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CT, pickles and political therapy, perfect ending.

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I'm not joking, we honestly did set up a little playpen area so we could put the kiddo in there with toys and stuff for half an hour here or there to get cooking/etc done, and he also ended up using it to pull up/learn to stand a little faster than I think he might have otherwise too.
we had one and it was fine until he got a little stronger so he could push it around or knock it over
When is the next birthday party your kid is supposed to attend, and are you supposed to bring a present or not?
Oh shit, I know this one. It's next Saturday and I already bought the present. I'll be taking the 5yo there directly after I take her to her basketball game because my wife will be at a conference. What do I win?
Yeah. We have 2.5 and 5 so that’s a full time gig outside of the 4 hours they’re “in school”. I’d much rather my wife be able to get to her workout class during that time than worry about household stuff.

This thread is the first time I’ve ever heard the term “household engineer”.
"Domestic engineer" was a term that I think originated in the 1970s or so? If I call it anything, I call it household manager.
Just gotta set up a little fenced in playpen area for 30 minutes here or there.

Note: crawling phase worse than walking imo, more worried about what they get into when they're already on the floor/limits where you can take em a lot more.
My wife also refuses the playpen, which I 100% agree we need. Not all the time, I love the kid exploring and learning new things. But sometimes, you need containment other than a high chair/car seat.
My wife also refuses the playpen, which I 100% agree we need. Not all the time, I love the kid exploring and learning new things. But sometimes, you need containment other than a high chair/car seat.
dang, yeah, as long as there are stimulating toys and they're not in another room vs you (so they still have social connection) there is zero downside to using it for shorter periods of time, it was a lifesaver for us
man Les Johns is getting SALTY on his board when people ask questions about Monsanto returning

Dude is insanely fragile. I liked his recent tantrum when he said he was going to stop posting the press conference videos because people on YouTube were commenting that the volume was super low.
Oh shit, I know this one. It's next Saturday and I already bought the present. I'll be taking the 5yo there directly after I take her to her basketball game because my wife will be at a conference. What do I win?
+5 Credibility points
How do those of you with a spouse who works full-time and kids split up household/family duties?
I get my daughter up, wife "cooks" her breakfast while I shower, I get her dressed and take her to daycare, wife usually picks her up around 2-3ish, sometimes I pick her up depending on when she's done with her classes. I play/do stuff with her when I get home while my wife cooks, then one of us will clean the kitchen while the other does bath/gets her ready for bed, both play with her until bedtime (whoevers arms she winds up in).

Other tasks - my wife does most of the laundry, I take out trash/recycling bins and do whatever outside house stuff there is. She orders groceries, I pick them up, we both unload them.

I would say the most uneven distribution probably comes from her doing the majority of the "deep cleaning" that has become necessary with 14 showings over the last three months. That's primarily due to the timing of when we receive word they're coming and what time the house has to be ready to go by.

Think that's about it as far as the day-to-day goes. On weekends we are both hands on doing what we can to keep her alive and happy.
They are both funny to me. I'm more of a Bill Burr fan but if it's funny I will watch/ listen. I have seen a bunch of interviews where comics say folks are easily offended now. I agree with that. Did I mention that I like Bill Burr?
Stand-up comedy used to be a relationship between a comedian and the people in their audience. If anyone didn't like a joke, they'd either leave or heckle, and the comedian could put them in their place and maintain control of their show.

Now stand-up comedy is content like TV shows or movies and their subject to the same criticism we've seen those media get for years. And comedians don't like it. So it looks like they're treating the trans community as hecklers and doing stand-up sets about what they'd say in response.

No comedian is funny to everybody, but Dave Chappelle used to have a very broad audience. Now it looks like he's choosing to appeal to a specific audience of people who get their laughs from bullying others.
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