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Unpopular opinions

Mincing garlic, at least to the level i need it minced, takes me like 30 secs and I already have the knife and cutting board out from cutting other vegetables.

I thought junebug’s WWAMD? was kind of funny but then he ruined it by going all “Hollywood is full of liberals” boomer shit
You ever get an accidentally larger chunk of garlic in your food from a quick mince? I do all the time and it’s delicious because garlic is delicious.
The purpose of powder is to get the flavor without getting the garlic. I use it in popcorn seasonings and such. Paste is a substitute for actual garlic but you need it in a paste form so it will mix better. Both work well for burgers or meatloaf and are better than minced. Using minced for regular garlic is unnecessary. And if peeling is an issue just buy whole garlic cloves.
there is no situation where garlic powder is an acceptable substitute for garlic

there are good uses of garlic powder
Do you have some examples of how what’s “right” changes over time?

Why do you have a problem with “Hollywood” using TV and film to “define” what’s right as opposed to TV evangelists or politicians and pundits or public intellectuals? If Hollywood’s definition was wrong, wouldn’t the free market reject it?

In Nazi Germany, it was a positive good to purge the undesirables from society because they weakened the race. Mercifully, that view is no longer part of their national ethos. That idea rose and fell away.

The use of film and TV has nothing to do with what I’m talking about. My beef is with the notion that media conglomerates, acting for a profit, are writing stories that become part of our identity. I don’t think that’s what’s happening. Movies—and particularly super hero movies—are just low-level entertainment that do not change our lives. They don’t become part of our self-identity precisely because they are trifling. They can be entertaining—I personally enjoy many of them—but they aren’t substantial enough to enter the public consciousness. Part of that is the medium—it is a film vs., say, a religious event—part of that is who we have become as a culture—we have the Big Bang so we don’t really need origin stories—part of that is the fact that we already have shared identities and strong cultures and subcultures that give us meaning, and we don’t really need Aquaman to fill any gaps.
I thought junebug’s WWAMD? was kind of funny but then he ruined it by going all “Hollywood is full of liberals” boomer shit

That’s not at all what I’m saying. I would be just as bothered by the thought of Hollywood writing our mythology if Hollywood were dominated by conservatives.
I would argue Nazism was never right.

So are you saying you have a problem with businesses in a free market economy serving as cultural gatekeepers?

Then who should be the cultural gatekeepers?

I feel like this is another version of Townie’s takes against superhero films.

I think it’s weird to expect a society to share cultural values but to not expect people to represent those values in works of art. And it’s even weird to expect such values in a capitalist society not to be made into art and sold for a profit.
I mean if we think about it religious mythology was written by pedophiles and rapist.

Kinda makes sense for Hollywood to pick up the torch
another vote here for jarred garlic. if you're buying the pre-skinned whole garlic cloves are you REALLY not just buying it one step before the jar? So eff off you're not better than me.
Yeah, jarred minced garlic is just fine. Most mincers make a big mess of the cloves anyway.

Garlic powder is not a substitute for minced garlic in any universe.
my wife prefers the jar but I usually prefer to just mince my own

mincers/presses are dumb. just get a good knife, people