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Game of Thrones - House of the Dragon - (and beyond) Discussion (spoilers allowed)

Book three/tywin spoiler

In the book, Tywin had already left Harrenhal and was marching to meet Robb. Edmure Tully (Cat's brother) set up a defense along the river at Riverrun to prevent Tywin from crossing. Edmure beat back Tywin multiple times and as a result allowed him to receive dispatches that Stannis was marching on King's Landing.

Robb was furious because he wanted to lead Tywin on a wild goose chase and cut him off from his supply lines. I don't think how Tywin learned of King's landing's peril was important in the book, just that he was still close enough to do something about it.....of course, we could be talking about different shit haha

gotcha. we are talking about the same thing mostly. my only comment was that tywin said there were many ways to win a war or words to that effect.
As good as that episode was, it could have been MUCH better if they had made Renly's ghost a bigger part of it.
Ok I've got to get caught up in the books before next season. That was awesome.
Thought it was a big letdown after last week personally. I generally hate Dany's storyline, but they erased the only interesting part in the HoTU.
Thought it was a big letdown after last week personally. I generally hate Dany's storyline, but they erased the only interesting part in the HoTU.

Agree with all of this. I feel like in TV shows, you need a big event or cliffhanger at the end of each season. Ned losing his head and Dany emerging with baby dragons was perfect. Nothing close to either of those in this episode.
This is going to suck waiting for Winds of Winter. Martin reminds me of Thomas Harris. I remember getting into the Hannibal series and being annoyed at the time in between those books. Really only had to wait for Hannibal Rising, as the others were already written, but still....Red Dragon (1981) Silence of the Lambs (1988) Hannibal (1999) Hannibal Rising (2006). What takes these assholes so long?
Mance Rayder
Daario Naharis
Jojen Reed; Meera Reed
Edmure Tully
Ser Brynden Tully
Lady Selyse Florent (Stannis Baratheon’s wife)
Shireen (Stannis’ daughter)
Olenna Redwyne (The Queen of Thorns): Margaery Tyrell’s sharp-witted grandmother.
Beric Dondarrion and the Brotherhood Without Banners.
Thoros of Myr
Tormund Giantsbane

Plus some others the producers haven't released yet

Most recent reports have GoT at 10.3 million viewers per episode this season making it the third most popular HBO show ever. I was a fan of this episode overall but it definitely lacked the epicness of Ned dying and Dany getting her babies last season. Seeing Drogo again was cool and the dragon-ravaged throne room was excellent. Show producers are now considering covering the whole third book rather than roughly half as had been discussed in the past.
Mance Rayder
Daario Naharis
Jojen Reed; Meera Reed
Edmure Tully
Ser Brynden Tully
Lady Selyse Florent (Stannis Baratheon’s wife)
Shireen (Stannis’ daughter)
Olenna Redwyne (The Queen of Thorns): Margaery Tyrell’s sharp-witted grandmother.
Beric Dondarrion and the Brotherhood Without Banners.
Thoros of Myr
Tormund Giantsbane

Plus some others the producers haven't released yet

Most recent reports have GoT at 10.3 million viewers per episode this season making it the third most popular HBO show ever. I was a fan of this episode overall but it definitely lacked the epicness of Ned dying and Dany getting her babies last season. Seeing Drogo again was cool and the dragon-ravaged throne room was excellent. Show producers are now considering covering the whole third book rather than roughly half as had been discussed in the past.

Great episode. God I love me some Dannerys. When she looked at her dragon it was amazing. I feel the producers have absolutely nailed the awesomeness of the scenes with her and her dragons, like in the finale of the last episode, I watched this scene like 10 times already.

My main gripe is I really really dislike that Littlefinger/Sansa conversation that they just added.

I want dragons.
I havent read the books, but I thought the march of the White Walkers was a heck of a way to end the season. The other storylines were slowly building, and then at the end you are confronted with a mass of these undead creatures.
Winter is truly coming for Westeros...
My main gripe is I really really dislike that Littlefinger/Sansa conversation that they just added.

Yeah it was kind of out of the blue, but that line needed to be said "everyone one of them better liars than you" although he wasn't the original deliverer of the line.
I guess I will leave this in spoilers too. Your theory is a very common one, among some fans it's taken as fact considering how well it fits. Other think it is too "obvious" and that there will be an additional twist. I don't think it is that obvious to your average reader and generally think you're right, but GRRM is pretty good at surprising the audience so we'll see.

Also now that I'm caught up on the books, I can respond to this......if you haven't finished the books, you prob shouldn't open these...

People are taking it for granted that Jon isn't dead. Dude took four knives....there is a great chance that he is gone.

I could possibly see him being Rhaeger/Lyanna's son......I guess that could account for him looking like Ned, but iirc, Cat repeatedly notes how similar Jon and Ned look.

Also, would Martin give one character both the Targaryan powers (able to ride a dragon) and the Stark powers (warg)? I dunno
The scene where they put the big black guy and the chick in the vault gave me chills. I've tried to imagine what that would be like: total darkness, no food/water/hope, just peeing, pooping, talking, maybe screwing and waiting to die. Best out would be for the chick to get the big guy to give her a mercy killing with his bare hands, but unless he has a way to off himself afterwards, then he would not want to be left alone and with a stinking corpse.
I was happy to see Chris Finch from the British "The Office" (basically Todd Packer in the US version) have a big moment, when he bonked Theon upside the head.
I was happy to see Chris Finch from the British "The Office" (basically Todd Packer in the US version) have a big moment, when he bonked Theon upside the head.

I just know him as one of the bad guys in "First Knight"
The scene where they put the big black guy and the chick in the vault gave me chills. I've tried to imagine what that would be like: total darkness, no food/water/hope, just peeing, pooping, talking, maybe screwing and waiting to die. Best out would be for the chick to get the big guy to give her a mercy killing with his bare hands, but unless he has a way to off himself afterwards, then he would not want to be left alone and with a stinking corpse.
Well if there's no air vent it will be tidier/quicker. Just fuck til you both pass out.
The scene where they put the big black guy and the chick in the vault gave me chills. I've tried to imagine what that would be like: total darkness, no food/water/hope, just peeing, pooping, talking, maybe screwing and waiting to die. Best out would be for the chick to get the big guy to give her a mercy killing with his bare hands, but unless he has a way to off himself afterwards, then he would not want to be left alone and with a stinking corpse.

Yeah, I think that they would just die within hours from carbon dioxide poisoning. Those few hours would suck knowing the end was coming, but you would then just kind of drift off to sleep and never wake up. Could be worse...
Also now that I'm caught up on the books, I can respond to this......if you haven't finished the books, you prob shouldn't open these...

People are taking it for granted that Jon isn't dead. Dude took four knives....there is a great chance that he is gone.

I could possibly see him being Rhaeger/Lyanna's son......I guess that could account for him looking like Ned, but iirc, Cat repeatedly notes how similar Jon and Ned look.

Also, would Martin give one character both the Targaryan powers (able to ride a dragon) and the Stark powers (warg)? I dunno

he could be dead but i get the impression he is azhor azai (sp?) rather than stannis. there were little hints about smoking wounds and such
he could be dead but i get the impression he is azhor azai (sp?) rather than stannis. there were little hints about smoking wounds and such

Hmmm that definitely fits. Almost seems to fit too well for that bastard Martin haha....I know Aemon thinks it's Dany, and now there's Aegon to think about.

The prophecy specifically calls for the blood of the dragon, which would seem to discount Bran or Arya, but something big is in the works for those two.....especially Bran I think. I really want Snow to survive this shit, and not in a Cat survival manner, but that seems so unlike Martin.

