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Aliens Exist

non-human origin probably means that it's dolphins or monkeys or something. We've all seen what monkeys can do with sticks. You idiots probably think the earth is round and that globes aren't a deep state fraud meant to keep us from God, who is at the end of the flat earth with unlimited coca-cola. Wake up.

Make it cheerwine and I'll start listening
non-human origin probably means that it's dolphins or monkeys or something. We've all seen what monkeys can do with sticks. You idiots probably think the earth is round and that globes aren't a deep state fraud meant to keep us from God, who is at the end of the flat earth with unlimited coca-cola. Wake up.
Orcas have been documented attacking nestling sinking a few small boats off the coast of Spain and Portugal, maybe they are just collecting supplies and equipment not trying to kill and eat the passengers.
I’m sure there’s alien life out there.

Not so sure about these allegations.
The article seemed to boil down to someone saying "I've seen some shit" then some other people saying "he seems like a good dude". I can't remember specifics of prior instances but I've heard this song before (govt whistleblower saying "I've seen some shit"). Maybe for this one issue the US and ALL the other world governments are able to stay in lock step to keep the truth hidden. Maybe not.
I think the identity of the whistleblower and his attorney are very important and lend significant credibility to the claims.
The article seemed to boil down to someone saying "I've seen some shit" then some other people saying "he seems like a good dude". I can't remember specifics of prior instances but I've heard this song before (govt whistleblower saying "I've seen some shit"). Maybe for this one issue the US and ALL the other world governments are able to stay in lock step to keep the truth hidden. Maybe not.
I have to amend "I've seen some shit" to "no one's shown me that they haven't seen some shit"


The former intelligence official David Grusch, who led analysis of unexplained anomalous phenomena (UAP) within a US Department of Defense agency, has alleged that the US has craft of non-human origin.

Information on these vehicles is being illegally withheld from Congress, Grusch told the Debrief. Grusch said when he turned over classified information about the vehicles to Congress he suffered retaliation from government officials. He left the government in April after a 14-year career in US intelligence.

Jonathan Grey, a current US intelligence official at the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (Nasic), confirmed the existence of “exotic materials” to the Debrief, adding: “We are not alone.”
Karl Nell, a retired Army colonel who was also on the UFO task force, told the Debrief that Grusch was “beyond reproach.” Nell even backed up one of Grusch’s claims in the complaint: that there is an ongoing competition with other countries to “identify [UFO] crashes/landings and retrieve the material for exploitation/reverse engineering.”

“His assertion concerning the existence of a terrestrial arms race occurring sub-rosa over the past eighty years focused on reverse engineering technologies of unknown origin is fundamentally correct,” Nell told the Debrief. “As is the indisputable realization that at least some of these technologies of unknown origin derive from non-human intelligence.”

You're telling me we've had access to alien technology for 80 YEARS and yet we're getting crammed into even smaller spaces on commercial flights?
We have been unsuccessful in reverse engineering it.
The aliens must be Ferengi and have advanced tech to maximize profits.
Why this isn't the story of the world just kinda blows my mind. I don't get the shrug I don't care take.