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2020 Presidential Election: Biden v. Trump

Wake up; all the Dems have on the environment is a wish list of things with no way to pay for them.
Green New Deal, my ass.
Upgrade 4 million buildings & 2 million homes.....hysterical.
Invest $1.7 trillion over 10 years for “climate & environmental justice.

Go ahead and explain to us the much better plan the Republicans have for keeping this planet from being uninhabitable for your grandchildren.

It’s all a matter of priorities. We have the money to fix this problem, but the Republicans would rather spend it on unwinnable wars, huge defense projects and tax cuts for the 1%
To be clear, I don't think Biden is going to lose. I think he'll win easily. I believe he's going to win Florida and it will be game over.

But, again, as I said already, IF BY SOME MIRACLE, Trump does win the Democratic party has a lot of introspection to do. And that's simply true. Bc Trump will have won -

1 - Without a platform
2 - While refusing to condemn hate groups and while tacitly condoning the destruction of our democracy
3 - In the middle of a pandemic that has killed 200K Americans
4 - When all polls indicate the American people hate how he's handled the pandemic and believe Biden will handle it better
5 - And yet, a majority of Americans still trust him more with the economy than they trust Joe Biden. This despite the fact we've printed more money in the month of June under his watch than we printed in the first 200 years of the nation's existence. And also despite the fact we are in a depression.

So sure, it says a lot about our electorate. And it would also say a lot about people fearing the Dems.

Proof that selling lies can work. Especially when mixed in with racist dog whistles.
The fact that some of you kept reading after he listed the environment first makes me worry about you.

It’s one of the most advanced states of Boomer Brain on the boards - it’s fascinating like a fatal car crash.
Put aside the Candidate. He’s a disaster. But Pubs have better solutions to;

1. Environment
2. Law Enforcement
3. Military
4. Foreign Affairs
5. Criminal Justice
6. Economy
7. Taxes
8. Education
9. Infrastructure.

Where we f’ed up. (Or could do better, in my opinion)
1. Second Amendment (gun legislation)
2. Healthcare (specifically less limitations on abortion, planned parenthood)
3. Border Security/Immigration (We need better policies, not walls)

Like I said, a Pub who didn’t have its head up its ass and campaigned on the “issues”, in my opinion, could have won.

Good grief.
Put aside the Candidate. He’s a disaster. But Pubs have better solutions to;

1. Environment Burning it down is a shitty policy
2. Law Enforcement Fascism is a shitty policy
3. Military Fascism is a shitty policy
4. Foreign Affairs Isolationism And cozying up to dictators is a shitty policy
5. Criminal Justice Different standards of justice based on wealth and race are shitty policies
6. Economy Creating a class of oligarchs is a shitty policy
7. Taxes Taxing the poor more than the rich is a shitty policy
8. Education Destroying Public Education in favor of right wing indoctrination factories is a shitty policy
9. Infrastructure.Letting the nation’s infrastructure crumble is a shitty policy

Where we f’ed up. (Or could do better, in my opinion)
1. Second Amendment (gun legislation)
2. Healthcare (specifically less limitations on abortion, planned parenthood)
3. Border Security/Immigration (We need better policies, not walls)

Like I said, a Pub who didn’t have its head up its ass and campaigned on the “issues”, in my opinion, could have won.
I mean I thought it was just commonly accepted that the Pubs punt on the environment in favor of economic development. To say their environment plan is superior is just... very question
I don't live in the suburbs. And I'm not in my 60's. But if you want to come into the city and meet with me the next time you're in town I'll be happy to take you out for a beer.

Thought you said you had grandchildren so I just assumed. Anyway congrats on the other two.
Wake up; all the Dems have on the environment is a wish list of things with no way to pay for them.
Green New Deal, my ass.
Upgrade 4 million buildings & 2 million homes.....hysterical.
Invest $1.7 trillion over 10 years for “climate & environmental justice.

If you think GND is expensive man I can’t wait for the bill to come for the climate apocalypse
Also I don’t want to only talk shit, I quite like Minneapolis, DeacMan. Hell of a city.
It's almost as if you don't actually read the words as written, almost. Again, Biden fucked up the delivery of his message. His actual position is consistent with a long term move away from fracking. I know that. The family whose livelihood depends on fracking and the local economy of his town as well, you better believe they're prone to be scared. So how the fuck you deliver the message matters. And yet somehow Biden couldn't make his actual position clear on debate night.

That's the point. Nothing else.

It’s almost as if people don’t listen to the words that Biden says and writes but instead believe the words attributed to him by Trump and the media.
It’s so funny to me that Harris can tweet “Biden won’t ban fracking” and DeacMan is like “he needs to support fracking more”

It’s an underwater issue in Pennsylvania for fuck’s sake


Environment (Spending trillions and having no plan how to raise the $$ - sucks.)
Law Enforcement (Defunding the police- sucks)
Military (Decrease overall military spending- sucks)
Foreign Affairs - (Rejoining the Iran deal- sucks)
Criminal Justice (Eliminating the death penalty-sucks)
Economy (Strengthen unions- sucks)
Taxes (Increasing capital gain taxes- sucks)
Education (Free public colleges and universities with no way to pay for it- sucks)
Infrastructure (Green New Deal and no way to pay for it -sucks)

Environment (Spending trillions and having no plan how to raise the $$ - sucks.)
Law Enforcement (Defunding the police- sucks)
Military (Decrease overall military spending- sucks)
Foreign Affairs - (Rejoining the Iran deal- sucks)
Criminal Justice (Eliminating the death penalty-sucks)
Economy (Strengthen unions- sucks)
Taxes (Increasing capital gain taxes- sucks)
Education (Free public colleges and universities with no way to pay for it- sucks)
Infrastructure (Green New Deal and no way to pay for it -sucks)

Oh good lord.
DeacsPop seems like proof that white boomers did not need to be smart to make enough money to retire to a nice golf community. It was enough to just be mediocre, white and at least lower middle class and you were in the right historical place at the right time.
DeacsPop seems like proof that white boomers did not need to be smart to make enough money to retire to a nice golf community. It was enough to just be mediocre, white and at least lower middle class and you were in the right historical place at the right time.

And like your generation to think you’re smarter than everyone else.
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If you think GND is expensive man I can’t wait for the bill to come for the climate apocalypse

The current pandemic should be a nice preview of what happens when experts predict something is going to happen, it’s ignored, planning is dismissed, and disaster ensues. However magnify it by like 1000 and you have the impact climate change will have.