the community more if given the opportunity. Thought his stuff with Killer Mike was way more impactful than Hillary with regards to reaching out to the black community.
Can we agree that Hillary was going to win anyway AND the Party was (needlessly) pulling shenanigans to make sure of it?

If the party was really concerned about squashing populist candidates, then why wouldn't they get rid of the large number of caucus states? The states set up their own rules for how they run the primaries and most have been doing the same thing for quite some time. At the end of the day, Clinton beat Sanders in open and closed primary states. He won quite a few more caucus states than she did.

The number of debates was pretty much in line with past elections and the viewership was in line as well. Sanders crew started grasping at any straw they could.

Get rid of the superdelegates. They don't matter. If they would have been used at any time, it would have been 2008 when Clinton had more votes than Obama but less delegates.

The debate question thing was really dumb, but the Sanders crew went off the deep end.
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Certainly could have. Bernie probably wouldn't have pretended he carried hot sauce in his bag like Hillary. He likely would have engaged the community more if given the opportunity. Thought his stuff with Killer Mike was way more impactful than Hillary with regards to reaching out to the black community.


it wasnt' the DNC that beat Bernie
If the party was really concerned about squashing populist candidates, then why wouldn't they get rid of the large number of caucus states? The states set up their own rules for how they run the primaries and most have been doing the same thing for quite some time. At the end of the day, Clinton beat Sanders in open and closed primary states. He won quite a few more caucus states than she did.

The number of debates was pretty much in line with past elections and the viewership was in line as well. Sanders crew started grasping at any straw they could.

Get rid of the superdelegates. They don't matter. If they would have been used at any time, it would have been 2008 when Clinton had more votes than Obama but less delegates.

The debate question thing was really dumb, but the Sanders crew went off the deep end.

Tell that to the Republican National Committee. They would have given their right arms for Superdelegates this time last year.

eta: Also, Team Hillary (more so than the Party itself) absolutely was concerned about (another) unknown poaching her spot in the General. They weren't taking any chances in 2016.
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Bernie may have won the general election but he was never going to win the primary. Let's stop being dumb as a party and move on.

If we want to talk about the growing divide of the party between the minority of ideologues who refuse to "sacrifice" their own left-wing purity to avoid the GOP from putting up Donald and winning, and the more moderate/centrists who are a mix of party-devotees and just, well, not as left-wing, then let's do it. But continuing to drone on and on about the 2016 primary is not particularly helpful unless it's just used as one example in the broader discussion.

This is from someone who voted for Bernie in the primary, campaigned for him, and then voted for Hillary because she was clearly the best available option on the ballot.
Certainly could have. Bernie probably wouldn't have pretended he carried hot sauce in his bag like Hillary. He likely would have engaged the community more if given the opportunity. Thought his stuff with Killer Mike was way more impactful than Hillary with regards to reaching out to the black community.

He had plenty of opportunity. He declared in April 2015. The California primary was in June 2016. He thought he could win, that the liberalness of CA would overtake the fact that the state is majority-minority. He lost bigly. He was a career politician from a super white state that never figured out how to communicate his message to non-white people.

As for pandering, are you forgetting his MLK ad?

BTW I didn't vote for either in the primary. I think the DNC was sketchy but that wouldn't have impacted the outcome of the primary. The biggest thing the DNC is guilty of is clearing the field for Hillary. That was infuriating.
bernard did have the best commercial of the race, though. gotta give him credit for that
He ... never figured out how to communicate his message to non-white people.

I think this would be taken care of in 2020, now that he's a "name" and his policies have gotten more of the light of day. The media certainly wasn't given him Trump-esque coverage during the primaries.

Of course, come 2020 he'll be as old as goddamn dirt.

An instructive graph:
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Certainly could have. Bernie probably wouldn't have pretended he carried hot sauce in his bag like Hillary. He likely would have engaged the community more if given the opportunity. Thought his stuff with Killer Mike was way more impactful than Hillary with regards to reaching out to the black community.

He was running for over a year and raised nine figures. If Killer Mike was so impactful, why did he lose the black vote so dramatically?

If your fellow BernieBros in PA, MI,WI didn't act like spoiled brats, Trump wouldn't have won.
He was running for over a year and raised nine figures. If Killer Mike was so impactful, why did he lose the black vote so dramatically?

If your fellow BernieBros in PA, MI,WI didn't act like spoiled brats, Trump wouldn't have won.

not factually accurate.
The biggest problem with the Sanders campaign was that it killed any gen election enthusiasm and created great wedge issues for Trump and the Pubs.
The biggest problem with the Sanders campaign was that it killed any gen election enthusiasm and created great wedge issues for Trump and the Pubs.

I think Clinton killed plenty of enthusiasm of her own.

jhmd, was Mitt running last year? I can't seem to find his name on the ballot.
not factually accurate.

What's not accurate? Bernie raised over $225M. Many Dem voters stayed home last year. Many Bernie voters said they were staying home and other voted for Jill Green, Johnson or didn't vote for POTUS.

2012 2016
MI 2.56 M 2.27M - Johnson 173K, Stein 50K
PA 2.91 M 2.844M - Johnson 142K, Stein 40.9K
WI 1.61M 1.38M - Johnson 106K, Stein 30.9K
White Southerner's fault...and millennials for being so weak as not to show up.