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A thread about truckers

There isn't much Whiskeytown on YouTube, so a Spotify link will have to do. There are many songs about truckers, but this is the best one.

Whiskeytown – Theme For A Trucker

So you're a trucker
Hard driver
Mr. king of the road
Feelin' lonely
Drinkin' coffee
She had only ever known
Drove a lot today
Was it yesterday?
Just a memory you know
You can't dilute it
Or see to it
Roll through it
You head home
I was on the outskirts of a little southern town
Tryin' to reach my destination before the sun went down
The old CB was blarin' away on channel 1-9
When there came a little boy's voice on the radio line

And he said, "Breaker 1-9, is anyone there?
Come on back, truckers and talk to Teddy Bear"
Well, I keyed the mike and said, "You got it, Teddy Bear"
And a little boy's voice came back on the air

Appreciate the Breaker who we got on that end
I told him my handle and then he began
Though I'm not supposed to bother you fellows out there
Mom says, you're busy and for me to stay off the air

But you see I get lonely and it helps to talk
'Cause that's about all I can do, I'm crippled and I can't walk
I came back and told him to fire up that mike
And I'd talk to him as long as he'd liked

"This was my dad's radio", the little boy said
But I guess it's mine and mom's now, 'cause my daddy's dead
Dad had a wreck about a month ago
He was tryin' to get home in a blindin' snow

Mom has to work now to make ends meet
And I'm not much help with my two crippled feet
She says not to worry that we'll make it alright
But I hear her cryin' sometimes late at night

You know there's one thing, I want more than anything else to see
Oh I know you guys are too busy to bother with me
But you see my dad used to take me for rides when he was home
But I guess that's all over now since my daddy's gone

Not one breaker came on the old CB
As that little crippled boy talked with me
I tried hard to swallow a lump just wouldn't stay down
As I thought about my boy back in Greenville Town

Dad was gonna take mom and me with him later on this year
Why I remember him sayin' someday
This old truck will be yours Teddy Bear
But I know now, I'll never get a ride on 18-wheeler again
But this old base'll keep me in touch with all my trucker friends

Teddy Bear's gonna back on out now and leave you alone
'Cause it's about time for mom to come home
But you give me shout when you're passin' through
And I'll surely be happy to come back to you

Well, I came back and I said, "Before you go 10-10
What's your home 20 little CB friend?"
Well, he gave me his address and I didn't once hesitate
'Cause this hot load of freight would just have to wait

I turened that truck around on a dime
And headed straight for Jackson Street 229
And as I rounded the corner, oh, I got one the heck of a shock
18-wheeler were lined up for three city blocks

I guess every driver for miles around had caught Teddy Bear's call
And that little crippled boy was havin' a ball
For as fast as one driver would carry him in
Another would carry him to his truck and take off again

Well, you better believe I took my turn ridin' Teddy Bear
And then carried him back in and put him down in his chair
And buddy if I never live to see happiness again
I want you to know, I saw it that day in the face of that little man

We took up a collection for him before his mama got home
And each driver said goodbye and then they were all gone
He shook my hand with a mile long grin
And said, "So long trucker I'll catch you again"

Well, I hit that Interstate with tears in my eyes
I turned on the radio and I got another surprise
Breaker 1-9, came the voice on the air
Just one word of thanks from mama Teddy Bear

We wish each and everyone a special prayer for you
'Cause you just made my little boy's dream come true
I'll sign off now before I start to cry
May God ride with you 10-4 and goodbye

Read more at http://www.songlyrics.com/red-sovine/teddy-bear-lyrics/#lqLFPBMGhJJXRA8u.99
We had a female driver a few years ago that drove during the day and prostituted in her truck at night. She was busted by another of our drivers. She was fired quickly. Hazmat team cleaned out the truck.
We had a female driver a few years ago that drove during the day and prostituted in her truck at night. She was busted by another of our drivers. She was fired quickly. Hazmat team cleaned out the truck.

Literally "moonlighting."
So it's....good? Not good? LOL.

And $70K isn't making "bank" although you can live well on it in the rural south and west. Get close to an urban area and that's #nomoney.

$70K with no rent/mortgage is a shit ton of money for most Americans.
From a rescue I follow on FB:
A year ago, Bradley the cat was hanging out in our kennels when Marc pulled up in a very big truck outside of AHS. It was love at first sight and they've been together every day since.

Marc is a professional trucker and Bradley is the purrfect companion for those long stretches of road.


Do you think they tag team lot lizards together?
$70K with no rent/mortgage is a shit ton of money for most Americans.

Earnings of the average household and $20,000 more than the median. That guy is firmly doing better than 2/3 of US households.
Just had a driver shit himself on the job at a customer location...again.
He's a fucking idiot. I have suggested pre-employment IQ tests numerous times to no avail. I did not want him on any of my accounts, but he was forced on me. Dumbass shit himself the 1st week on the job. At least he waited 3 months before doing it again. At this rate, I fully expect more shittery in September and December. His behind-the-back nickname was Forrest Gump. Now it is Shit Pants.
He's a fucking idiot. I have suggested pre-employment IQ tests numerous times to no avail. I did not want him on any of my accounts, but he was forced on me. Dumbass shit himself the 1st week on the job. At least he waited 3 months before doing it again. At this rate, I fully expect more shittery in September and December. His behind-the-back nickname was Forrest Gump. Now it is Shit Pants.

Didn't go for the obvious, "Forrest Dump"?
Out of curiousity, how are you aware that he shit himself? Was it in front of the customer, such that the customer called you and was like "hey bro, your boy just shit himself again"? Or did the driver himself readily broadcast that he wrecked his drawers on-site? I'm pretty sure that if I shat my pants at work, I would try to keep as low a profile as possible until I could get cleaned up, and then never mention it to anyone.
Straight up called and said he shit himself. He started to go into very specific details before I stopped him.

I had another driver shit himself on the way to work several years back. I remember exactly what he said, "I was trying my best to make it into work to use the restroom, but I hit a bump and messed myself." He actually walked up to me on the dock to tell me. I told him he had an hour to take his nasty ass home to shower and get back or the load in his pants was the last load he would bring to my dock.