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Official Russian Election Interference Thread

So a prosecutor should fill a staff with friends of the people he's prosecuting. Got it.

the whole idea of the independent counsel was to be independent, he can't very well be independent if he hires a bunch of Hillshills and dem contributors

the guy's credibility is disappearing fast
the whole idea of the independent counsel was to be independent, he can't very well be independent if he hires a bunch of Hillshills and dem contributors

the guy's credibility is disappearing fast

So an independent counsel should hire friends of the person he's investigating. Got it.
I really wish you will one day get it but it looks like you never will. Too bad, a mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Explain what I don't get. All you're doing is making a baseless claim that all Mueller hired was Hillary allies. The reality is his team is made up of people from various political affiliations who are tasked with uncovering the truth.

What is not clear is who exactly should be on Mueller's team if it should not include anybody who has supported a Democrat in the past. Perhaps if you explain it, I'll get it.

And citing the UNCF slogan at a black professor is some bullshit.
the whole idea of the independent counsel was to be independent, he can't very well be independent if he hires a bunch of Hillshills and dem contributors

the guy's credibility is disappearing fast

He himself is a republican and was appointed as FBI director by a Republican president.
This is a prime example of sailor not treating Donald and Hillary equally.

Can you imagine how sailor would respond if the Hillary administration appointed a Dem independent counsel and a few Republicans were kicked off the counsel's team?
Sailor when investigations about Hillary finds nothing just makes up supposed crimes that she committed
IIRC, Flynn lied to the FBI about what he said to the Russian ambassador, which is what he lied to the VP about and got fired for it by Trump, not too smart but it would be good to know what the substance of the conversation was and why he lied about it both to Trump and the FBI; he also lobbied for Turkey without registering as a lobbyist, also pretty dumb

should I be outraged, well actually I'm more worried than outraged, worried that this man is considered to be a top intelligence expert, folks we got problems in the intelligence community (along with other places)

IIRC, Sessions claims that he understood the question to be in the context of the campaign and he did not meet with any Russians as part of the campaign, which for all we know is true

as far as Sessions smarts is concerned, you might be right about him but I think you need to be careful with some of these good ol' boys, their looks can be deceptive

Don't forget that Trump lied about why he fired Flynn
we've been through this before, she destroyed evidence under subpoena, she lied under oath when she said there were no classified documents on her server
And I pointed out repeatedly where she complied with all the terms of that subpoena to hand over every document that related to official business. When you have no answer for that you come back will with the well if and I are done the same things we would be in jail no we wouldn't. Lying about whether there's any classified documents on that server is such a subjective answer because documents get classified in retrospect. The fact that there were only a handful of very low level classified documents means that no reasonable prosecutor would ever bring those charges. We get it dude you hate Hillary Clinton and that biases every aspect of your consideration of her.
Look Chris, Hillary is your gal. Enjoy her. Someday you'll realize how wrong you have been about her. I'm not going to keep going over this with you. It's almost midnight here. Good night.
I know you don't want to go over it because you have no response. Congress asked her to voluntarily turn over her server because they didn't have the legal right to subpoena it. It's plainly obvious but you just ignore that because you want to pretend that Hillary Clinton broke the law by destroying evidence
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Yeah I love that the response continues to be “let’s wait for the investigation to finish” about Donald but with Hillary the investigations are over and nothing came of it yet sailor is still ripping on her.

Take it to the impeach Hillary thread sailor
Yeah I love that the response continues to be “let’s wait for the investigation to finish” about Donald but with Hillary the investigations are over and nothing came of it yet sailor is still ripping on her.

Take it to the impeach Hillary thread sailor

You seem to keep forgetting that Hillary murdered 47 people and gave the Nuclear codes, I mean some uranium, to the Russians. Also, she’s a puppet. You are so forgetful.
Weak sauce. The question is why did they lie in the first place. I'll give you reasonable doubt so far on sessions but Flynn just straight up lied, why? Lets move on to Kushner "revising" his financial disclosure forms 39 times and also first saying he wasn't at the Trump Tower meeting and then later admitting he was after Donnie Jr released the emails. Why lie?

we don't know why Flynn lied in the first place, does anybody? but I guess everybody is free to speculate, maybe eventually Flynn will tell us, maybe not, maybe there is a recording, who knows?

I don't know why Kushner has revised his financial statements so often, probably hasn't a clue about all that he has a financial interest in

from what we know that Trump Tower meeting is gonna be tough to base any prosecution or impeachment on but people are free to try, the whole thing looks like a set up, or a big waste of time, or both

why lie about it? short memory - there were a lot of pointless meetings, no doubt - or who knows?

just curious, do any of his revisions of his financial statement show that maybe he was doing something illegal and trying to hide it?

I don't know, but omitting the info in the first place is/was illegal.

You are very generous in your willingness to assume the benefit of the doubt with these people. All I see is the need to investigate who lied, about what, why, and was it illegal.

I won't give anyone in this administration the benefit of the doubt about anything, but having recently been through the process of trying to decide what is required to go on an executive branch public financial disclosure report (clearly not for me, but for a client who was required and made it through a Senate confirmation hearing), I can say that the Office of Government Ethics regulations are incredibly confusing and do not even close to adequately address complex business holdings and interests in trusts. We had a private practice government ethics lawyer from DC, 2 lawyers from OGE and 2 trusts and estates lawyers going around in circles for a month on what to disclose and how to disclose it. At the end of the day, we disclosed things that I still contend didn't need to be disclosed and our client divested of things that I still contend didn't need to be divested, but our client decided it wasn't worth fighting about. I would have had no problem if our client decided not to disclose and was ultimately told by OGE that the disclosure report needed to be amended. All that to say, a few revisions, even revisions that add tens of millions of dollars to a disclosure, wouldn't make me turn my head. 39 revisions, however - that seems pretty shady to me. Once you had to amend a couple of times, you would know that OGE disagreed with your position and that you need to reverse course.
“Did I meet with people that were Russian? I'm sure, I'm sure I did. But none that were set up. None that I can think of at the moment. And certainly none that I was representing the presidential campaign in any way, shape or form.”

Donald Trump Jr

Sailor, you must have missed this.
Why do people converse with sailor like he is a normal person who would consider evidence before making a decision?

He is a fucking hack. Always has been, always will be.
This Sailor person can't be real. He parrots every GOP/Fox News/ Trump talking point, constantly tries to deflect attention to Hillary, and doesn't seem to have an original thought or idea about anything.