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2020 Presidential Election: Biden v. Trump

Correct. Guys like Townie are the reason so many Americans are fucking shitting their pants about whether a clear cut centrist can actually beat Donald J. Trump.

I think the people actually voting for Trump are the reason, not the guys like townie
Trump has succeeded(?) in painting Biden as a radical leftist even though he is likely the furthest right a Democratic candidate has even been because we have learned that a large portion of this country are either idiots or have so little interest in politics that they only pay attention to ads run on TV or the internet. We don't need Biden to move any further right. We don't need him to lie about what his positions are just to get votes. If enough people legitimately vote for Trump to get him a second term, then we deserve whatever we get as a country. It sucks, but if Trump wins, it is time to admit that this country is terribly flawed and may not be salvageable.

Biden would not have "lied". He would have fucking spoken to his actual position clearly as opposed to fucking butchering his answer.
Progressives use electoralism as a crutch to reconcile their belief that their ideas are super duper popular with the fact that their candidates cannot win except in very highly blue districts.

And centrists use the electoral college to justify never expanding the electorate or trying any new ideas.
Correct. Guys like Townie are the reason so many Americans are fucking shitting their pants about whether a clear cut centrist can actually beat Donald J. Trump.

Guarantee-fuckin-tee I’ve registered more Dem voters in the last 18 months than you in your life. You’re so full of shit.
I swear to god if another 60 something white guy suburban millionaire chides me about how to be a Democrat
I swear to god if another 60 something white guy suburban millionaire chides me about how to be a Democrat

It’s not his fault that he and RJ are the #1a and #1b Democratic messaging strategists in the US.
You live in an echo chamber if you think this administration has shown any policy other than enriching themselves and their friends. Point to one "issue" he has fought for.

Put aside the Candidate. He’s a disaster. But Pubs have better solutions to;

1. Environment
2. Law Enforcement
3. Military
4. Foreign Affairs
5. Criminal Justice
6. Economy
7. Taxes
8. Education
9. Infrastructure.

Where we f’ed up. (Or could do better, in my opinion)
1. Second Amendment (gun legislation)
2. Healthcare (specifically less limitations on abortion, planned parenthood)
3. Border Security/Immigration (We need better policies, not walls)

Like I said, a Pub who didn’t have its head up its ass and campaigned on the “issues”, in my opinion, could have won.
Put aside the Candidate. He’s a disaster. But Pubs have better solutions to;

1. Environment
2. Law Enforcement
3. Military
4. Foreign Affairs
5. Criminal Justice
6. Economy
7. Taxes
8. Education
9. Infrastructure.

Where we f’ed up. (Or could do better, in my opinion)
1. Second Amendment (gun legislation)
2. Healthcare (specifically less limitations on abortion, planned parenthood)
3. Border Security/Immigration (We need better policies, not walls)

Like I said, a Pub who didn’t have its head up its ass and campaigned on the “issues”, in my opinion, could have won.
You can't be serious
I think the people actually voting for Trump are the reason, not the guys like townie

You can blame the voters all you want. They still have to be convinced to vote for you and they still get a vote. And if they think the country is better off under the moron presently holding office vs. a centrist like Joe Biden that should tell you something about how the democratic party is perceived today. Sooner or later the practical reality of winning has to matter.

Regardless, I continue to think this thing is going to swing hard to Biden. I'm merely noting that the only things giving Trump any oxygen is the fear of a large chunk of voters that Biden is the next coming of Hugo Chavez or Fidel Castro. It's literally guilt by association with the left edge of the democratic party.

100% of Trump's message was riots in cities, socialism and the destruction of the oil industry as his talking points. That's all he offered. He is running on NO platform. Think about that. There's NO GOP platform. None. That's all he talked about. And if by some miracle that gets him re-elected then for fucks sake recognize it for the perception that enough people in this country would have held. Did he create it entirely out of thin air or is there a part of the party that helps enable the perception.
Put aside the Candidate. He’s a disaster. But Pubs have better solutions to;

1. Environment
2. Law Enforcement
3. Military
4. Foreign Affairs
5. Criminal Justice
6. Economy
7. Taxes
8. Education
9. Infrastructure.

Where we f’ed up. (Or could do better, in my opinion)
1. Second Amendment (gun legislation)
2. Healthcare (specifically less limitations on abortion, planned parenthood)
3. Border Security/Immigration (We need better policies, not walls)

Like I said, a Pub who didn’t have its head up its ass and campaigned on the “issues”, in my opinion, could have won.

I don't even know where to begin with this. The GOP has NO platform in this election. Literally, they adopted NO platform. So how can you claim they are better positioned on any issues when they have taken NO positions.
Put aside the Candidate. He’s a disaster. But Pubs have better solutions to;

1. Environment
2. Law Enforcement
3. Military
4. Foreign Affairs
5. Criminal Justice
6. Economy
7. Taxes
8. Education
9. Infrastructure.

Where we f’ed up. (Or could do better, in my opinion)
1. Second Amendment (gun legislation)
2. Healthcare (specifically less limitations on abortion, planned parenthood)
3. Border Security/Immigration (We need better policies, not walls)

Like I said, a Pub who didn’t have its head up its ass and campaigned on the “issues”, in my opinion, could have won.

Lol you can’t be serious with this shit
I swear to god if another 60 something white guy suburban millionaire chides me about how to be a Democrat

I don't live in the suburbs. And I'm not in my 60's. But if you want to come into the city and meet with me the next time you're in town I'll be happy to take you out for a beer.
Put aside the Candidate. He’s a disaster. But Pubs have better solutions to;

1. Environment
2. Law Enforcement
3. Military
4. Foreign Affairs
5. Criminal Justice
6. Economy
7. Taxes
8. Education
9. Infrastructure.

Where we f’ed up. (Or could do better, in my opinion)
1. Second Amendment (gun legislation)
2. Healthcare (specifically less limitations on abortion, planned parenthood)
3. Border Security/Immigration (We need better policies, not walls)

Like I said, a Pub who didn’t have its head up its ass and campaigned on the “issues”, in my opinion, could have won.
Oh, you’re a parody. You’re posts make a lot more sense now.
I can’t discern how what Deacman is arguing is not an appeal for the dem party to be more conservative.
I don't even know where to begin with this. The GOP has NO platform in this election. Literally, they adopted NO platform. So how can you claim they are better positioned on any issues when they have taken NO positions.

That is absurd.
The Pubs have a platform, they have positions and policies they either enacted, support or looking to legislate. Just because Dump has run on none of them, doesn’t mean they are not there.
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That is absurd.
The Pubs have a platform, they have positions and policies they either enacted, support or looking to legislate.

I bet you can’t even give a one sentence summary of the GOP position on any of those issues you listed. Total nonsense. They have no platform aside from immigrants=bad, taxes=bad, democrats=socialists, and minorities=looters and a danger to society. That’s it.
The Pubs have better solutions for the ENVIRONMENT?? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME WITH THIS SHIT. Ignore everything else on the list, fucking SERIOUSLY??
Wake up; all the Dems have on the environment is a wish list of things with no way to pay for them.
Green New Deal, my ass.
Upgrade 4 million buildings & 2 million homes.....hysterical.
Invest $1.7 trillion over 10 years for “climate & environmental justice.
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The fact that some of you kept reading after he listed the environment first makes me worry about you.