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2020 Democratic Presidential Nominees

It's been awhile since I legitimately laughed out loud about something on this thread. Nice work.
It would be better if they didn't, especially Bubba. But if we have an all male ticket, and Warren supporters feel that sexism contributed to her losing the nomination, it may not be so bad to give Hillary an early time slot. In which case, they can schedule the flyover for that same time like they did to Stalin's son in "Death of Stalin". If Bubba insists on speaking, we should definitely have technical difficulties or a really, really long flyover during his speech.

While I know Warren's numbers have dipped recently, I'd still give her a pretty good chance of getting the nomination. She's not polling that badly. The person hurt most by the recent surges for Biden and Sanders has been Buttigieg. If he doesn't win IA or NH, which is looking increasingly likely, I unfortunately think he's toast.

Good. Buttigieg should be toast.
lol hillary gave bernie a nice bump today, he's getting all kinds of endorsements with the #ILikeBernie hashtag

what a brilliant strategist!
lol hillary gave bernie a nice bump today, he's getting all kinds of endorsements with the #ILikeBernie hashtag

what a brilliant strategist!

There's a strategy at play here? Is the DNC involved? Is it deep state pizza gate stuff?

You should probably talk to strick about hashtags and trends before posting them -- he thinks you're an idiot now.
Shoo, you're still an idiot. Townie's post has nothing to do with your, frankly, naive understanding of what it means to trend and how Twitter manipulates those trends based on a lot of different factors (e.g., your location, who you follow and the topics you "engage" with, etc.).
Shoo, how about you learn how Twitter works before you continue your poor man's RJ impression on the topic.
lol hillary gave bernie a nice bump today, he's getting all kinds of endorsements with the #ILikeBernie hashtag

what a brilliant strategist!

I'm sure you think there's zero chance that's bot driven because Russia/Trump want Bernie as the opponent?
LK, the great thing about hashtags is that you can see who is tweeting them and examples of the posts. There's definitely bot activity this time around, but what looks like legit support, too. The last one we discussed was like purely bot driven (#neverwarren, I think?). Random ass accounts with tens of thousands of likes and people confused about what the hashtag meant/who was actually posting it.
Shoo, how about you learn how Twitter works before you continue your poor man's RJ impression on the topic.

Good God, you're insufferable. You can pretend the argument was about anything you want it to be about, if it makes you feel better. I won't stop you. You need this.
LK, the great thing about hashtags is that you can see who is tweeting them and examples of the posts. There's definitely bot activity this time around, but what looks like legit support, too. The last one we discussed was like purely bot driven (#neverwarren, I think?). Random ass accounts with tens of thousands of likes and people confused about what the hashtag meant/who was actually posting it.

I'm sure you think there's zero chance that's bot driven because Russia/Trump want Bernie as the opponent?

do I think the hashtag trending is a manipulation of the algorithm? potentially. do i think this is red scare 2.0? lol no.

my point was different from either of those two suggestions though, which is that hillary made a stupid call with "deplorables" in 2016, handing Trump a slogan, and alienating half a country, and she's doing the same now saying "nobody likes" the most popular politician in America.
It amazing to me that the most popular politician in America, a hardcore progressive, can't break 20% in democratic primary polling.
do I think the hashtag trending is a manipulation of the algorithm? potentially. do i think this is red scare 2.0? lol no.

my point was different from either of those two suggestions though, which is that hillary made a stupid call with "deplorables" in 2016, handing Trump a slogan, and alienating half a country, and she's doing the same now saying "nobody likes" the most popular politician in America.
