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2020 Presidential Election: Biden v. Trump

The left should be happy in that Daily Kos exec Karine Saint Pierre as a Senior Policy Advisor.

Experts will be falling out of every tree in DC, begging to help get the nation back on track. This will help a lot.
Joe has lost his fastball and said some dumb shit over the years but thinking he is despicable is a stretch
I don't think his being despicable is based on his verbal tics as much as it is his terrible legislation
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That's an excellent point. If he doesn't remember his past, maybe he can be Manchurian Candidate'd by the left.

He sharted on camera this week. He will be in charge in name only. Like RJ said, he will be like a Dabo Swinney of the Executive Branch.
He sharted on camera this week. He will be in charge in name only. Like RJ said, he will be like a Dabo Swinney of the Executive Branch.

I'd love to see Ayana Pressley just take over as Veep ala Dick Cheney, and just send Joe on a 4 year speaking tour of every Kiwanis Club and Moose lodge in America.
Because he likes trump but doesn’t want to admit it. He’s voting for trump.

You are entitled to your opinion though you are dead wrong on this. I have no problem stating my opinion my friend, none.
I was hoping to help to get this thread back on track in discussing the choices we have come this November. If calling Biden despicable (a poor choice of words to describe him, granted. Inept is a better choice.) help make it happen, so be it.
I would like nothing more than to be convinced in the coming months that Biden and the Democratic platform is a great choice for this Country for the next 4 years. Picking between plain awful and inept right now is just not the impetus I need to go pull the lever for either of our choices. I need to hear more. Where does Biden stand on the economy? Foreign affairs? Immigration? Domestic turbulence? Protecting all Americans regardless of their race or color. The future of healthcare and dealing with current crisis facing us? What would he do differently? Just a few of the issues we are facing. Americans everywhere need to hear his ideas. His solutions, vision. That’s what real Leaders do. And not just PC shit. Put your Big Boy pants on Joe and stand up and tell us. Hiding in his basement is just not doing it for me.
Call it what you may; just my opinion.
Because he likes trump but doesn’t want to admit it. He’s voting for trump.

If all the people who claim they didn't vote for Trump in 2016 actually didn't vote for him, then he wouldn't have won in 2016. If you privately like the guy and like what he's been doing for the last four years but you're afraid to say it publicly because you know how it would look, then maybe it's time to reevaluate your belief system. Nah.
If all the people who claim they didn't vote for Trump in 2016 actually didn't vote for him, then he wouldn't have won in 2016. If you privately like the guy and like what he's been doing for the last four years but you're afraid to say it publicly because you know how it would look, then maybe it's time to reevaluate your belief system. Nah.

Wow; you just don’t get it. I travel (too often) in Trumper circles. Believe me, they have no qualms telling you their love for the guy.
You are entitled to your opinion though you are dead wrong on this. I have no problem stating my opinion my friend, none.
I was hoping to help to get this thread back on track in discussing the choices we have come this November. If calling Biden despicable (a poor choice of words to describe him, granted. Inept is a better choice.) help make it happen, so be it.
I would like nothing more than to be convinced in the coming months that Biden and the Democratic platform is a great choice for this Country for the next 4 years. Picking between plain awful and inept right now is just not the impetus I need to go pull the lever for either of our choices. I need to hear more. Where does Biden stand on the economy? Foreign affairs? Immigration? Domestic turbulence? Protecting all Americans regardless of their race or color. The future of healthcare and dealing with current crisis facing us? What would he do differently? Just a few of the issues we are facing. Americans everywhere need to hear his ideas. His solutions, vision. That’s what real Leaders do. And not just PC shit. Put your Big Boy pants on Joe and stand up and tell us. Hiding in his basement is just not doing it for me.
Call it what you may; just my opinion.

You know his platform is on his website, right?
You are entitled to your opinion though you are dead wrong on this. I have no problem stating my opinion my friend, none.
I was hoping to help to get this thread back on track in discussing the choices we have come this November. If calling Biden despicable (a poor choice of words to describe him, granted. Inept is a better choice.) help make it happen, so be it.
I would like nothing more than to be convinced in the coming months that Biden and the Democratic platform is a great choice for this Country for the next 4 years. Picking between plain awful and inept right now is just not the impetus I need to go pull the lever for either of our choices. I need to hear more. Where does Biden stand on the economy? Foreign affairs? Immigration? Domestic turbulence? Protecting all Americans regardless of their race or color. The future of healthcare and dealing with current crisis facing us? What would he do differently? Just a few of the issues we are facing. Americans everywhere need to hear his ideas. His solutions, vision. That’s what real Leaders do. And not just PC shit. Put your Big Boy pants on Joe and stand up and tell us. Hiding in his basement is just not doing it for me.
Call it what you may; just my opinion.

