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2021 Republican Coup (Practice Run)

guess it depends which state the friend is in but firing someone for political views

In most states, you can fire someone for that. But as Captain mentioned, you would obviously not do that in practice.
especially as it's described - bringing the employee into the room and asking him to denounce violence that he may not have had a part in

i'm neither a lawyer, nor was I present so happy to admit I don't know/have all the facts
I couldn't disagree more. Considering at least 40-50% of the Pubs who voted for the SOB only did so cause the hate Dems.....

He wouldn't get more than 20-25% of what he got in November.

Of 5 Trump voting in-laws I know, 4 are with him as much as ever. 1 has turned, but I do not think she would vote for Biden. She might stay home or go third party.

Losing 1 out of 4 voters would be significant. I doubt it is that high though unfortunately.

Are you saying Trump would lose 75-80 percent of his voters? Not even close.
Of 5 Trump voting in-laws I know, 4 are with him as much as ever. 1 has turned, but I do not think she would vote for Biden. She might stay home or go third party.

Losing 1 out of 4 voters would be significant. I doubt it is that high though unfortunately.

Are you saying Trump would lose 75-80 percent of his voters? Not even close.

Yes, I think that every day people absorb more of what he (and his supporters) did last Wednesday, the more alienated he (and they) become.
The Worm has turned.
That's one of the overlooked aspects of their argument. They kept throwing out raw numbers of votes - 10,000 were from out of state, 8,000 were under 18, 25,000 were received after election day - but the underlying assumption seemed to be that every single one of the "questionable" ballots was a vote for Biden/against Trump.

To be fair, the premise of the argument is not all of those ballots were votes for Biden/against Trump, but rather that the existence of any fraud means the whole election is suspect and should be thrown out.

As to buckets' point, it is entirely possible that the reason Trump is so convinced that Biden cheated is that Trump himself cheated and still lost, so he concludes that other side must have cheated even more bigly.
there's a guy in my town who owns a small gun shop on the main drag. has a 3 percenter flag out all the time; all sorts of gun nut/survivalist stuff on his windows. his house had about 20 trump signs and one of those trump flags with trump standing on a tank with a machine gun, even after the election.

he yanked every sign/flag overnight of the 6th
there's a guy in my town who owns a small gun shop on the main drag. has a 3 percenter flag out all the time; all sorts of gun nut/survivalist stuff on his windows. his house had about 20 trump signs and one of those trump flags with trump standing on a tank with a machine gun, even after the election.

he yanked every sign/flag overnight of the 6th

That's good stuff. I do think there will be some Joe Walsh and David Jolly types who will go from bile-spewing to reasonable seemingly overnight, but not many of them.
there's a guy in my town who owns a small gun shop on the main drag. has a 3 percenter flag out all the time; all sorts of gun nut/survivalist stuff on his windows. his house had about 20 trump signs and one of those trump flags with trump standing on a tank with a machine gun, even after the election.

he yanked every sign/flag overnight of the 6th

it's a good example - did he pull them out of disgust, or to go further underground?
there's a guy in my town who owns a small gun shop on the main drag. has a 3 percenter flag out all the time; all sorts of gun nut/survivalist stuff on his windows. his house had about 20 trump signs and one of those trump flags with trump standing on a tank with a machine gun, even after the election.

he yanked every sign/flag overnight of the 6th

visibility is a p frequent talking point in extreme-right circles

dude might of went deeper tbh
when Joe Biden's secret police come knocking you're not gonna want to have Trump signs out
Here’s a question. If another election was held today and everyone voted on Nov 3 voted again... how many people would still vote for Trump in light of the events these last two months? My guess is he would retain 90%+ of the people who originally voted for him.

I don't think there's much doubt that he would get around 90% of his vote anyway. I do think enough votes would switch to put NC in serious jeopardy, and Biden's victory margins in PA, MI, WI, GA, and AZ would likely be larger, but other than NC I would bet that Trump would carry pretty much every state he won in November. Just can't vote for baby-killing, ghey-supportin, socialist Jeezus-hatin Democrats, even if it does mean having a fascist government and no democracy for maybe twenty or thirty years.
yeah, but it's only a very few people who are being silenced. No one is taking Joe Sixpack off Twitter or Facebook, but he'll have to deal with (gasp) people who disagree with him. The only people I have heard of being "silenced" are Trump and the rest of the felons, and that has been a long-time consequence of committing federal and/or violent crimes.

Employees getting fired will lose these cases so long as the employers document the files well. Labor attorneys should clean up for the next few months.

Rubes have been whining about getting fact-checked. They really don't like facts.
Also, keep in mind that a solid proportion of Trump's voters are getting most of not all their information from the perspective of FOX, Newsmax, and OANN. They may know shit went down on Wednesday but have different opinion of it.

I tend to agree that he'd perform worse but not by much. The people who have flipped on him likely already knew he was full of shit but figured that voting for him was in their best interest for one reason or another. The ones that believe he was the rightful winner of the election are going to have a much, much softer view of his actions, if not a willingness to excuse them entirely and blame democrats.
I couldn't disagree more. Considering at least 40-50% of the Pubs who voted for the SOB only did so cause the hate Dems.....

He wouldn't get more than 20-25% of what he got in November.

I know I've busted your chops a lot, but in all seriousness...how many times do his idiot supporters need to prove they are lunatics before you stop thinking rational behavior is going to set in?