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CT 2023: Closed

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I got my first pineapple of the season a couple days ago & it is so good. 10/10.

How many of y’all wear glasses? Are y’all as anal as I am when it comes to keeping them clean? Hate even having the tiniest of smudges. I’ve seen friends glasses and it baffles me how they can see with how dirty they are.

there's a pineapple season? I buy them year round and they mostly taste the same.
Aren’t they all coming from tropical year round weather anyway?
I have glasses that I only wear around the house but with those and especially sunglasses I must have them completely spotless and blemish free. The tiniest smudge will totally distract me. Makes wearing shades in the water or at the beach a real chore.
yeah that's I figured, kinda like how the Avocadoes from Mexico campaign stresses they're always in season

Not only that, avocados stay green as long as they’re on the tree. Once you pick them they start ripening but until then they can stay fresh a while. Must make supply chain/sourcing simpler but then also makes you wonder why they’re like $2 each.
Like, even if you kind of inherently understand you're dumb as fuck, it's still kinda depressing when that knowledge actually comes to hit you square in the nose.
I think about this more than is probably healthy for a man in his 30's, but senior year of high school in the league tournament, I lost to someone I beat during the season, all because I did a stupid and lazy move. Ended up getting 3rd, when that probably was my best shot to win the league.

New England finals a couple weeks later, I did the same stupid and lazy move and got pinned early in the tournament. My coach and I both argued that my shoulders didn't touch, but the ref was not having it. That was really tough, because at the time I thought it was going to be my last competitive match ever. I actually broke down in the car on the ride home with how angry I was at my self.

Senior year was really my only chance to get ranked nationally, because Junior year I wrestled up at 215 lb, our captain was at 189 and I ended up almost passing out the week I tried to get to 170 lb. (Thankfully now they have changed the weight classes to be 170, 182, 195 and 220).

If you invented a time machine, you would be the richest man on the planet. - Mike Winchell, Friday Night Lights

Wrestling matches can really stick with you. I still remember a bad loss in MIDDLE school COUNTY finals. Very similar deal (beat the dude 2x that year). Probably for the best that my HS didn't have a real program.
The commonality of the experience of parenthood is fascinating.

My son has been sleeping 8+ hours through the night since 3 months and reading Townie's experiences I am more convinced than ever we lucked out bigly and I don't know if I want to do a second kid and risk it being hard for more than the first 3 months.
Wrestling seemed like the most miserable way to spend a sports season. You starve yourself, have to work like 4 times as hard as any other sport, and almost guarantee that you're gonna catch ringworm. I never understood the appeal.
my son has yet to sleep more than 5 hours consecutively in his 5 months of life
If there had been funniest video TV shows when I was in HS, we would have been on that show. Our wrestling team routinely filled our 2500-3000 person gym for matches. We had multiple wrestlers who went deeply into state tournaments.

One night a wrestler was having trouble making weight. He went into the sweat box and much more. As his time neared, he thought he was going to weighed again, went out the wrong door and went a few steps into the gym...bare ass naked in front of 2500-3000 fans.
my daughters will eat basically any food we give them and at this point my 5 yr old is already starting to get a little scornful of her friends who only eat mac & cheese for every meal or whatever. 1 yr old is an eating machine

the trade off is they're terrible sleepers

i guess that's what you get
Wrestling seemed like the most miserable way to spend a sports season. You starve yourself, have to work like 4 times as hard as any other sport, and almost guarantee that you're gonna catch ringworm. I never understood the appeal.

I only did it in middle school and I was a skinny ass kid so I never had to starve myself. I did have a very irregular BM schedule that made for one 3 lb swing the night before a tournament. Coach wanted me to sweat off some weight and I was like "nah I'm good coach, just need to get home to my throne"

it was fun though. Hard to replicate the feeling u get from meeting an opponent mano e mano and coming away victorious.
I only did it in middle school and I was a skinny ass kid so I never had to starve myself. I did have a very irregular BM schedule that made for one 3 lb swing the night before a tournament. Coach wanted me to sweat off some weight and I was like "nah I'm good coach, just need to get home to my throne"

it was fun though. Hard to replicate the feeling u get from meeting an opponent mano e mano and coming away victorious.

son is a good sleeper and eater. we did the Baby Led Weaning course from Feeding Littles, which is highly recommended. my niece who is almost exactly a year older than our son first did it and she eats everything, and our son is well on his way. Feeding Littles also has a good Instagram account with lots of tips and there's a Facebook group for people who have taken the course.

only baby food he's had is occasionally he will get a pouch if we're lazy or short on fresh produce.
son is a good sleeper and eater. we did the Baby Led Weaning course from Feeding Littles, which is highly recommended. my niece who is almost exactly a year older than our son first did it and she eats everything, and our son is well on his way. Feeding Littles also has a good Instagram account with lots of tips and there's a Facebook group for people who have taken the course.

only baby food he's had is occasionally he will get a pouch if we're lazy or short on fresh produce.

my wife bought a book about baby led weaning, and i think we want to do it; you do recommend the course above just reading about the topic?
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