Are you suggesting he has no platform or stances on any of what you’re asking? Have you looked?
imagine saying "i travel in trumper circles" and thinking it's a point in your defense

you are the company you keep
Wow; you just don’t get it. I travel (too often) in Trumper circles. Believe me, they have no qualms telling you their love for the guy.

Oh, I get it very well, DeacsPop. I also know plenty of Trumpites, and while some are indeed very open about their love for the guy, there are plenty of message board types who insist they don't support him, yet seem to approve of just about all of his policies, are very thin-skinned and touchy when people attack or criticize him or his supporters, and never seem to approve of any of the Democrats who oppose him. Those are the types I'm talking about. But I'm sure you don't know any of them, do you?
Why do so many posts here have to be so confrontational? “Do I know any of them”? You are the “company you keep”.
“You do realize that there are positions and stances that are posted on his website? Oh you’re just a “closet” Trumper.....admit it.

Fellas, I may be in my late 60’s and don’t have a Wake education but I assure you I wasn’t born under a rock. I can’t tell you how many messages I get from posters who lurk and say why do you bother? If only everyone would lighten up and stop attacking, others would join in and we’d get into some great discussions. I realize these are important times and important issues but it just doesn’t stop.

Yes, I live in a community in Aiken with many ex military personnel and older Americans that are conservatives and often Trumpers. Thus I do know them and guess that is often “the company I keep”. And I realize there are websites that give you the platform but I for one would like to hear Biden speak to his vision rather than be strictly reactive to the mistakes our current Administration is making.

Again, just one elder Americans opinion. Fire away; I’ve become use to it.
imagine saying "i travel in trumper circles" and thinking it's a point in your defense

you are the company you keep

I have a lot of friends who voted for trump but aren’t vocal about it. I think talking to those people and challenging their beliefs is a good thing.
Why do so many posts here have to be so confrontational? “Do I know any of them”? You are the “company you keep”.
“You do realize that there are positions and stances that are posted on his website? Oh you’re just a “closet” Trumper.....admit it.

Fellas, I may be in my late 60’s and don’t have a Wake education but I assure you I wasn’t born under a rock. I can’t tell you how many messages I get from posters who lurk and say why do you bother? If only everyone would lighten up and stop attacking, others would join in and we’d get into some great discussions. I realize these are important times and important issues but it just doesn’t stop.

Yes, I live in a community in Aiken with many ex military personnel and older Americans that are conservatives and often Trumpers. Thus I do know them and guess that is often “the company I keep”. And I realize there are websites that give you the platform but I for one would like to hear Biden speak to his vision rather than be strictly reactive to the mistakes our current Administration is making.

Again, just one elder Americans opinion. Fire away; I’ve become use to it.

It’s gets confrontational because your complaints about Biden seem disingenuous. Like “I don’t know his positions!” So just read the platform. “Yeah but I want to hear what else there is other than reacting to Trump” again read the platform and do like 5 minutes of self education on his ideas. Your complaints are so easily solved that it makes one wonder whether you even believe them or are just pretending.
Why do so many posts here have to be so confrontational? “Do I know any of them”? You are the “company you keep”.
“You do realize that there are positions and stances that are posted on his website? Oh you’re just a “closet” Trumper.....admit it.

Fellas, I may be in my late 60’s and don’t have a Wake education but I assure you I wasn’t born under a rock. I can’t tell you how many messages I get from posters who lurk and say why do you bother? If only everyone would lighten up and stop attacking, others would join in and we’d get into some great discussions. I realize these are important times and important issues but it just doesn’t stop.

Yes, I live in a community in Aiken with many ex military personnel and older Americans that are conservatives and often Trumpers. Thus I do know them and guess that is often “the company I keep”. And I realize there are websites that give you the platform but I for one would like to hear Biden speak to his vision rather than be strictly reactive to the mistakes our current Administration is making.

Again, just one elder Americans opinion. Fire away; I’ve become use to it.

So says the guy who suddenly jumped into a thread on immigration and angrily called a poster an asshole (me) for pointing out that Republicans aren't very friendly or supportive of immigrants right now. That's not confrontational at all. Given all the trolling from conservatives on this board, it's pretty rich to say that if we all were just nicer to one another that conservatives would suddenly return to the board and feel like it's a "safe space." I've been reading these boards for a long, long time (much longer than I've been a regular poster), and I've never seen the great majority of the conservatives on here being shrinking violets when it comes to being confrontational and rude.